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PE and "Permanence"

PE and "Permanence"

After some lively exchanges in the Pumper’s Forum, and questions about the medical community and PE, they might not be that far off.

Is PE permanent? Not simply pumping, but any type of PE??

The reason that British PhD lost his court case was not because measurable size gains didn’t occur, but because no follow-up was done on the subject of permanence. And, gee, none of us know this either.

horsehung said he lost significant size after some down time from PE. And, if I remember correctly, supersizeit said he had built up a huge cock years ago and then quit - losing most, if not all, of his gains. He’s working to get that size back.

So, if that’s the case, maybe this shit isn't real *Penis Enlargement.* Perhaps maintenance work is required for the rest of your life.

As far as my own experience goes, I took a 2 month break off PE - after 19 months - and lost < 1mm length and 1mm girth. But 2 months isn’t shit, it only represented 10% of the time I had PE’d. I am 19 days into a 4 month break now, I have a feeling I’m going to lose more than the 1mm x 1mm that I lost after 2 months.

Even after we supposedly “cement” our gains, what happens 1 year, 2 years, 5 years down the road? It’s quite possible that all of your gains might be gone.

Nobody here knows the answer, because nobody here has PE’d, hit their goals, quit for 5 years, then come back - with the exception of supersizeit. And, as mentioned, his reports are not encouraging.

So, back to the medical community. None of us really has any substantial evidence of large gains. Curiously enough, those of us who’ve claimed the biggest gains offer no pics at all. And those who’ve shown pics of big cocks - DLD, Piet, horsehung, etc. - have no “before” pics. To date, nobody has shown a photochronicle of even 2” gains (I’d like to, but I haven’t gained 2 inches!….yet :) ).

If the scarcity of “evidence” of significant gains weren’t damning enough, we have absolutely nothing to offer on the topic of permanence. So, it’s tough to blame the medical community for laughing at us. If this were a criminal trial, we sure as hell haven’t presented a convincing case.

Yes, I’ve gained length - and girth even more so. But what happens if I quit this - not for 2 months, but for 2 years? We like to self-righteously condemn the docs, but maybe we’re just kiddding ourselves.

Permanence is a tricky issue. Human body constantly changes. People gain weight, people loose weight. To keep a body part unchanged requires work otherwise it will adapt to current conditions. I think same is with PE. Some kind of a maintenance program should be used to keep penis enlarged otherwise the gains will subside - it’s natural.

Stats (bp) 2004/08/19 8.0 X 5.5" 2005/08/29 8.2 X 5.8" Goal - I am good for now

I haven’t done any kind of an active PE routine in quite awhile (well over a year) Wad and still have the 7/8” length and 3/4” of the 7/8” girth gain. I’m not saying that I haven’t touched my dick in that time, but nothing that would be considered active PE.

Anybody else?

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Good post Wad.

I took off 18 months because of an injury. I lost about 60-70% of my gains.

I firmly believe that PE is not 100% permanent… probably not even 50% permanent.


Observe... learn from other people's mistakes.

How much of any exercise is permanent? If you lift weights for two years and then stop for 6 months do you expect to maintain 100% of the muscle and strength you gained?

From what I’ve seen posted, retention varies. I wonder if those who have lost significant size needed a longer cementing period, perhaps even several years, for the gain to “set.”

You’re right, permanence is a tricky issue - but so is the term “enlargment.” Weight lifting doesn’t produce permanent gains, but we don’t call it “muscle enlargement” - it’s “body building” or “conditioning,” etc.

Breast enlargement surgery is just that; albeit, synthetic also. Nonetheless, I understand that when the medical community says that natural penis enlargement is bogus, they might be right. This may not be penis enlargement, but penis building or penis conditioning - which results in a larger size, as long as we continue doing it.

You bring up 2 good points: (1) How much “maintenance” do some guys need. So far, I’m 19 days into my break and have lost nothing. Does that suggest that I might get away with 1 good session every 14-20 days and still keep my gains? That might vary from one guy to the next. But the fact that you’ve done some stuff is still not the same as cold-turkey abstinence.

Also, (2) you lost more girth than length gains - the same with me. That seems to suggest that our girth suffers the most when we don’t maintain these exercises.

Wow, that sucks - 60-70% of your hard-earned gains. I believe you’re right that this isn’t permanent; therefore, it can’t legitimately be called “enlargement.” It’s more like dick building or conditioning - quit training and you lose your size. That’s a thought I’ve long dreaded, but can no longer ignore.

Suppose somebody truly gains 2-2.5 inches length, and keeps that size for months while still working out, you have to suspect that some of the length is from ligs & some from tunica. I doubt that he would lose every mm of that length, even after years. But maybe 1/2 or more. Maybe 5 years down the road he might only keep 3/4” or 1” of that length. But I think his girth gains would suffer even more.

Does that mean that we’re prisoners to this shit? What if I get sick of doing this or no longer have the time? Must I once again suffer the dick I used to have? What if you incurred a hand injury or carpal tunnel and could no longer PE?

After 2 months I lost < 1mm x 1mm. If after 4 months I’ve lost more than double that, I might continue my break for another 2 months - equaling 1/2 year off, to see how bad it really is. And remember, that’s cold turkey - nothing at all. If I’ve lost considerably after only 6 months off, I’m not sure what I’ll do.

Also note that PE is more like exercise than anything. If you worked out really hard on your biceps for 2 years. Then you quit for a year to see if the gains were “permanent”. I guarantee you will lose muscle mass. In fact just getting older you will lose muscle mass. Look at Arnold Schwarzenegger, and he still works out.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Originally Posted by wadzilla
Does that mean that we’re prisoners to this shit? What if I get sick of doing this or no longer have the time? Must I once again suffer the dick I used to have? What if you incurred a hand injury or carpal tunnel and could no longer PE?

You also need to consider that you get older priorities change. We are mostly young vain guys spinning our wheels. Trying to better ourselves, where at this point in our lives we perceive significant. We will get older have children grand children. And then before you know it farting will be the high point in our day.

Or not, or these exercises will give us longer sex lives well into our golden years. Maybe your dick will be bigger when your 70 maybe it will be smaller. But one things for sure it will function better than the 70 old sitting next to you that never PE’d.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

I know this doesn’t address the truly long-term issue, but I’m in the middle of a months-long break and haven’t lost any length at all… I wonder whether simple vigorous pulling (for, say, a few reps of 15 sec each) at some point each day might go a long way toward preventing any “retraction”? This wouldn’t address girth concerns, I guess…

I plan on doing some sort of cardio exercise everyday for the rest of my life to keep my heart strong. Similarly, I plan on doing some sort of PE everyday for the rest of my life to keep my dick strong. You don’t have to worry about permanence if you don’t quit.

Originally Posted by Wad
You bring up 2 good points: (1) How much “maintenance” do some guys need. So far, I’m 19 days into my break and have lost nothing. Does that suggest that I might get away with 1 good session every 14-20 days and still keep my gains? That might vary from one guy to the next. But the fact that you’ve done some stuff is still not the same as cold-turkey abstinence.

I wouldn’t call what little I’ve done “maintenance”. And maybe after stopping completely (is that possible?) for five or ten years, everyone will lose all their gains. What’s that saying? Use it or lose it.

Maintenance probably will be different for each guy, just as some exercises are effective for some and not others.

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I think that gains could be kept long term with one, maybe 2 sessions of PE a week. I will have no problem doing this, and I think I would enjoy it. This is permanent enough for me.

Yeah, but all the paysites blare out that gains are “permanent.”

They’re not.

And, as I said, if after 4 months I lose more than double what I lost after 2 months, that means my losses are accelerating. I’ll probably go 2 more months, to make it 6 months off, cold turkey.

If my losses are truly depressing, I might just go into a maintenance mode - maybe 1 15-minute session every 4 days or so, and give up looking for more gains. It’s always been hard work, but it seems even harder if gains are that fleeting.

Honestly, I’m getting a bit sick of this shit. I’ve been at it far longer than I thought it would take to hit my goals - which I still haven’t done. But I pressed on believing this would be permanent, which I no longer believe. That’s why I said I’m not sure what I’ll do after 6 months off.

- w a d

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