accomplishing girth and venous valves
After reading up on some girth exercises and doing some squeezing and horses on my own, I have often wondered if it is possible to damage the tiny valves in the veins of the penis that help to keep blood from flowing backwards. Also, if I am not mistakened, there are furthermore tiny valves at the base of the penis that aid in keeping an erection firm. I had begun my girth exercises by clamping tightly at the base with one hand during an erection, and using a small ok grip with the other hand, slowly sliding it DOWN the shaft until it came in contact with the other hand (horses). in theory this would push blood back down the vein until it comes in contact with the tiny valves. In doing these exercises, I have attained such a tremendous pressure, I often wonder what is happening anatomically to these valves. Are they strong enough to hold the pressure? Need I be concerned at all? I have recently changed up my girth exercises, using an ok grip, to go from the clamped hand UP to the glans. Essentially this is a horse in reverse. I figure that this puts less pressure on the venous valves. I still get a lot of pressure, however, a lot less than when I slide DOWN the shaft. Any input from y’al would be appreciated.