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An Idea I had about Clamping, Hot cold cycles

An Idea I had about Clamping, Hot cold cycles

I couldn’t post this in the main member forum so Ill do it here.

I know members have done cold clamping, ie throwing some frozen vegetables for the last set in a clamping session. Has anyone tried doing constant heat for 5 minutes at the beginning of a set and then doing 5 minutes of cold for the ending of the set. Then repeat for two more sets? So you would essentially be doing hot-cold-hot-cold-hot-cold.

Does this seem dangerous at all? Im interested in trying this in a few months or so and using a hair dryer as the heat source and doing a 1 on 1 off type of routine.

Starting 10/08 - 7.125" EL x 4.5" MSEG

As of 12/08- 7.5" EL x 4.75" MSEG

As of 1/19/08 - 7.75" bpel(previous 7.5" was due to inaccurate ruler) x 4.875" MSEG

OK so I found this thread ad its kind of similar but only doing it at the end of the last session

The Icy Clamp - sounds good and bad

Anyone attempting this technique from this thread care to respond. Are you still doing it? How are the results?

Starting 10/08 - 7.125" EL x 4.5" MSEG

As of 12/08- 7.5" EL x 4.75" MSEG

As of 1/19/08 - 7.75" bpel(previous 7.5" was due to inaccurate ruler) x 4.875" MSEG

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