Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Are we all wasting our time here

I can see why you might suspect that girth gains are a “plumped” or “swollen” state, but how can you believe that the 1.4” of length you gained is simply “swelling”?

When I saw the title of this thread, I thought it was started by somebody who’d made no gains. But your stats have answered your own question - so why ask?

You will always need to do a maintenance program to keep your gains you won’t lose them all and it will take years of non use to lose some of your size. It’s not worth thinking about because it’s healthy for your penis and will keep you having sex until late in life so just keep it up. Also I have found when I have lost some size on a break or injury my old size comes right back it sort of reminds me of muscle memory because the same thing happens at the gym with me after a layoff I can put my size back on really fast.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Yeah I suppose I’ve gained enough to say that it’s not just a “swelling”.
Anyway I was just curious about this.And now I know that I would need to do a maintenance routine to keep my gains after I finish my “active” PE period (not that I’m planning to do it soon but you never know.)

Thanks for the replies:)

Started september 2004: BPEL 6,1" and EG 5,1" September 2006: BPEL 7,5" and EG 5,5" My longterm goal: BPEL 8,5" and EG 6"

There is an exercise on Penis-Health that’s used to keep these gains. I’m not so totally sure if it works cause I haven’t tried it, but it seems helpful.

Would you give us a link or something?

Started september 2004: BPEL 6,1" and EG 5,1" September 2006: BPEL 7,5" and EG 5,5" My longterm goal: BPEL 8,5" and EG 6"

You have to be a member, and sadly I don’t want to get into legal issues by trying to reveal the exercise.

Originally Posted by unknown_user
Hei guys,
You might think I’m asking the most stupid question but I’ve just read this thread CNN’s view of average penis size and making it bigger!
And I was wondering is there any real proof that permanent penis enlargement is possible?I mean me personally had experienced some real gains in the past 2 years and I’m very happy about it.But in those 2 tears I haven’t really stopped PEing so I’m not sure if when I stop doing it, my penis size would come back to "normal".
Is there any real scientific research on this (I mean testing with hi-tech or something)?Is this PE a real thing or it’s just a temporary enhancement of the tunica?Are we all wasting our time here?

PE is a real thing, as you’ve already seen. Why should you be in need of "approval" from some "scientific" authorities?

It wouldn’t mean that doing pe is useless, if it the penis was to go back to it’s previous size after you stopped PE, either. Wouldn’t you do PE , if that was the case? I certainly would.

About science: thinking clear and acting with reason is good, but turning your back to something just because it’s not "scientifically proven" is foolish. Science or scientific approach is just a subset of whole life and it’s possibilities of perception.

Start: 6.9 BPEL x 4.9 (17,5 x 12,5 cm)

Now: 7.7 BPEL x 5.7 (19,5 x 14,5 cm)

U.U.: Even if gains wouldn’t be permanent, which is contradicted by many members here, then I’d say that sticking to a PE workout schedule is only beneficial to your health and overal well-being. I mean, I haven’t noticed any size increase yet, but PE did already provide me with better penile healt: stronger erections and the improved ability to stay hard. Not something to think lightly off. And if the only benefit I would ever have are those two then it is still worth it to me.

I’ve gotten to see PE in the same light as I see brushing my teeth: a job that has to be done if you want to keep what you already have for as long as you can, or, in case of neglect, to actually improve the condition of either parts of your body. With the added benefit of a size increase for those who PE. Sounds like a good deal to me.

Originally Posted by ultraborn
There is an exercise on Penis-Health that’s used to keep these gains. I’m not so totally sure if it works cause I haven’t tried it, but it seems helpful.

Any PE exercises will keep your gain their are no magic keep your gain exercises, do some jelqing a few days a week and you will keep your gains.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Volumes have been written about whether PE gains are permanent. Try a forum search.

Start by reading this whole thread:

PE and “Permanence”


Thank you very much.I was thinking about doing a search before I start a thread but I thought I should hear some “fresh” ideas:)

Anyway the thread you gave me link to helped me.

Started september 2004: BPEL 6,1" and EG 5,1" September 2006: BPEL 7,5" and EG 5,5" My longterm goal: BPEL 8,5" and EG 6"

PE is as permanent as anything else, it’s not like you live forever with this body. You’re muscles fade, you’re body ages, hell you even lose height when you age.

When you stop lifting weights, you lose muscle mass, right away. So therefor weight lifting isnt permanent. How many pictures of old people have you looked at, and when they were young they had muscles and were fit. Did you draw the conclusion, well weight lifting isnt permanent!

Hell PE seems to be more permanent than body building. With body building you get to a certain age and even if you wanted to continue, you’re joints and bones wont let you. There is nothing stopping you from doing PE well into you’re old age.

So therefor PE is more permanent than body building.

In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king.

Im with Pud on this one.
Once you reach your PE Goal you cant just sit back and do nothing and expect to keep what you worked so hard and long for.

A simple and relatively non-time consuming maintenance program should stave off gradual losses. We are talking about maybe 20-30 min a week.

At least this is the way Im sure it works for Pumping and I know this from first hand expereince. Its probably more or less the same for all other PE methods. Im currently on a maintenance program and have kept the same stats for over a year.

If you knew you could not fail...what would you attempt to do? Female Foot Fetish Current Stats: 5/4/10 8.5BPx6.0, 7.5NBP Achieved Goal and have been on maintenance program since


Originally Posted by Pud
There is nothing stopping you from doing PE well into you’re old age.

…except for the odd looks from the nursing-home staff.


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