Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

A new exercise (maybe)

A new exercise (maybe)

I don’t now if this exercise has been described before, but I couldn’t find any reference to it. This exercise is very intense and the pressure build up in the penis is very immense (you can really feel it expand).

1. First you need to get a rock hard erection, than manually clamp the base of your penis with your index finger and thumb, making an OK sign and palm facing up. So your balls should be in your palm. (I do this with my right hand). I also do a few kegels before clamping, this insures a rock hard and fully engorged erection.

2. with your other hand (left hand) make another OK sign with your thumb and index finger and grip your penis on the shaft right next to the first OK sign (the manual clamp) but this time palm facing down.

3. Gently squeeze the new Ok sign (left hand), you will feel a build up of pressure in your penis and will be able to see it physically expand.

4. You can now bring in the middle finger (of the left hand) and squeeze the underside of you penis with that too. The pressure will become greater, and you will notice a greater expansion.

5. Hold this position for a count of ten seconds. Than slowly release one finger at a time. As your penis gets a bit accustomed to the exercise, you can hold the position for a greater count (e.g. 15 then 20 seconds).

This exercise must not be performed by newbies as the pressure build up in the penis is very high. Also, anyone else trying this, does so at his own risk.

Revolution and I had similar ideas except we worked our way up to to glans.

My Head Exercise
Girthhead increasing idea

8 nbp| x |5.8"

Stats|:mwink: |Pics!

I can't stand Diet Coke. Does anyone know where I can see pics of a girl with a regular Coke can up her ass? - Chad66 (:

Yep…very similar. The main difference is that I dont release the first grip (tourniquet). Than use multiple fingers from the second hand. Really works for me.

I have done this in my squeeze routines in the past, I don’t know if this was ever an “exercise” per say.



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