Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Amazing Isometrics - expand gain potential and cut down PE duration

Hey Bird2,

I’ve been reading this hoemaster thing earlier in a thread, I just wonder if I could integrate it in my lastest routine:

6 min warm up (using water)
8-10 min 40 s x 2, manual streching (down, up, down left, down right)
120 wet jelq
amazing isometrics
80 dry jelq
warm down

or is it better to have it before the wet jelq part or after the dry jelq? Does it make any difference?

Congrats to your gains!

Gone cementing - Started (2005): 7.25 NBPEL 5.7 EGMS. 5 years later (2010): 8.25 NBPEL 6.3 EGMS. 8 years later, 3 years with no PE (2013): 8.1 NBPEL 5.9 EGMS

I have done these and experienced some length gains. I want to continue and see but the stretch is immediate and apparent. Just try them. All of a sudden at the end of a set (sometimes I do sets of 10 kegels with about 1-2 seconds in between) you will feel a serious tunica stretch. I also noticed that the outer penile tissue can decease in size all while the tunica continues a full length stretch. Anyway I have only done it 5 times but notice immediately. The key I believe is releasing for a couple seconds and bringing it back down repeatedly. Also I recommend not going perpendicular however I push slightly more then parallel. Thanks for the new exercise.

Originally Posted by Bird2

I have been using this technique for several months (5-6) now and I think it really has contribute to my gains (3.75 cm in length and 3 cm in girth in 10 months). This exercise isometrically expand the smooth muscle tissue in your penis and it constantly and continually expands the elasticity of the penile tendon. This expands your gain potential and cuts down the time to reach your gains!

Sounds really good bird! 2 Questions though:

1) How did you discover this; How much of your gains (% wise) do you think this process has given you? and,

2) Do you need a 100% rock-hard erection, or just hard (about 90-95%) erect?


Originally Posted by Swensk
Hey Bird2,

I’ve been reading this hoemaster thing earlier in a thread, I just wonder if I could integrate it in my lastest routine:

6 min warm up (using water)
8-10 min 40 s x 2, manual streching (down, up, down left, down right)
120 wet jelq
amazing isometrics
80 dry jelq
warm down

or is it better to have it before the wet jelq part or after the dry jelq? Does it make any difference?

Congrats to your gains!

I always do it after my routine. It gives benefits of doing it because your cock is larger just after your routine so it hits more area. I believe using it this way will keep the most gains.

I use this technique as my warm down. Because you get an erection it warms down anyway.

Originally Posted by Big Bendingo
I have done these and experienced some length gains. I want to continue and see but the stretch is immediate and apparent. Just try them. All of a sudden at the end of a set (sometimes I do sets of 10 kegels with about 1-2 seconds in between) you will feel a serious tunica stretch. I also noticed that the outer penile tissue can decease in size all while the tunica continues a full length stretch. Anyway I have only done it 5 times but notice immediately. The key I believe is releasing for a couple seconds and bringing it back down repeatedly. Also I recommend not going perpendicular however I push slightly more then parallel. Thanks for the new exercise.

Your welcome

Originally Posted by d_sut
Sounds really good bird! 2 Questions though:
1) How did you discover this; How much of your gains (% wise) do you think this process has given you? and,
2) Do you need a 100% rock-hard erection, or just hard (about 90-95%) erect?

1: I discovered it from a document I downloaded from a file sharing program. I think it definitely speeds up my gains. Because I have done different exercises I can’t say it exactly but I wouldn’t be surprised if it doubled my gains.

2: 100% erection.

Ok, I’m quiet slow, but I am rather interested in this technique it has really got my attention.

Alright so this is it right; get a full blown erection (after PE session), push on the head of the penis, so instead of the penis angling up, it is parallel or even a little more than parallel to the floor.

Kegel and hold kegel for 20 seconds, keeping the penis in the erect parallel position. Then let go, wait a minute or so and repeat again? Do it like 5 times?

Thanks bird


Originally Posted by d_sut
Ok, I’m quiet slow, but I am rather interested in this technique it has really got my attention.

Alright so this is it right; get a full blown erection (after PE session), push on the head of the penis, so instead of the penis angling up, it is parallel or even a little more than parallel to the floor.

Kegel and hold kegel for 20 seconds, keeping the penis in the erect parallel position. Then let go, wait a minute or so and repeat again? Do it like 5 times?

Thanks bird

You got it mate

That’s a fucking top technique there bird, tried it at the end of the last PE session I did a few hours back. Yeah this exercise caught my attention before because it sounded easy and quiet effective, plus I imagined by the way the exercise was described that it would actually do some nice stretching.

I am going to do these after every session from now on. The stretch, or the pressure felt at the base of the cock is actually quiet forcefull, because you are stopping your cock from going where it wants to go (up) during the kegel, and you can see the base of the penis move downwards with the pressure.

Is quiet intense and hard to really go past 20 seconds at a time anyway, but yeah, definitely bookmarking this one! Nice spot man Good work!


Originally Posted by grx
There is no muscle tissue in the human penis. Did you mean that this will expand the corpus cavernosa or tunica?

There is muscle tissue in the penis, bird2 is right.


Good stuff. I can definitely feel a good pressure on the bottom of my penis just after I release the kegel. I’m not sure yet if this is actually doing anything, but I will keep trying it and see what happens. I’m hoping this will also increase my erection stregth?

Did you get any increase in your erection strength from this technique bird?

Thanks for the technique bird!


Originally Posted by Mick

Good stuff. I can definitely feel a good pressure on the bottom of my penis just after I release the kegel. I’m not sure yet if this is actually doing anything, but I will keep trying it and see what happens. I’m hoping this will also increase my erection stregth?

Did you get any increase in your erection strength from this technique bird?

Thanks for the technique bird!


I don’t know exactly because I always did other techniques and never only this one.

I also noticed if I move my dick left or right, whilst holding the kegel and the penis parrallel, it also moves the stretch left or right. Would it be good doing that, or just keeping it in the one place?


Originally Posted by d_sut
I also noticed if I move my dick left or right, whilst holding the kegel and the penis parrallel, it also moves the stretch left or right. Would it be good doing that, or just keeping it in the one place?

It will probably benefit your gains but there is an increased risk of injury. Decide for yourself which is more important to you.

Originally Posted by Bird2
I have been using this technique for several months (5-6) now and I think it really has contribute to my gains (3.75 cm in length and 3 cm in girth in 10 months). This exercise isometrically expand the smooth muscle tissue in your penis and it constantly and continually expands the elasticity of the penile tendon. This expands your gain potential and cuts down the time to reach your gains!

Well Bird, how do we do this?:

Get an 100% erection to perform this exercise. Once you reach this take the palm of your hand, facing towards the floor and push it on the glans. Now, push your penis slowly and gently towards the floor. Go as far as you comfortably can go but push not further than parallel to the floor. Now slowly do a kegel. The important thing is to not to allow your hand to move by your penis as the penis tries to raise back up.

Once you attain that hold on for 20 seconds and release your hand and let the penis rise back up. I do a routine of 5 times 20 seconds with intervals of a minute. If you need more time to get an 100% erection that is ok.

I advice you to do this right after your work out so more expansion can be made and more gains can be kept.

Wow…this is almsot word for word of what DLD posted on MOS over two years ago…

What this exercise does is it Isometrically expands the smooth muscle tissue found in your penis and it consistently and continually expands the elasticity of the penile tendon making unlimited gains possible!

This exercise requires 100% erect to perform. Once you are erect, take the palm of your hand, facing towards the floor and cup it over the head of your penis. Now, slowly and gently, push your penis towards the floor. Go as far as you can comfortably go but not further than parallel to the floor. Very slowly, and with great care, begin to flex your PC Muscle by doing a Kegel. The object is to create a resistance between your hand and your penis. Once you make a good resistance Kegel against your hand hold for 10 seconds then slowly release your Kegel and allow your penis to rise back up by lifting your hand. Do 3 sets of these.
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