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Can I lose girth with stretching only routine

Can I lose girth with stretching only routine

Hello everyone, I’m new to PE, but I am checking this forum at least for a year, and I have learn a lot about PE in that time (theory). Even though I searched about that problem on this forum, I am still not sure about it, so I will ask you straight:

Can I lose girth if doing stretching routine only for a while and NO jelqs at all?

Just for information - it’s not that I want length before girth or something, but I’m just really scared of hurting myself somehow and get venous leakage or some crazy shit like that, cause that 1 cm (cca. 1/2 inch) of extra girth I would like to have some day wouldn’t be worth fucking up my dick, which is not so small at all (well, I’m not big, but not small either I think).
I was thinking about starting with a slow stretching routine at first, and then when I become more familiar with PE in practice, I would start jelqing and other stuff.

And just to let you know - I think you guys here are awesome, with all the advice and all. It was Thunders where I learn about kegels and I do them regularly now - the results are pretty cool. I have to thank you just because telling me about kegels. :)

I’m sorry if that problem was solved in some other thread but I wasn’t able to find any clear thoughts about it.

So what do you guys think about stretching routine only?
Thank you for your time and answers.


Guys, I just found this via "Similar threads".. (It’s so embarrasing, I didn’t find anything like it before even though I have been searching this forum like a lunatic :D )

Stretching can affect girth gain?
Can stretching decrease girth

But this is more than 2 years and a half (one is even 5 years!) old, any new experience and/or views about the problem since then?


Most length exercises seem capable of giving some base girth. Both hanging and extender users often experience this. I think manual stretching (which is based on similar principles) could help base girth a bit as well (at least in theory). However, I have not heard much about this.

If you’re worried about losing girth, you could keep doing a less intense, scaled down version of your girth routine for maintenance only (cementing gains). You could take periodic measurements just to confirm your girth stays. And if you do experience girth losses, then when you’re ready you can increase the intensity again, regain what you lost, then scale your girth routine down again (rinse, repeat until you stop losing gains).

Just one more point of clarification: I have never heard of anyone losing girth due to length gains.

Last edited by blink2000 : 09-25-2010 at .

^^^what he said.

You should be fine with length only / stretch only routine. Believe me, you will WANT to mix it up in a while with some jelqing when you see results. It sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders and have done your homework. Be safe and do what feels right - you’ll figure it out OK.

My journey .... My pics

Start BPEL 6.50" x MSEG 5.00"

Now BPEL 7.625" x MSEG 5.25"

You do not need to concern yourself with losing girth, it will not happen in your situation. People that lose some girth have gained a lot of length, usually over 1.5 inches. When you are starting you can only gain everywhere, so do not sweat it and just stretch it.

Gained ~0.25” of base girth with stretching-only routine.

Starting Size: April, 28, 2010: NBPEL-7" Girth-6" (base, MSG, glans)

Currently: BPEL-8" NBPEL-7.25" Girth-6.25" (base)/6.125" (MSG)/6.125" (glans)

Originally Posted by bohm

Gained ~0.25” of base girth with stretching-only routine.

Thank you bohm… that confirms at least what I thought I had heard about manual stretching (that it can increase base girth).

Originally Posted by onenekkidguy

You should be fine with length only / stretch only routine. Believe me, you will WANT to mix it up in a while with some jelqing when you see results. It sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders and have done your homework. Be safe and do what feels right - you’ll figure it out OK.

I agree: I hear with a manual routine that girth work before manual stretching actually helps you get a better Tunica stretch. I wonder if anyone else has heard the same thing.

Guys, thank you very much for your responses. I lost my “fear” and just did my first real PE session today. I just did ordinary manual stretching - newbie routine, but I stayed away from jelqing. Here I have three more questions about my PE plan:

First, do hot wraps HAVE TO be on your penis for 5 min to have any effect on your stretching or this 5 min is just recommended time? I do stealth PE (as much as possible :) ) and if I could reduce the time for each hot wrap down to 2min 30s this would save me 5 min of time, spent in the bathroom.. Is 2min 30s of hot wraps at the beginning and at the end better than nothing or should I have 5 min hot wraps or nothing?

Second, since I don’t do any jelqing (I’ll do it when I become more familiar with PE), could I do more stretches? To explain, newbie routine starts with 5 min of stretching and in 6 weeks time you should increase the time spent stretching to 10 min per session. So, is it fine for me to do maybe 7 or 8 min of stretching now and after 6 weeks maybe 15 min of stretching per session?

Third, is it OK to do the “kegel-part” of session throughout the day?


You do not have to hot wrap at all if you do not have time, I have never hot wrapped in 5 years and I am huge. It just feels good so people do it.

To answer some of your questions:
-You should warm up at least 5 minutes to reduce injury risk and make your tunica a bit more elastic (anecdotal evidence suggests a 5 minute warmup may help with gains too, especially for new guys). I usually warmup for a full 20 minutes (or 10 minutes if I’m in a ‘rush’). I’m not doing stealth PE like you though, my wife supports me, so I guess that helps. I hear 5 minutes is a sufficient minimum, and less than that probably isn’t enough.

-Don’t skip the jelqing: I wouldn’t second-guess the newbie routine. Just try it then after you go a few months then consider adjusting it once you know more.

-Increasing intensity: adding a small % of increased intensity and repetitions, as well as the duration of the stretches can help. keep in mind if you’re sore more than 24 hours in a row, you probably overworked things a bit (and you should either reduce the repetitions or the intensity).

-My first response assumed previous PE experience. Since you’re just starting out, you don’t need to do anything to maintain your girth. I thought you had been doing girth exercises for a while and that you had made some gains. Apparently, that’s not the case (yet) ;)

Hi guys sorry for my absence, but my faculty is starting tomorrow so I had to arrange a lot of things during last days..

Thank you so much for your advice, I started newbie routine with kegels, “hardcore” stretching, and just a little bit of easy-slow-dry jelqing which I increase very slowly. I think I’m doing well at the moment, we’ll see how it’ll be a few months from now. =)

I also did hot wraps one time, but then I remembered something - isn’t like that heat can do some damage to your balls - in worst case you can’t have kids because of it. I read a few years ago that heated seats in cars are really bad for men’s testicles and that some part of population can’t have kids because of too much time spent in the cars on the heated seats. (Wouldn’t be hot wraps something similar to heated car seats?)

Anyone of you knows whether this is true or not? Do you consider this is a problem for doing hot wraps?

Thank you for replies


You do not have to worry about toasting your balls, this cannot happen without a concerted effort or a week in a 100 degree hot tub.

Honestly, just do a newbie routine for several months and see where it gets you. You don’t need to "overthink" especially at the beginning.

Two rules:

Listen to your body. If it wants rest, rest.

If it hurts, don’t do it.

Two articles that will help you throughout your PE career:

Physiologic Indicators (PIs) to help growth!
Warning! If you haven’t gotten improved erections:

Maybe you already read them.

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