Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

A little story about girth


Hmm that strange… I’m between 5.5 and 5.75” girth and have never thought of that as large ? Seriously, what about is the average girth and how many % are above 5.5” girth ? what are you guys ?

Originally Posted by girthguy
“gay for pay”

What’s this?

The only power a woman has over you is that which you give her.

Originally Posted by Alrdybig
What’s this?

LOL, just what it sounds like. They pay you to ‘act gay’…perform gay sex acts. Whether it’s girl on girl, guy/guy that’s what it is.

Originally Posted by girthguy
LOL, just what it sounds like. They pay you to ‘act gay’…perform gay sex acts. Whether it’s girl on girl, guy/guy that’s what it is.

And I think our thread just took a turn for the weird… :D

To answer the other question, girth is a funny thing. Some have big base girth, and low head girth. Some are the same all the way down. Some are fat in the middle and small at the base.

Myself: 5.25+ just under the head (head is 5.5 and long), 5.75 mid, 6+ base. I’d love to get to a 6 mid measure, but have no real desire to increase my already large head size. I’d prefer something like a 2:1 or 3:1 ratio of length over girth gains from here one out, but there’s not much of a way to predict such.

My girth gains have been pretty uniform so far thankfully. I’m 6” most of my penis. Base is a little bigger around at 6.25”.

i’m about 5.4” around and I’d like to be about 6.5+”

Originally Posted by fatman7_6
Here’s a link to a very similar model with a picture, in case you’d like to compare. Same stuff, the one I saw was red.

edit: Is there any way I can put the address in without a link? Isn’t linking against the forum rules somehow?

Yes, you can uncheck the box that says “Automatically parse links in text” under Miscellaneous Options

But this link is OK.

From the studies I’ve seen, it seems though that girth varies much different than length. Lifestyles Condoms did a survey on girth and the bar graphs showed an inormal distribution when it came to results. About 33% of the guys researched were below that 4.5 mark that is said to be average with 17.1% being in that 4.25-4.5 range. Just think, if 11% of men are left handed then having a penis in that 4.25 to 4.50 isnt that uncommon. Theres really no exact average for girth but 4.25 isnt necessarily small.

Just to chime in on what was said before. I’m about 8 inches BP and 6 inches in girth (6.25 with a cock ring), and if I wear the cockring almost every girl I’ve been with has said it’s the biggest cock she’s seen… and I STILL feel small sometimes looking at it. Sometimes I’ll get a girl with small hands and it looks massive though. Anyway just thought I’d add that in.


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