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Is this a good jelq/pump routine?

Is this a good jelq/pump routine?

5 minute stretch
5 minute jelq at 75%
10 minute pump at 5-6hg
5 minute jelq
10 minute pump
5 minute jelq
5 minute stretch

Should I add in another jelq/pump or is this enough? Note: I’m not a newbie at pumping.

I would add one more 10 minute pump set. Magic seems to happen during that 3rd set as far as girth goes.

Ok, then I’ll finish it up with a 5 minute jelq, because it’s always a good idea to finish a pump session with jelqs. So it will look like this.

5 minute stretch
5 minute jelq at 75%
10 minute pump at 5-6hg
5 minute jelq
10 minute pump
5 minute jelq
10 minute pump
5 minute jelq
5 minute stretch

I’d be tempted to change your 5 min stretch at the end of your routine to 3 or 4 30 second base squeezes. But if your happier stretching ?

||looking for something to .... about||

Errr I’ll give you my reason behind that thought, I find it easier / more comfortable stretching fully flacid without any sort of after pump, pump.

||looking for something to .... about||

With this jelq/pump routine do you think 3 on 1 off is the best, or should I allow more rest like 1 on 1 off?

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