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Anyone Have Good Results With Between The Cheeks Stretching?

Anyone Have Good Results With Between The Cheeks Stretching?

Working on a length touring and this stretch feels incredible to me. I can create a lot of tension with this more than any other direction. Just wondered what other guys have experienced who have used this as a primary stretch technique.

It will give you great results.

Jimmy what have you gained?

Over the years, about 1 1/2 inches.

Wow man that’s impressive. What size are you now? Flaccid and nbpel? Would you attribute most of that length gain to stretches like btc?

7 1/2; I attribute my gains to jelqs, stretches and consistency.

Awesome my man

I’ve just started trying this. Is it safe to fall asleep between the cheeks?

Originally Posted by Lookinforgirth
I’ve just started trying this. Is it safe to fall asleep between the cheeks?

Between whos cheeks?

Start : 7 BPEL, 4.8 mseg

Now : 8 BPEL, 5.43 mseg, 8.375 BPFSL

Lol I’m sure it’s safe. Unless your butt cheeks are going to Clamp your wiener so hard it cuts off all circulation. Which is doubtful.

I’m having the best results ever by stretching in my truck while I drive.

Straight down

Down left and right

And bundles too

I do it white I’m wrapped and keep that on for 4 to 8 hours a day

Start 2015.. BPEL 8 EG like 5.25

Restart 2018 June BPEL 8 EG 5.5

2019 Sep. BPEL 8.75 msg 6 Nbpl 7.25 bpfls 9.75

Originally Posted by Deepvdiver
I’m having the best results ever by stretching in my truck while I drive.
Straight down
Down left and right
And bundles too
I do it white I’m wrapped and keep that on for 4 to 8 hours a day

Deepvdiver, you wrap first and then you do your BTC stretches? What kind of wrap?

Yeah I’m having trouble visualizing this also.and you e gained an inch in girth. How did you manage that??

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