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Are girth gains permanent?


Are girth gains permanent?

Ive read some posts that suggest that only length gains are permanent due to the fact that it alters the ligaments not the corpora cavernosa which are said to be just sponges that loose their size if you stop PEing. This concerns me because i don’t mind my length and my routine is based on girth gains mainly.

Neither are permanent.

You can lose some girth gains you can also lose some length gains nobody ever loses them all. The best thing is a small maintenance program even when you decide you have reached your goal. I was doing an all length workout for almost a year and found I lost a .25 of my girth now I switched over to a clamping/squeeze/erect jelq routine and I’m sure it will come right back. Lost PE gains are like lost muscle size they seem to come back very fast.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)


if this isn’t permanent then why do them?

Originally Posted by otis bruno
if this isn’t permanent then why do them?

I’m not Springer240, but here’s my answer anyway.

What IS permanent, anyway?

If you diet and exercise and generally get in better shape, do you then expect that you can walk away from that and still keep your improved condition with no further investment in time and effort?

My answer is that, through PE, I now have both improved size and better sexual fitness. Even if I decided tomorrow that I wanted no further gains, I would still be most willing to continue a scaled-down routine to maintain my current size and continued fitness.

That’s why I do PE.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

good point! i guess i see myself doing PE forever in a sense because, simply put, it just makes me feel good. i guess I’m just afraid that if i take a little time off from my extensive PE schedule that i will lose it all.

I agree with Dino in that while some of the gains may be, “lost”, that they come back really quickly and can be held onto through light maintenence. Also, If you gain SIGNIFICANTLY, chances are you will have affected sincere changes in your tissue that will NOT revert unless your dick goes practically unused for a huge amount of time- something NONE of us probably looks forward to or hopes for~!

Originally Posted by otis bruno
good point! i guess i see myself doing PE forever in a sense because, simply put, it just makes me feel good. i guess I’m just afraid that if i take a little time off from my extensive PE schedule that i will lose it all.

Your shift keys broken? Where the hell are the capitals at?

You need to read this before you post again bruno.

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Another salient point is that temporary increases in size (from pumping or clamping) may be mistaken for “gains” - leading you to believe you lost something you never had. Also, I think girth gains are harder to cement (don’t know that for sure, just MO).

Jelq my boy, jelq like the wind.

I saw some commercials on TV, not to long ago, that were hawking some patch that women could paste on the back of their earlobes that would keep them from sagging. I couldn’t help but think, that if something as small as an earing would cause a permanent stretched and elongated earlobe, then hanging would definitely produce permanent gains. Many of the guys on this board are hanging far greater weights than earings.

I personally lost .25” in girth over a three month period of no girth work. I’d say jelq light at least twice a week and make sure you aren’t losing in order to cement your gains.

As you can see, the responses will vary between individuals.

But I would say that 3 factors are involved that could determine your answer:

(1) Did you "cement" your gains (in other words, achieve a measurement that you were able to repeatedly duplicate over time - at least for a few months)?

(2) Did you take that measurement "cold" (i.e., without any post-workout swelling)?

(3) Which types of PE are you doing for girth? Pumping is the least-permanent of all forms of PE. I also suspect that types of girth training that produce great fluid retention (such as clamping) can offer "false" measurements.

I did manual PE, without any pumping or clamping, and I never experienced a "donut" or "liquid woody." I made excellent girth gains (even at my thickest, my unit was always rock hard, vascular, clearly-defined - no fluid retention at all). And as I pointed out in my thread My PE Journey: Gains, Workouts, Tips, my girth losses were minimal - even with up to a full year off, cold turkey.

I’ve gone several months without doing PE and have definitely kept my first 0.25 inches of girth. In that time I possibly lost maybe like 1/16 or 1/8 inches of girth which I didn’t cement.

I think the message is clear: cement your gains!

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
Your shift keys broken? Where the hell are the capitals at?

You need to read this before you post again bruno.

Forum Guidelines

ThunderSS from reading the Forum Guidelines you can get away with your most common English grammatical error of ending a sentence with a PREPOSITION. In addition, your first sentence is a fragmented question. These are usually acceptable in verbal speech, but not written speech.

Are your shift keys broken? Where in the hell are the capitals at in your sentences?

However, there ain’t no Forum Guidelines for English Grammar on this here website.

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