Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Amazing Isometrics - expand gain potential and cut down PE duration

Originally Posted by mrdstein
Wow, u da man, that is damn good bird2. Sorry to go off-topic in this thread. That is close to 2” in length and more than 1” in girth in just one year.

I know, I am very happy it worked out this way. With my rapid gaining I won’t be surprised to see my final goal of 22x17cm in May/June :) .

Originally Posted by kassit
Congratulations man! I’m glad that PE has paid off for you,and I’m sure you do too.

Thanks, yeah I am very happy now. Another gain PE has given me is determination and persistence, I won’t be surprised to value that even more on the long run.

5 minutes hot wrap
5 minutes manual stretch (ten 30-second stretches)
10 minutes of jelq (two hundred 3-second strokes)
5x20 seconds of amazing isometrics
50 kegels of five second holds each
5 minutes hot wrap

I was wondering putting this in the routine would be good?

Hey Bird,

This exercise is almost exactly what I like to do. Instead, I lie down in bed face up, so that instead of bringing my full erection parallel to the floor, like you do, I push it back so it’s perpendicular to my body(or as far as I can go - that’s comfortable). After it gets to the point where I can’t push it any further, I let go, letting it slap against my belly(as I do this, I kegel and hold for as long as it takes for me to push my dick back and let go).

Sometimes I’ll mix it up a bit by doing a kegel then traping the blood with a manual clamp and carefully move my hand up my shaft as I perform this move.

It feels great when my gf does it too!! :) She likes doing it for me and she has no idea what she is really doing lol.

Start: 7.2" BPEL, EG = 5"

Current: 7 7/8" BPEL, 7" NBPEL, 8" BPFSL, EG(midshaft) = 5 5/8"

Goal: 8" NBPEL, EG = 6.5"

I have read about this technique in the Hustler magazine back in ~1985/86. I did not think much of it then and have never tried it. It is amazing that somebody brought this up.

Bird2: interesting that this is coming around because this is basically what I’ve been turning to in the length part of my workout. I started doing variants of this because of a reccomendation in a rather ‘esoteric’ book on men’s sexual health by this guy, Mantak Chia.

In his length workout you get full wood, inhale deeply, grasp the pole as deep on the base as you can go, hold your breath (he calls it “locking” the breath), kegel, and then slide your tightly grasped hand an inch or two up the shaft (thus creating a jelq-like swell north of your grip). You then proceed to bend your dick over to the left thigh where you “beat it against the thigh” while breathing deeply and pulling outward. He reccomends beating your dick against your leg 36 times. You then repeat the process on the right thigh and then do it pointing straight out. This is then followed by pulling it out toward each thigh and rotating it clockwise (and then counter clockwise) in the same manner. I also do it down and up. I’ve started doing it for longer than I do my flacid stretches and length gains are still coming. In fact, this month (even though I’ll probably post a 1/8th inch length gain on my log) I’ve been able to measure a 1/4” gain a couple times.

I think the main thing to focus on with these exercises is a REALLY DEEP AND THOROUGH WARMUP and the fact that the majoity of the fatigue ends up being on your LIGS.

Under full erection strength the ligs are already pretty maxed out so that if you then apply a force to them which further stretches them….well, then you’re really hitting them. For this, you should heat them up really well.

And then there’s the matter of GRIP. When you’re doing flaccid stretches, there’s so much keeping you from getting a good grip and really stretching on those resistant, down deep ligs. However, when you’ve erect, and everything is taught, simply pushing in any direction that there is resistance GIVES A WELL FULCRUMED LINE OF FORCE UPON THE ROOT OF YOUR DICK (ligs).

Since I’m doing these every workout now I’ve started to really heat the base of my dick better too. I think that’s really important with these.

I also am less interested in the angle you’ve mentioned (straight down) than the straight out, left, right, and straight up positions as I kind of intuitively feel that emphasizing the straight down erect bend could affect erection angle/strength over the long run….but then, maybe the kegeling makes up for that.

Anyway, I’m with you Bird2- I feel these really work well if you hold a good stretch against the grain of a kegel while pressed in a direction your dick wouldn’t normally be in while erect.

Originally Posted by patientone
Hey Bird,

This exercise is almost exactly what I like to do. Instead, I lie down in bed face up, so that instead of bringing my full erection parallel to the floor, like you do, I push it back so it’s perpendicular to my body(or as far as I can go - that’s comfortable). After it gets to the point where I can’t push it any further, I let go, letting it slap against my belly(as I do this, I kegel and hold for as long as it takes for me to push my dick back and let go).

Sometimes I’ll mix it up a bit by doing a kegel then traping the blood with a manual clamp and carefully move my hand up my shaft as I perform this move.

It feels great when my gf does it too!! :) She likes doing it for me and she has no idea what she is really doing lol.

You can do it lying down, you are correct. I always do them sitting down or standing up but if this is more convenient for you proceed doing it. Letting your girl doing this is a wonderful idea, I am going to try that myself some day :D .

Originally Posted by Jafar_t
I have read about this technique in the Hustler magazine back in ~1985/86. I did not think much of it then and have never tried it. It is amazing that somebody brought this up.

So this technique is more than 20 years old? I didn’t expect that. I am surprised no one has posted this before at Thunders.

Originally Posted by wantsmore
Bird2: interesting that this is coming around because this is basically what I’ve been turning to in the length part of my workout. I started doing variants of this because of a reccomendation in a rather ‘esoteric’ book on men’s sexual health by this guy, Mantak Chia.

In his length workout you get full wood, inhale deeply, grasp the pole as deep on the base as you can go, hold your breath (he calls it “locking” the breath), kegel, and then slide your tightly grasped hand an inch or two up the shaft (thus creating a jelq-like swell north of your grip). You then proceed to bend your dick over to the left thigh where you “beat it against the thigh” while breathing deeply and pulling outward. He reccomends beating your dick against your leg 36 times. You then repeat the process on the right thigh and then do it pointing straight out. This is then followed by pulling it out toward each thigh and rotating it clockwise (and then counter clockwise) in the same manner. I also do it down and up. I’ve started doing it for longer than I do my flacid stretches and length gains are still coming. In fact, this month (even though I’ll probably post a 1/8th inch length gain on my log) I’ve been able to measure a 1/4” gain a couple times.

I think the main thing to focus on with these exercises is a REALLY DEEP AND THOROUGH WARMUP and the fact that the majoity of the fatigue ends up being on your LIGS.

Under full erection strength the ligs are already pretty maxed out so that if you then apply a force to them which further stretches them….well, then you’re really hitting them. For this, you should heat them up really well.

And then there’s the matter of GRIP. When you’re doing flaccid stretches, there’s so much keeping you from getting a good grip and really stretching on those resistant, down deep ligs. However, when you’ve erect, and everything is taught, simply pushing in any direction that there is resistance GIVES A WELL FULCRUMED LINE OF FORCE UPON THE ROOT OF YOUR DICK (ligs).

Since I’m doing these every workout now I’ve started to really heat the base of my dick better too. I think that’s really important with these.

I also am less interested in the angle you’ve mentioned (straight down) than the straight out, left, right, and straight up positions as I kind of intuitively feel that emphasizing the straight down erect bend could affect erection angle/strength over the long run….but then, maybe the kegeling makes up for that.

Anyway, I’m with you Bird2- I feel these really work well if you hold a good stretch against the grain of a kegel while pressed in a direction your dick wouldn’t normally be in while erect.

This is an interesting variation, I like the idea. But the only thing I wonder is the risk of injury, by bending it to the sides the amount of risks increase. I have a high LOT so pushing it up isn’t handy for me.

I don’t believe pushing it down will affect the erection angle or strength. I haven’t lost my erection angle, it is still the same as it was pre-PE. My erection strength has increased so don’t worry about that. I do kegels everyday so it could be that it has something to do with keeping the angle and erection. I would advise everybody to do kegels when doing this technique.

Nice to know you are with me :up: . Thanks for posting this interesting idea.

Originally Posted by Bird2
Once you attain that hold on for 20 seconds and release your hand and let the penis rise back up. I do a routine of 5 times 20 seconds with intervals of a minute. If you need more time to get an 100% erection that is ok.


I’m confused on how many of these you do in one exercise session.

Do you do only 5 of these per workout session?

Originally Posted by Toolguy

I’m confused on how many of these you do in one exercise session.

Do you do only 5 of these per workout session?

Yep, 5x20 seconds with an average interval of 1 minute. You can try to do more or increase time if you like.

Originally Posted by Piet
Kooky, have you even read what you quoted? First what is a penile tendon and how can this thing keep on expanding consistently and continually without limits after doing the exercise, which is just a mix of weighted kegels and a little bending? Obviously this didn’t work for DLD because he was still 8.5" 2 years ago according to him.

Piet, sorry to quote you. But I think what kooky is trying to say is that DLD clearly copied and pasted from the guide that Bird2 is referring to.

This guide, which is one of the many that I have read, seems like it has been around for a while. It’s called "The Hoemaster’s Guide to Natural Penis Enlargement." The guide does refer to the penile tendon (?) and says you can obtain unlimited abouts of gains from this exercise. Obviously, we now know that this probably isn’t true. Nothing is unlimited.

Although, it seems a new "free PE site" (you know, the free PE sites that try to sell you pills), has downloaded it, copied it, and pasted it as "their guide."
You can find the complete Hoemaster’s guide on the "free pe site":

http://www.sine … nlargement.html

When I read this before, I understood it as an erect stretch/ kegel workout.
First you push your erect penis down (stretching it),
and then you kegel (a hard kegel, which is good for the BC muscle). This kegel also moves against the stretch, which causes more stretch. I don’t know how this can work for girth (stretches typically don’t), but it seems like it might work for length.

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

Originally Posted by danaman
Even more important, he explains how and why it works:
“Here’s the definition of Isometrics: ‘Exercises involving contractions of muscles taking place against resistance but without significant shortening of muscle fibers.’ What the hell does that mean? When it comes to your muscles and tendons it means flexing without allowing the muscle fibers to shorten, or “contract.” The result is an extremely fast way to lengthen tendons by rapidly increasing their flexability. As it applies to your penis, it means that by flexing the tendon-like tissue of the penis without allowing contraction of the tissue, we can elongate this tissue, like a true tendon, creating the opportunity for unlimited growth! The elasticity of the tendon-like erectile tissue is the only factor which limits the amount of potential gain one has. Well, we’ve blown these limits away with a series of exercises and the first one is right here!”

I don’t care if you buy his explanation or not, but I think it’s a great short exercise worth including in your routine.

This guy doesn’t seem like to know how the penis works.

The flex happens from the BC muscle, not a penile tendon. It seems this is where the “tendon” came from. Hoemaster copied the idea from Michael something, who probably copied it from someone else.

Of course, copies are typically not as good as the first (unless the copeir knows what he is talking about, in which case he shouldn’t have to copy.) It’s sort of like using a copy machine to make a copy, and then making a copy of that copy, and that copy. As times more and more copies are made from copies, the more distorted the real picture becomes.

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

Originally Posted by Bird2
I started with 16x14cm in February 2005 and I am now 20,5x17cm. I reached the 17 cm in girth last October.


I’ll second that. For those of you who aren’t quick on the cm to inch conversion (I use the google calculator ;) ), that is approx 6.2X5.5 to 8X6.5 (amazing in a short period of time, to say the least.)

Good job Bird.

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

Originally Posted by Bird2
You can do it lying down, you are correct. I always do them sitting down or standing up but if this is more convenient for you proceed doing it. Letting your girl doing this is a wonderful idea, I am going to try that myself some day :D .

So Bird, any luck with that? LoL ;)

Start: 7.2" BPEL, EG = 5"

Current: 7 7/8" BPEL, 7" NBPEL, 8" BPFSL, EG(midshaft) = 5 5/8"

Goal: 8" NBPEL, EG = 6.5"


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