I’ve read the thread all the way thought, and at the end I remembered something that I thought about when I just began to PE:
When I began to read up on thundersplace, betterman etc., everyone was saying that PE is permanent, all the penish websites that sold ADS like penismaster, eurostretcher etc. Said that all gains are permanent. I even read up on the history of PE and it said something interesting will I will share in a second.
But what I was thinking to myself when I officially began my routine is that if I gained at all, permanent or NOT, I would continue to PE for the rest of my life, hopefully, because it was such an important thing to me to have a good size unit.
I think that a lot of people have come to expect so much from PEing. I would be so happy with gains, that I am and would be willing to PE for a good part of my life to keep those gains. Just my 2cents.
The thing I wanted to share about jelqing is that it’s probably not permanent and will need a maintenance schedule to keep what you have gained. If I’m read correctly, jelqing was from arabs or beduins or some group like that, and initially the fathers would teach their sons at the age of puberty and from then on they would jelq for like 30 minutes a day or something. After years of jelqing they would only need to jelq like twice a week to maintain what they had gained.
One other thing, the site that I was reading said that these same people who “invented” jelqing we’re able to obtain penis sizes of 10+ inches from jelqing and stretching alone. I think it’s bs, but I wanted to put that out there and see what you guys think. Because I’m sure back in the day there we’re no penismasters or pumps.
Anyways I gtg finish hw.