Anyone from the UK interested in buying pe equipment
Hi, I’ve just talked to Thunder and asked whether he thought people on here might be interested in buying equipment in the uk. I’ve been doing pe for a few years now and the biggest problem is getting the equipment over here. Things like a sun tea jar for package pumping are sold in the US for a few dollars but you can’t get them over here, clamps are cheap over there also and the only place over here is B&Q which sell 3 for about £5, the smallest can’t be used and I doubt anyone uses the biggest one so your really paying £5 for one. Supplements are another problem. I’ve also thought about getting parts for stretchers such as Monkeybars vac extender which I use, I thought it may be cheaper to buy a few at a time because of postage costs. If anyone from the UK is interested please let me know what your thinking about buying. If I get enough interest I will be happy to start but not much point if only 2 or 3 people are after things.