About smooth muscle.
I have an idea about why some people need more jelqs while some get the same results with less.
As I read in TGC theory, smooth muscle are responsible for girth (that’s what you can briefly deduce).
Hence, as with all muscles, they can be two types- either fast-twitch or slow-twitch. Therefore someone with fast-twitch dominant fibers in their penises need less jelqs for them to grow and vice versa for slow-twitch dominant person.
In bodybuilding these fiber types can be estimated by using a certain percentage of your one repetition maximum weight for different muscle groups. Or it can be done by biopsy (can’t imagine who would do that for bodybuilding reasons :D ). Well anyways, you can’t do that in PE to get a idea of your smooth muscle fiber composition. Therefore my hypothesis is that erection “speed” (?) might be an indicator ?? For example I can get an erection almost instantly (I do about 30 jelqs per workout. When I did 150, I ran into overtraining already after my first workout), but some people might need to stimulate and the erection comes slower ??
These are only my assumptions, and maybe observations. I have absolutely no clear evidence to prove or scientifically support it !! I might as well be completely wrong so..
I need your opinion/information/thoughts about it ! Please ! :)