Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

A year of pe with no gains, going to start over again with monkeybars products!!


It is important that all newbies know that many people don’t seem to gain and many more stall after obtaining newbie gains. I think that it is important to accept what you have and to keep developing PE. I get upset when I read that guys thought that they are the only ones who don’t gain because I have been there myself and that is a horrible feeling.

We will figure this out though. It is just a matter of time before everyone can gain easily. But we have to accept the current status of the art and keep thinking about how to grow!

I’m not sure how many guys have developed blisters, but I think 20 minute sets are the max for me. I also may try the larger head unit I have. I was on the line between large and extra large when I ordered and the head appears a bit larger now, so that may also have contributed to the problem.

Penismith, nice comments. Yes, it is a horrible feeling and one that gets exacerbated whne we continually hear of others gains but one must keep positive.

Mr F….oh I wish I had your concern about getting too long!

And GonaB, I too get ‘blisters’ when hanging but I don’t get too concerned as they seem too subside very quickly. I question whether they are actually blisters (like you get on your feet from wearing too large a shoe). Anyway, the Vacu Hanger sounds interesting and if it’s more comfortable than the Wenchette or my other home made hanger, I will have to look at it.


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