Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

A little story about girth

Originally Posted by Hog6.5
That lick is the cervix rubbing against your glans. Great girth fatman, hope to get there some day.

Thanks for the info!

At 5.3” girth, it looks like you don’t have far to go. That’s right about where I started just a couple of months ago, and I gained most of my girth almost immediately (likely just maximizing what was already available).

Originally Posted by beenthere
Well, when I was about 4 1/2 mid g and 4 3/4 base g I had an ex call me pencil dick. I think average is defintely more than 4 1/4 g. Surveys aren’t accurate, but they aren’t off that much either. IMHO

Your ex saying it doesn’t mean it was true - you’ve pretty well established my point: nobody wants to be that guy, and everyone has some reason why not.

But it doesn’t mean diddly in terms of real numbers.

I may be undershooting it a little, but if somebody held a gun to my head, I’d say no more than 4.5. I still believe 4.25 to be closer, but I could settle at 4.5. Trouble is, unless and until we can somehow do this right and get the word out, there will be a lot of us with complexes about pencil dicks. I really believe that perception of ourselves to be wrong.

Conversely, there’s no real data that says I’m right, either - other than circumstantial or hearsay, of which both sides have plenety.

Originally Posted by fatman7_6
Here’s a link to a very similar model with a picture, in case you’d like to compare. Same stuff, the one I saw was red.

edit: Is there any way I can put the address in without a link? Isn’t linking against the forum rules somehow?

At first glance I would just have said that it was a big dick. In light of the conversation though I studied the pic a little more and I’d say it was out of proportion, as if it’s been extended. That said, I’m often surprised when I see pics of really huge dicks (I mean impractically large) that they tend not to get much more girth to match. I don’t think it’s 2” diameter though, especially if the 9” claim is from tip to base rather than 9” usable.

Originally Posted by fatman7_6

As I’ve already stated, I don’t really buy the kinsey study, though it is likely the best of a bad lot. And while I won’t go so far as to say our PE bretheren lie about size, I will say they tend to measure on the generous side (i.e., 5 1/8” is 5 1/4”, etc). Even a little fudging on size from some of us completely skews the results when a large population is involved. The information is still valuable, but only in rough form. I don’t believe it to be meant as more than rough data though, so it has value to us provided we take it with a grain of salt.

I think size varies from day to day, so we just stick to our best measurements. Yesterday I was measuring 5.5” and it was the best I could do. Even though it was very solid, I was a little dissappointed since I felt I’d been making steady progress on girth lately, but not for long enough to change my stated girth to a higher number. Today I measured it at 5 11/16”, and I haven’t done any girth work for most of the week. Maybe tomorrow it’ll be back to 5.5” I don’t know, but there’s something going on with tissue stretch or resistance that I can’t quite put my finger on.

Originally Posted by fatman7_6

I forgot to answer your question from earlier regarding shape. It really is kinda vagina shaped. Heh. Head is round and full, shaft has a rounded top half and a slimmed, triangularish bottom half, with rounded edges of course. Cross section picture attached. Forgive my less than artsy representation, please.

I see now. It looks like the CS is very well developed.

Originally Posted by Shiver
At first glance I would just have said that it was a big dick. In light of the conversation though I studied the pic a little more and I’d say it was out of proportion, as if it’s been extended. That said, I’m often surprised when I see pics of really huge dicks (I mean impractically large) that they tend not to get much more girth to match. I don’t think it’s 2” diameter though, especially if the 9” claim is from tip to base rather than 9” usable.

I think size varies from day to day, so we just stick to our best measurements. Yesterday I was measuring 5.5” and it was the best I could do. Even though it was very solid, I was a little dissappointed since I felt I’d been making steady progress on girth lately, but not for long enough to change my stated girth to a higher number. Today I measured it at 5 11/16”, and I haven’t done any girth work for most of the week. Maybe tomorrow it’ll be back to 5.5” I don’t know, but there’s something going on with tissue stretch or resistance that I can’t quite put my finger on.

I see now. It looks like the CS is very well developed.

Your initial reaction was the exact same as mine: that’s a big one. And remember, I was able to see/feel it in person. I was 100% shocked when that thing measured out where it did. I think most of that shock comes from seeing my own from the topside (not my best angle), and comparing what I saw according to my own known measured girth. Weird.

Size does vary. I take measurements for three days - if I can’t duplicate a size on all three, I’m not there yet. I’m likely harder on myself than most in that respect, but I see no point in making a claim you can only hit once a week. Even our own girth poll is split into .200 (1/5” increments). For the sake of discussion, lets say that everybody put in what they measured on their best day. If we say 1/5” is a reasonable margin of error for self measure, and everyone measures on their best day, we basically knock every line in the poll down a peg. That puts > 50% of our own respondents below the 5” girth mark. Both of those assumptions are pretty reasonable.

Yep, the CS is very well developed, always has been. I’m hoping some gains can be made in the CC area. After having been here a little while, my focus has begun changing toward length. It seems easier for most to achieve, and I’m already borderline large in the girth area. While I’d like a full 6”, I can likely achieve that while focusing on length.

Well if the diameter of that thing is 2 inches then the “girth” would be approximately 6.3 inches, not 4.25.

Originally Posted by Bonky
Well if the diameter of that thing is 2 inches then the “girth” would be approximately 6.3 inches, not 4.25.

The diameter of it is nowhere near 2 inches. More like short of 1.5. The actual length is 7.

The numbers they give on the website are just insanely off target - to get nine inches length, it would’ve had to been measured from its jelly asscrack. :D

The point wan’t the claimed size, but the general reaction on seeing it in person. It looks reasonable enough, wouldn’t you say? Even above average when considered as a whole. But it really is pretty average in girth, even a little small, according to the other opinons here.

I don’t think 4.25” girth would fit in a normal size condom. And I doubt so many people would buy the ¨smaller¨ sized ones.

4.25 seems a little small for the average girth. Also it’s only a little less than my girth and I know I’m not average. If anything I believe the average girth is ~5.

Taken from the-penis-website

>You’ll find that for an adult, anything under 4.9 or 5 inches is less than average, and anything under 4.5 inches is quite rare, >because even short penises tend to be reasonably thick.

Originally Posted by john7grains
I don’t think 4.25” girth would fit in a normal size condom. And I doubt so many people would buy the ¨smaller¨ sized ones.

These models are used for demonstrating condom application, using regular sized condoms. They fit nicely.

Are they standard dildos or models specially made for demonstrating?

I would expect that for demonstrations they wouldn’t use anything too intimidating, or perhaps even undersize it on purpose(?)

Originally Posted by Shiver
Are they standard dildos or models specially made for demonstrating?

I would expect that for demonstrations they wouldn’t use anything too intimidating, or perhaps even undersize it on purpose(?)

Nope, they are literally the same model in the picture, just red in color. I think there are a couple of blue ones as well.

See, I figured they’d do the same thing - at least I would if I were in charge. But our educators have a bit of a sick sense of humor. Honestly expect they’d trot out the 12 inch black model if they thought they could get away with it, just for the effect. They are a weird bunch.

So no, not a special model - just garden variety that you can buy yourself. The suction cup on the bottom means you can stick it to a table/wall so applying the rubber is easy for one person.

Wow, gentlemen, I just had a revelation…

I’d always considered toilet paper roll big in girth as well as in length. I had seen photos of dicks with a roll on and though to myself, wow, I wouldn’t mind being big enough to fill that thing…

Originally Posted by fatman7_6
Then he asked what girth I was (he already knew my approximate length from previous discussions). I leaned over, scratched a mark at 5.75”, and laid the pencil down. His eyes got huge, he rolled the paper up into a tube, and just whistled. I gave him the little talk about the toilet roll tube, average girth, and was quite informational about things I’ve learned here.

After reading that paragraph, I god a bit suspicious and decided to try a toilet paper roll on. You see, I’m about 5.7” myself and thought that wasn’t enough to fill the roll. I got myself nice and hard and you can just imagine my amazement when I couldn’t fit the damn thing on. I quickly grabbed a ruller and it measured only 5.1” in girth and 4” in length.

It is funny how the toilet paper roll had always looked bigger to me…

oct\'04: nbpel 15.5 cm / 6.1", eg 14.5 cm / 5.7"

goal...: nbpel 20.0 cm / 8.0", eg 18.0 cm / 7.0"

Funny isn’t it Liet? Kinda cool, too. All the weird things you learn here at Thunder’s, and the world never knows… :D

It has to be more...

Fatman, you have no idea how much I wish 4.25” was the average girth then I would be way above average but I know that is not at all true. my girth midshaft is 5”. The base is only 4.5” and it looks soooo thin that am determined to get it to atleast 5.5”. That would be perfect to me. I have been with a couple of girls where I feel “lost” because I am so thin. I mean barely even feeling any friction. It is very discouraging. So I got to believe that the average is atleast somewhere in the 5” or slightly above area. I’d say that you should feel very blessed with your girth. It’s awesome. I wouldnt mind not gaining any length (Im at 6.25) if I could just get another .5” of girth. I think it’s much more desirable.

I have to agree with the comments about how much girth can have an affect on the overall appearance of dick size. I recently (about a month ago) did some “gay for pay” with an amateur website, and at ‘only’ 7x6 non bp erect, I was the biggest guy there out of 6 others. Everyone, the other guys acting, and including the site owner, and his camera crew were all in awe of my size flaccid or erect. It was a really cool feeling, and a nice reminder of how rare big girth really is.

It’s just simple fact. Sure, ‘average size’ on the length scale falls somewhere between 5 and 6.5” non bp erect…with 6.5” non bp obviously on the high end of ‘average’, and anything over 7” non bp is on the low side of common, it is still a LOT less common to see girth that measures at 6”+ or, to have a combination of 7” or more non bp erect length with 6”+ erect girth. Very rare. Kinda like a good lookin female who cooks AND cleans. It just doesnt happen often ;)


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