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A Stretching


A Stretching


I’ve been trying this stretch out with the “Blasters” the past couple of days and really like the combination pull/stretch effect I am getting. However I have a few questions on the proper technique and was hoping to get some feedback here.

First off the general setup I’m using is is as follows:

(1) Using an overhand grip I hold and squeeze my penis at or just behind the head.

(2) Then I place my other hand/wrist directly under the shaft again palm down and reach up and grasp my wrist of the arm that’s holding my penis head.

(3) Then I pull forward with the hand holding the head and press up with the other hand/wrist creating a dual tension action.

(4) Hold using keggles/ reverses for up to five minutes and re-grip.

Does this sound about right?

My concern is that because I’m apply so much pressure at the head area I ‘m getting a little lack of sensitivity in the area just behind the head.

Is there another way of hold the head that eliminates this potential situation?


When performing the exercises should the tense be both upward and outward at the same time?

Thanks for the help,



I know I’m not DLD, but thats exactly how I’ve been doing the “Blasters” the past few weeks. The only difference is, I hold for 30 second sets, then alternate hands. I’ve been doing this stretch after I’m done with my manual stretch routine.

With the hand position overhand, rather than underhand, I feel like I’m putting my wrists in a less ackward position, and the tension I feel is great.

When performing the exercises should the tense be both upward and outward at the same time?

What I do is pull out has hard as I can(while relaxing), then hold it there. Then with the ligs extremely tight, I use my other hand to create the upward tension. Its very imporant to keep your other hand(the one creating the outward tension) secure. If the hand creating the outward tension is not pulled out to the max at all times during the stretch, then you’re not getting the full benefits of the exercise.

I look at it like this. You’re using the outward tension hand to stretch your ligs to the max. Then with the upward tension hand, you’re using it to stretch your ligs past your max limits.

"It doesn't matter where you start, it only matters where you end up."


Thanks for the good response. The five minutes is the maximum time I’ve been able to hold this stretch going back and forth between keggles and reverses with an occasional break as needed but still l maintaining the grip.

Are you grabbing the head or just behind the head, and if so are you having any issues with sensitivity or excess stress ? How are you avoiding the nerves in this area?

I’m assuming your in a flaccid state is this correct?

I really like this exercise and expect good results.


P.S. Rocky lives….


I grab at about midshaft, then do a light jelq til I reach just before the head, then hold my grip there. It puts some blood in the head, using it as an anchor. I like to have a little bit of blood in my penis, so that I can have a firm grasp of my head. I’d say I’m around 20-30% erect, while doing any type of stretching.

I haven’t had any problems with sensitivity/excess stress. Maybe because I only hold the stretches for 30secs.

"It doesn't matter where you start, it only matters where you end up."

Re: A Stretching

Originally posted by ledzep
(4) Hold using keggles/ reverses for up to five minutes and re-grip.

Hey Zep, That is a hell of a long hold!

The way I do it is 5 second PC squeeze then a 5 sec PC Reverse Keggle. On the Reverse Keggle I increase the tension to max. I do 50 sets of these.
the Total workout takes about 20 minutes. Try it like this and tell me what you think. I am so happy your getting the “A” stetch, that was a perfect description.

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple


Thanks for the response. I’m a little concerned about the location of the pressure point just behind the head. Maybe if I cut back the hold time I won’t run into a problem here.

I’m thick boned and can’t really grasp any lower on the shaft right now, maybe if I can add an inch more or so this will be possible.

If you don’t mind me asking what is the optimum hardness for this exercises? What do you supplement and when for girth? For example H-meisters in the same routine, or at a different session?


Originally posted by ledzep
If you don't mind me asking what is the optimum hardness for this exercises? What do you supplement and when for girth? For example H-meisters in the same routine, or at a different session?

They should be done totally flacid. For girth I work DLD Bends into my jelq session in a sort of superset. At every 100 jelqs. I do a 30 Bend folled by a 30 second horse.

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

Re: Re: DLD

Originally posted by doublelongdaddy
At every 100 jelqs. I do a 30 Bend folled by a 30 second horse.

Do you mean a 30 second DLD bend when you say “I do a 30 Bend folled…”?

You must have been real tired when writing this post :chuckle:

Oh, and with the horses, it there a limit to when you know that too much pressure is enough before you bust a vein?
__Can this and what else can happen if you put too much pressure during stuff like horses?

Loved going to Cuba! :)

I'm surprised that Americans can't go because their government says they can't!

Re: Re: Re: DLD

Originally posted by cascade

Do you mean a 30 second DLD bend when you say “I do a 30 Bend folled…”?

You must have been real tired when writing this post :chuckle:

Oh, and with the horses, it there a limit to when you know that too much pressure is enough before you bust a vein?
__Can this and what else can happen if you put too much pressure during stuff like horses?

My Bad…what I meant to say is a 30 second DLD Bend followed by a 30 second horse. As far as the horse is concerned I don’t think you really need to push the intensity to the level, I think a fairly moderate pleasure is all that is needed. I put most of the intensity into the jelqs. and bends. The horse is really just a precursor or a massage in a sense preparing my joint for the next round.

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple



So what your saying is basically you have two basis setups;

One primarily for length that includes the DLD/ “A” Stretch blasters and one for girth the includes the bends and H- Squeezes combined with jelqing.

The Blaster program is 50 keggles 5 seconds each pulling straight up followed by the “A” Stretch blasters combining 5 second keggles with 5 second reverses for 50 reps each.

The girth program includes up to 700 jelqs with 30 bends each 30 seconds in duration performed every 100 jelq reps followed by one 30 second H- squeeze.

Where does the Viagra intake come in? It would seem that this would be pre girth workout correct?



Re: followup

Originally posted by ledzep

So what your saying is basically you have two basis setups;

One primarily for length that includes the DLD/ “A” Stretch blasters and one for girth the includes the bends and H- Squeezes combined with jelqing.

The Blaster program is 50 keggles 5 seconds each pulling straight up followed by the “A” Stretch blasters combining 5 second keggles with 5 second reverses for 50 reps each.

The girth program includes up to 700 jelqs with 30 bends each 30 seconds in duration performed every 100 jelq reps followed by one 30 second H- squeeze.

Where does the Viagra intake come in? It would seem that this would be pre girth workout correct?



in addition to this I also do about 2 hours of Fowfers followed by a second set of Blasters. You got everything right with the exception of the first part of the Blasters. I do 100 warm up squeezes straight up. Viagra fits into the picture after the first set of Blasters in the AM I take a dose and by the time I arrive at work it has started to work, this is when I do my Jelq and Bend session.

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

Instead of positioning my hands and wrists as described, could I not just put a cylindrical object under the base of my shaft as a fulcrum for an “A” type stretch? Like say, an empty bottle of vitamins or something? Pulling with one hand, pushing “up” with the empty bottle?

Yeah. I think that I’m actually long enough now to do the A stretch, but it’s weird. It looks like I’m wearing a cock-bracelet on my wrist. I can get a better stretch with the “A” than with a can or vitamin bottle, especially while doing the blasters.

Will the A stretch or similar stretches ever create a downward hook curve in the shaft over time? I guess you can always reverse it too, no? Just wondering.

Same here!

Originally posted by Prickle
Yeah. I think that I'm actually long enough now to do the A stretch, but it's weird. It looks like I'm wearing a cock-bracelet on my wrist. I can get a better stretch with the “A” than with a can or vitamin bottle, especially while doing the blasters.

Will the A stretch or similar stretches ever create a downward hook curve in the shaft over time? I guess you can always reverse it too, no? Just wondering.

The cock braclet thing happens to me too :)
I can sort of get the “A” stretch and thought that the ‘cock braclet’ thing was not a good part of the “A” stretch.
I minght try to do it this way now.

With the downward hook thing, well DLD had been doing them far a good amount of time and I think he would have abandoned the Blasters if anything like this occoured.

Loved going to Cuba! :)

I'm surprised that Americans can't go because their government says they can't!

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