Thunder's Place

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ADS vs. Stretching vs. Hanging

ADS vs. Stretching vs. Hanging

What are your preferences?

I’ve definately gained from my ADS. But I stretch and occasionally hang as well so the ADS can’t hog all the credit. Between all the various techniques, I can boast at least 3/4’s of an inch of length added due to my routine. What has shown you the most promise? Who’s actually gained length and can attribute it to a specific technique.

Let’s get a discussion going and see what this seasons favorite length builders are!
Maybe this will encourage all us neophytes.

ADS = 0

Stretching = 1/2”

Hanging = pushing 3/4”

Then (4.5 nbpel x 4.75 mseg)

Now (5.625 nbpel, x 5.25 mseg)

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