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anyone had nerve damage +2months? Support


Thanks for the quick reply Dicker. I had posted in the injuries subforum and no one responded and I was getting kind of down. Glad more people read this forum. I’ve been taking it really easy. No PE as I said. The other day it was kind of achy and I masturbated and it made it feel better, go figure. I’ve been researching every supplement known to man for nerve regeneration.. Not convinced any of them really do anything. It just takes times like you said. Currently I’m trying curcumin as a systemic anti-inflammatory. I can’t take any NSAIDs because of an intestinal condition.

Normaly every thread is answered. If it doesnt after some days yo usurely an ask again in same thread.
As long as it isnt bumped daily,,,
edit: Yo ushould have started your own thread there! It got lost in another thread and I only read post in this thread casue I had it marked cause of my old post here.

Penis injury sucks as it is such distant not always heavy blood circulated place(vs for example a shoulder injury). Thats why the body turtles the penis to get nutrients etc to it when injury happens.

Anyway thats also why something transdermal local is best IMO.

Search for DMSO + Nerve damage. Much to read and inform.
Can be applied safely with good measure.

Still you cna take curcumin systemicly.

report again maybe in your own thread.

Yea I hear you man. Nerve damage down there is rough. Try a penis health creme in the interim. It might give you some of your feeling back. Just make sure you get a creme containing acetyl L carnitine. It is a natural supplement which is great for repairing and protecting nerve endings. Good luck.

Originally Posted by AnthonyE
Yea I hear you man. Nerve damage down there is rough. Try a penis health creme in the interim. It might give you some of your feeling back. Just make sure you get a creme containing acetyl L carnitine. It is a natural supplement which is great for repairing and protecting nerve endings. Good luck.

You’re pushing a “penis health creme” in every post you make. Why don’t you tell us all what this magic creme is and where to get it?

So update on my nerve injury: I took about 2 months off and started taking the Curcumin.. It eventually went away! I’m slowly starting back in with PE. I think I know what did it. I was jelqing and trying to get the glans bigger and really squeezing too hard right below the head. Now I just do even pressure from base to head and it’s fine. Doing much less time. Just 10 mins stretching, 10-15 mins jelqing, and hot wraps before, during, and after.

Sooooo.. Anybody reporting gaining back sensitivity? I am seeing the thread but then everybody just doesn’t follow up. I am getting slight recovery after about a week and a half of injury.

One year ago I had the same problem.
3 months of stop from PE and all come back to normality.

I hope it will be the same with you fella.

When i first started I overdid the hydromax. I was.limp. and had no feeling. Pretty scary. No erection for days. Left it alone. Aboit 2 weels later.thinhs came back online.

Then about 2 weeks afterwards….got a new.bed… from behing when fucking and thought I popped a lig. Was numb around the base and along 1 side for another month. Again…rested…all.good.

Gotta rest….I think overall the dick is a pretty resiliant body part

Goal 7.5 x 6.5

Start 4/22 6 x 5.25 BG

Current 11/22 6 x 5.5 BG 4-7/8" MG


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