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Anyone ever do girth first


Anyone ever do girth first

Length is a bitch for me to gain, and I know I must have patience to get it.

And take deconditioning breaks, Stretch different styles and ways for a slow hopefully successful gain.

But girth seems to come easy for me.

I’ve worked him out and have been impressed at times.

So I am wondering if I should go girth and enjoy a fat dick.

And when I get to my girth quota, then start the slow process of length.

But atleast I’ll be happy with a fat dick while the slow length process unfolds.

Has anybody else ever done girth first and then switched to length once they achieved their goal?

Without trying to, I’ve done exactly that. Like you, girth came easily but length has been difficult. The normal stretching and jelqing exercises got me 0.5” in each direction in the first 3 months. After that, girth kept going up (another 0.5”) while length really slowed. It’s taken me a full year to eek out another 1/4 to 3/8”.

Having a lot of girth is fun, but I’d prefer length. It looks better and doesn’t compromise oral sex.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

I’ve got a ways to go before I can compromise oral. :(

5” girth right now.

I have been spending all my time trying to get it to grow together, evenly.

My length is slow, to slow.

So I might as well complete one goal before I get the other.

Atleast that way I feel like I’m getting somewhere.

And that keeps the motivation going strong.

I want anywhere between 5.5 and 5.75 in girth.

So that would give me a 6.5 x 5.5 (.75) which is acceptable.

And then I can just continue at the speed my dick wants to and still be happy.

I know it’s probably not what people want to hear, but I personally believe that intensive girth work will build and strengthen the tunica, hindering length-gains. What I personally plan to do is reach my length goal and then switch to girth work before I cement those gains.

That way if girth work does add length (which there seems to be some proof of) I can let the un-cemented gains diminish and — hopefully — still be at about my ideal length. If the girth work doesn't add length, I should be able to reclaim and cement those as yet un-cemented gains relatively easily.

If length gains have become a problem, maybe try a de-conditioning break.

Last edited by Mr. Fantastic : 10-02-2006 at .

You’ll gain length as well, while gaining girth. I haven’t done anything serious about length yet, but I have gained about 1/2 inch. I believe it’ll be more when I reach my girth goal (about 6.25)

Then I’ll begin length routines. I wanna hit about 8-8.5 BP.

Start: 6.9 BPEL x 4.9 (17,5 x 12,5 cm)

Now: 7.7 BPEL x 5.7 (19,5 x 14,5 cm)

Kaan— what length work have you done?

aristocane reported a length to girth gain ratio of 2:3 and all he ever did was clamp.

I did a little stretching and hanging at the beginning, but it wasn’t something enough to count as “work” .
I’ve seen little results, then I saw aristo’s thread and jumped directly to extreme jelqing and clamping.

I believe it really is the way he reported, since I’m seeing length gains from clamping myself.

Start: 6.9 BPEL x 4.9 (17,5 x 12,5 cm)

Now: 7.7 BPEL x 5.7 (19,5 x 14,5 cm)

Kaan— thanks for responding. At the moment I’m switching back and forth between hanging and clamping more or less on a daily basis based on the reading I’m doing.

Based on the examples from the patent application detailed in the Patent Pending Chemical PE thread, plus both aristocane’s and your results, it looks like I should definitely switch to clamping.

I cut clamping after my last decon break.

I didnt lose any size during the break either, so I knew exactly what my new starting stats would be.

I went a few weeks on the modified newbie routine, checking size just before I exercised after my break day(s).

Absolutely nothing, granted I know only a few weeks won’t give me a inch or anything, but it said I should see something on the second day of rest.

Well I saw (3) second days of rest and no movement at all.

Anyways I included hanging and pumping back into the routine and saw a little movement.

Mostly in the girth dept.

Last night I was deciding either a longer decon break to see if I can actually get some length.

Or go girth, which is what I decided.

I’m also going to do the split routine by doing some manual stretches in the morning hot shower followed by some jelqs and uli’s, maybe a couple 440’s.

Then at night it’s all pump and clamp.

I pumped and clamped again last night and my dick is still holding a 1/4” increase.

Granted I know that it isnt cemented gains but hey a 1/4” in a week is great if I can keep that size while trying to get more girth.

And I should also say that it happened after I quit hanging and switched back to clamping.

So I’m going to get as much as I can in girth, then slack to a maintenance routine to cement it, then break for a month or so, then attempt length.

Gotta goal and gotta plan, I’m good.

And at this rate, if I can keep gaining girth like this, I’ll have a 6” girth for my Christmas present. :)

Originally Posted by pocopeepee
I went a few weeks on the modified newbie routine, checking size just before I exercised after my break day(s).
Absolutely nothing, granted I know only a few weeks won’t give me a inch or anything, but it said I should see something on the second day of rest.
Well I saw (3) second days of rest and no movement at all.

Originally Posted by babbis
This routine is what I consider a newbie routine. I do not believe seasoned PEers and veterans will gain from this routine because of their conditioned tissues.

Originally Posted by babbis
If I were to give you a advice, it would be to expand your break to over one month, preferably two full months.

How long did you decon before you tried the modified newbie routine pocopeepee?

A few days shy of a month.

I figured a month would be good since I had only been steady for 6-7 months since my last break of a year +.

I hear 2 months is a good break, but I didnt want to go that long.

Like I said the only reason I did that break was because length wasn’t happening.

But my girth was still slow and steady.

I gained a little over 1/4” in girth during those 6-7 months.

It’s not that I’m doubting your routine.

But I think I should take advantage of what is growing first, before I concentrate on the difficult part.

I grow girth pretty easy it looks like.

So once I get to my goal, I can start all over after a good break.

If my girth stops and plateaus like my length has, then I will have no choice.

But for now I need to work whats growing.

Just to talk about my records.

After my last break, which was very long.

My girth was just under 4 3/4”.

At the break I just took a month or so ago my girth was at 5”

This past week I stopped hanging and put back in clamping and have actually held 5 1/4” all week. (Well since this is Monday, how about I say for about the past 5 days). :)

I’m sure it is just post work out swelling, but I’m cool with that, because that will eventually become the size.

While clamped I hit 5 3/4 mid shaft, and I’m breaking 6 at the base.

That is actually the size I want.

So If I’m hitting it during a workout, I might as well get it to become my size.

As for my length.

Well I’ve been doing this stuff for years, unfortunately not steady.

Hell I probably would have an 8x6 if I just stayed with it.

But I don’t really have an accurate length measurement because it fluctuated so much during the years.

I am right now 6 3/4”bp with a good kegal.

I have measured it at it’s smallest and wasn’t hitting 5 1/2 bp.

But on an average it was about 6”.

So it has grown, and it is definately conditioned and in shape because I’m holding the 6 3/4”.

But I have been that since the first 2 months of this last cycle, and have been plateaued for about 5 months with no length growth at all.

My goal is anything between 5 1/2 -6” in girth.

And 7 nbp.

Girth is almost there.

I have a good 2 years of stretching before I have reached the length.

So I plan to finish the easier one then break, and then attack length.

Which is why I asked if anybody else has done this or had to go this route.

I’d like to hear how they did it.

Whaaaaa tha hell… 8 month for 1/4 inch ? Man.. Im a noob, i barely did PE like 6 times.. I had hard times keeping my cock hard for all this time of jelquing. Its pain in the ass.. do it every damn day… but I guess gotta do it..or cock wont grow..thing is.. i dont need much lenght.. i need more girth. So can I stick to the noob routine and get decent girth gain and some lenght ? It works for both right ?


Originally Posted by ThunderSS
Hey UberSoldat,

You need to read this before you post again:

Forum Guidelines

Sorry Sir! Will do Sir!

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