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All day heat

All day heat

I stumbled on this thread Huge success with the basic treaments!! - Peyronies Society Forums , it’s also discussed here Heat Packs - Peyronies Society Forums .

All day heat with hands warmers , an elastic hair tie or a velcro wrap.

Then one could add a soaked cloth underneath to benefit from moist heat. Any strip of cloth should do as the heat pack is maintained against the shaft by the hair tie or velcro wrap.

With the benefits of heat in PE already discussed ,the prospect of wearing those for hours before PE sessions is extremely tempting. They should be very beneficial for scar tissue too.

Looking forward at this thread.

By the way, this quote from Steveo in the link you posted … deserves some attention:

“One of my theories of a potential cause of peyronie's is that constant sitting (especially in a computer chair) tends to change the muscles in the pubic area and cuts off blood flow to the penis. Heat and exercise could help with that.”

Spent alot of time (years to be honest, along with other 8 years cycling) sitting in cheap office chairs, and so far so good.

About heat, maybe an cloth wrap around the penis (an sock maybe?) could elevate the temperature a bit, with discretion without adding too much volume to our pants.

Start 6.8” x 4.7” (4.9" BEG)

Latest 8.2” x 5.1” (5.3" BEG)

My pictures

Originally Posted by Useless

About heat, maybe an cloth wrap around the penis (an sock maybe?) could elevate the temperature a bit, with discretion without adding too much volume to our pants.

Well ,we are all here to add volume to our pants , but I want it to be legitimate, I see where you’re coming from.

I just love the way heat feels on my unit. That’s enough reason for me to use it as often as possible.

Looking forward to reading the article you posted Walter. Love the avatar!

My Progress Log With Pictures!

NBPEL: 6 inches MSEG: 6.25 inches

Goal: keep my curve and get to 7 x 7

How about one of those battery powered heated socks ?

Originally Posted by Jagger81
Love the avatar!

Cheers, pick one yourself, avatars do give a positive vibe to the forum, and add a bit more personnality .

Originally Posted by capernicus1
How about one of those battery powered heated socks ?

Would you care to share a link?

The thing with hothands warmers is they last very long and don’t require anything (so no need to charge batteries after a couple of hours) , they may end up being quite expensive though.

Mine are on the way hopefully I can apply them daily for hours to report back on how they feel.

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