Just to talk about my records.
After my last break, which was very long.
My girth was just under 4 3/4”.
At the break I just took a month or so ago my girth was at 5”
This past week I stopped hanging and put back in clamping and have actually held 5 1/4” all week. (Well since this is Monday, how about I say for about the past 5 days). :)
I’m sure it is just post work out swelling, but I’m cool with that, because that will eventually become the size.
While clamped I hit 5 3/4 mid shaft, and I’m breaking 6 at the base.
That is actually the size I want.
So If I’m hitting it during a workout, I might as well get it to become my size.
As for my length.
Well I’ve been doing this stuff for years, unfortunately not steady.
Hell I probably would have an 8x6 if I just stayed with it.
But I don’t really have an accurate length measurement because it fluctuated so much during the years.
I am right now 6 3/4”bp with a good kegal.
I have measured it at it’s smallest and wasn’t hitting 5 1/2 bp.
But on an average it was about 6”.
So it has grown, and it is definately conditioned and in shape because I’m holding the 6 3/4”.
But I have been that since the first 2 months of this last cycle, and have been plateaued for about 5 months with no length growth at all.
My goal is anything between 5 1/2 -6” in girth.
And 7 nbp.
Girth is almost there.
I have a good 2 years of stretching before I have reached the length.
So I plan to finish the easier one then break, and then attack length.
Which is why I asked if anybody else has done this or had to go this route.
I’d like to hear how they did it.