Originally Posted by hobby
> Lig stretching might get you 1”, max. The rest comes from growing the shaft.
I wouldn’t call 1” the max. .25” to 1” might be typical, but the guys who have more length tied up from ligs will gain more from stretching them.
I formed this opinion after playing with the LOT Simulator. The most a person can gain by stripping the ligs from the top of the pubic symphysis to the bottom is about 1”. This assumes the front face of the pubic symphysis is about 1.5” long and is angled at 45-degrees. The gains realized, when measured with the shaft at 90-degrees to the body, is 1.5” times the cosine of 45-degrees, or about 1”. Someone might gain slightly more if their PS is angled closer to vertical, or somewhat less if it’s angled closer to horizontal.
The shaft is very strongly anchored to the bottom of the pubic symphysis by the subpubic arcuate ligament (not currently shown in the sim), so I doubt many (if any) have been successful at stretching the shaft fully away from the pubic symphysis. I also think that would have undesirable results (erection angle and stability).
I do think it’s possible to gain more than 1” from downward stretching, but this is because the shaft itself grows. Some of this may be inner penis growth.
I suppose it’s possible that the ligs may loosen and reattach further back along the shaft as the inner penis is pulled out. This kind of process would suggest that a whole lot of gains could be gotten by alternating downward and upward stretching—stretch down to loosen the ligs, then stretch up to pull out the inner penis and move the attachments back along the shaft, then repeat. But it’s really speculative to think that that really happens.
I was working on another idea, which you may have thought of also. An article I read awhile back said that the suspensory ligs actually embedded into the tunica. There is no abrupt transition between them. The longitudinal fibers of the ligs invest into and become part of the dorsal surface of the tunica.
This may suggest that stretching the ligs actually promotes growth of the shaft at the attachment points. The dorsal thickening is the strongest part of the tunica. Stressing it at the attachment point may somehow induce growth more effectively than at other locations. Again, this is just guessing, but it provides on explanation for how it could be possible for guys to gain multiple inches from downward stretching.