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accomplishing girth and venous valves

accomplishing girth and venous valves

After reading up on some girth exercises and doing some squeezing and horses on my own, I have often wondered if it is possible to damage the tiny valves in the veins of the penis that help to keep blood from flowing backwards. Also, if I am not mistakened, there are furthermore tiny valves at the base of the penis that aid in keeping an erection firm. I had begun my girth exercises by clamping tightly at the base with one hand during an erection, and using a small ok grip with the other hand, slowly sliding it DOWN the shaft until it came in contact with the other hand (horses). in theory this would push blood back down the vein until it comes in contact with the tiny valves. In doing these exercises, I have attained such a tremendous pressure, I often wonder what is happening anatomically to these valves. Are they strong enough to hold the pressure? Need I be concerned at all? I have recently changed up my girth exercises, using an ok grip, to go from the clamped hand UP to the glans. Essentially this is a horse in reverse. I figure that this puts less pressure on the venous valves. I still get a lot of pressure, however, a lot less than when I slide DOWN the shaft. Any input from y’al would be appreciated.



I never did the “Horses” down the shaft, only up towards the glans. But I know about the pressure you’re talking about.

In the Members Pic section there are some diagrams of the penis. Check them out. Right off the bat, I don’t know if you’d sustain any severe damage to the vessels down at the base. I’ll see if I can find info on it, though.

Make it huge....!

Uncut4Big / Mike

An erection is maintained not by valves in the veins, but by the veins being compressed between two layers of fascia. At ejaculation an even harder erection is attained by the contraction of the bulbocavernosus and ileocavernosus muscles.

By squeezing the base of your penis you are putting pressure on the corpora cavernosa contained within the tunica albuginea. The extra pressure is much like that generated by the BC and IC muscles at ejaculation. The added pressure from above (your other hand) creates even more pressure on the tunica and, hopefully, causes it to expand to the point of micro injury and the repair of that injury is what helps it get larger.

So, to answer the question, you aren’t creating pressure against venous valves. The veins are already compressed when you get a “normal” erection. The pressure from the Horse squeezes is basically directed at the tunica.

Caution: Anyone attempting extreme erect exercises should have several months of PE behind them and be very slow and careful when starting these dangerous techniques.

<<So, to answer the question, you aren’t creating pressure against venous valves. The veins are already compressed when you get a “normal” erection. The pressure from the Horse squeezes is basically directed at the tunica. >>

Westla, thanks for your input. So when I am doing simple squeezes, for instance, when I am clamped at the base and adding a tight grip on midshaft, pressure is created at the tunica. Simultaneously, however, I notice that the veins (one large vein really, just right of the dorsal midline) seemingly bulge between grips. While I may not be causing any harm to venous valves, does this also serve to stretch the walls of the veins, making them resiliant too?

Furthermore, for the super gainers, as the penis is getting gradually larger, it makes sense to me how the microtears heal thus adding extra tissue and ultimately extra length (or girth). But what is happening to the urethra? I believe this is composed of different tissue. Does the rebuilding theory hold for this as well?

Just a few thoughts that have come to mind lately while attempting gains. I really enjoy the detailed anatomical/physiological theory I get from this site.



Thanks, Westla….

Couldn’t have said it better myself. Great explanation!

Make it huge....!

Uncut4Big / Mike

Originally posted by koknballz
So when I am doing simple squeezes, for instance, when I am clamped at the base and adding a tight grip on midshaft, pressure is created at the tunica. Simultaneously, however, I notice that the veins (one large vein really, just right of the dorsal midline) seemingly bulge between grips. While I may not be causing any harm to venous valves, does this also serve to stretch the walls of the veins, making them resiliant too?

There are two levels of veins (see attached diagram). One is under the skin, the superficial dorsal vein that you are talking about, and the other is under the fascia (the deep dorsal vein). The deep dorsal vein and its tributaries are the ones compressed between fascial layers resulting in an erection. The superficial vein does receive some of the pressure you’re creating and it probably does grow some. I know in my own case my penile veins are much more prominent since I started doing PE exercises. Are they more resilient? Perhaps, but be aware that this is the vein most often involved when someone has a vein injury (like thrombosis).

Furthermore, for the super gainers, as the penis is getting gradually larger, it makes sense to me how the microtears heal thus adding extra tissue and ultimately extra length (or girth). But what is happening to the urethra? I believe this is composed of different tissue. Does the rebuilding theory hold for this as well?

I’m sure it grows like the rest, especially with manual stretching or hanging techniques. I haven’t heard of anyone here who has had significant gains yet had a shortened urethra.

Illustration from Gray’s Anatomy online.

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I get it now. It hadn’t occured to me that there were veins below as well as above the tunica. Thanks.


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