Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

A New Exercise: The Spiral


Thanks Kbs83. Can’t believe anyone would buy something unuseful like that, sorry Mr. Lover.

Last edited by marinera : 05-03-2013 at .

DLD if anything is a good business man :)

Unuseful? For me it’s working really good anyway..

It’s okay marinera.. I know what you mean

Starting size: 7.48" X 5.51" Currently: 10.1" X 6.4"

Heat is the key!

Originally Posted by kbs83

DLD if anything is a good business man :)

He’s a charlatan.

Originally Posted by cantlook
$65 for that?! I think I have to agree with gerg.

$65 is no big deal in swedish money.. but the money is worth it for me to do the stretching exercises I don’t can with just my hands.. and that is an perfect tool to go a step further with my stretching..
I’m happy with it anyway..

After the 12 week routine I’m currently doing, I will do another 12 weeks with this exercise and see where it goes.

I honestly really see gains in this exercise, especially the guys that have been doing this a while and have turned there dicks into Adamantium Tanks.

Originally Posted by mr.lover
$65 is no big deal in swedish money.. but the money is worth it for me to do the stretching exercises I don’t can with just my hands.. and that is an perfect tool to go a step further with my stretching..
I’m happy with it anyway..

mr.lover I feel like your getting poked with sticks here, sorry about that. Most of us buy into stuff from time to time that we don’t need, Everyone’s done it outside of PE or inside.There’s shit in everyone closet gathering dust.

I see the use of the product its just that the same could have been done using household objects, Cylinders, tubes, poles and on and on. If your getting use out of it then great.

I think myself personally I don’t like DLD’s pockets being lined :)


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