Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

A New Exercise: The Spiral


A New Exercise: The Spiral

Well, at least I suppose it is new, since I’ve never seen it mentioned before. I tried to accomplish this exercise short after starting PEing, never being able to perform it; tonight, I don’t really know why, I managed to do it.

It is a pretty simple exercise: just take a thin tube (for me about 1” diameter works) and roll your penis around it, like a snake around a branch (see pic). Another way figure it out, is thinking to your penis doing a 360+ degree turn around the tube. The amount of stress is really high; you can even make it higher just bending your chest toward the ground, like you were doing a good morning, or attaching a weight to the tube. The exercise is performed at the best if the lever (the tube or stick or whatever) is held against the side of the penis. The great thing about this exercise is that it doesn’t fatigue your hands much and your arms even less. I think in no case the lever should be against the ventral side, since the amount of stress on the urethra is too much.


Last edited by marinera : 05-01-2013 at .

That is next to useless from any point-of-view in my experience. But, I suppose it feels kind of hinky and that can be fun.

Take anything and everything that DutyQuest has posted with a large grain of salt.

My penis is too small to do this exercise.

Then what? After you have roll it around that thin tube..

Are you just gonna have it rolled that way?

Are you gonna toll it then stretch it at the same time? What is it good for.. girth?

Excuse my stupid questions but what’s the point with this exercise?

Starting size: 7.48" X 5.51" Currently: 10.1" X 6.4"

Heat is the key!

Actually I’ve seen videos where some tribes people somewhere were doing exactly this sort of thing with their penis. Sometimes they wrapped it around their wrist. Sometimes on a piece of wood or fence. I’m not kidding. I’ve talked about this video before and others here have seen it. It’s still around the internet some place. The last place I remember seeing it was on a Dutch t.v show. These guys had ridiculous sized penises as well. Attaching heavy rocks to them. They were being stretched to absurd lengths.

Start: June, 2011 BPEL: 7.4" EG: 4.8"

Current: March 2015 BPEL: 8.1" EG: 5.1"

Goal: BPEL: 8.5" EG: 5.7"

surely stretching the flaccid penis along a curved path will stretch the tunica unevenly and therefore lead to curvature of the erect penis.

I suppose this is a stretch and hold?

Originally Posted by DutyQuest
That is next to useless from any point-of-view in my experience. But, I suppose it feels kind of hinky and that can be fun.

In ‘your experience’? :rolleyes:

Originally Posted by mr.lover


Excuse my stupid questions but what’s the point with this exercise?

Do you know what’s the point of a fulcrum stretch? This is like doubling the force that you can apply through a fulcrum stretch.

Yes, I get the idea of this exercise now.. it took a while :-D

Starting size: 7.48" X 5.51" Currently: 10.1" X 6.4"

Heat is the key!


Originally Posted by Mikey223

My penis is too small to do this exercise.

This is your first post so I suppose you are a newbie, so you shouldn’t attempt an exercise like that anyway; generally speaking though, not much lenght is required assuming the stick you are rolling on is thin enough, say 1/4”.

This spiral stretch is a misnomer since you can only do one full revolution of the pole before running out of dick length. Although, it’s hardly a useful variation on fulcrum stretching.

One stretch I do involves sitting in a chair at a desk and attach my dick to a spring balance attached to the underside of the desk. I can keep a watch at all times on the force used and apply fulcrum stretching using my fingers only, from below, the sides, and from above. I also try S shaped fulcrum stretches, basically a dual fulcrum stretch using thumb and forefinger. This seems to hit the tunica a bit harder. How you choose to attach your dick to the spring balance is up to you but as always I use a vacuum attachment.

Originally Posted by bogtrotter

This spiral stretch is a misnomer since you can only do one full revolution of the pole before running out of dick length…


yes, really, I’ve got 8 inches, but you must be hung like the proverbial donkey to make a spiral out of your dick. I can make about 1 1/2 revolutions, hardly a spiral.

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