Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Average size globally, new study!

Look I’m not pulling my dick for anyone but me. Never has a woman put me or my dick down. Maybe I’m lucky.

I’ll ask one more time that this thread be reeled back in. This isn’t a thread about women’s hostilities or whatever. Reel it in to the subject at the beginning.

If you have issues with women I’m sorry for you and what you’ve been through. If you want to start a thread on it your more then welcome to as long as it is in the forum guidelines.

Last edited by kingscounty : 05-02-2018 at . Reason: Grammar

Originally Posted by a-unit
So, caIIing the game on femaIe hostiIity toward beta maIes is misogyny? We are mostIy here puIIing our dicks because of the damage done by hostiIe insenstive femaIes, and it’s important to understand the pattern so that we recognise it in the future and avoid it before we get too far invoIved.

And I’m incIuding myseIf here.

This is the majority of the reason why these new studies of what average is is so important to us, so that we can feeI better about ourseIves after some spoiIed brat makes a comment about our manhood that we can’t quite cope with.

There is a bit of a contradiction here. How can you hold a “spoiled brat” culpable as a “hostile insensitive”? Painful though it may be, there’s no agency there and it’s not fair to extrapolate. I think that was richard’s point and we’re talking past each other.

And I apologize to the moderators for continuing on with this.

The calcSD average uses 9 studies, including the one from Veale et al., which started this thread. They give 5.64” BPEL for length and 4.65” for girth, with SDs around 0.6-0.7. This numbers must be very close to reality. So something like that is the *real* average.

But that doesn’t mean that people will believe it or that women will agree with it because what each one of us experience and remember and describe to others and estimate and hear from others etc are all highly subjective and dependant on several things. People tend to remember better the extreme things, like too big, to small, very good, very bad, very rough, crazy, disgusting etc. They are also more likely to talk about this to others and hear that from others (I have compiled evidence for that from personal relations), which then in the minds of everybody actually makes the *perceived* frequency of this things be greater than their real frequency.

If one wants to compare your own dick with others, then the real debate for me is whether you should use the real average or the perceived one, since the perceived is what people believe.

Also, there is a study using 3D models and the average that women selected wasn’t far from the calcSD numbers.

(09/2017): 7.3" BPEL x 6.0" MSEG (start)

(09/2021): 7.8" BPEL x 6.9" MSEG

Originally Posted by batman_kX8V4Sk
The calcSD average uses 9 studies, including the one from Veale et al., which started this thread. They give 5.64” BPEL for length and 4.65” for girth, with SDs around 0.6-0.7. This numbers must be very close to reality. So something like that is the *real* average.

But that doesn’t mean that people will believe it or that women will agree with it because what each one of us experience and remember and describe to others and estimate and hear from others etc are all highly subjective and dependant on several things. People tend to remember better the extreme things, like too big, to small, very good, very bad, very rough, crazy, disgusting etc. They are also more likely to talk about this to others and hear that from others (I have compiled evidence for that from personal relations), which then in the minds of everybody actually makes the *perceived* frequency of this things be greater than their real frequency.

If one wants to compare your own dick with others, then the real debate for me is whether you should use the real average or the perceived one, since the perceived is what people believe.

Also, there is a study using 3D models and the average that women selected wasn’t far from the calcSD numbers.

What I found most poignant in the 3D models study was that when women were asked to pick their ideal penis for
A) long term relationship
B) one night stand

The sizes they picked were very close to each other, and both were less than 7in in length and right around 5” girth.

That’s what women chose when they could have chosen any size. That’s right, they passed up the 9X7 and 8X6 men’s “ideal dream penis” sizes and chose a size slightly above average.

The implications are:
-size does matter to women, but only really applies to outliers: very very small or very very large. If you’re close to average, both above and below, you’re very close to women’s IDEAL size.

-we guys vastly overestimate the size we “need” in order to please women and make them happy.

STARTING: BPEL: 5.9in EG: 5.0in

2018: BPEL: 6.7in EG: 5.3in

NOW (start 1/2024): BPEL: 6.9in. EG: 5.4in

I like that study with the 3D models: “Women’s Preferences for Penis Size” from Prause et al., 2015

Some information:

- N = 75 women (white, asian, hispanic, black); average age = 25; average number of penis touched (lifetime) = 7; number of 3D models = 33; length between 4” and 8.5”; girth between 2.5” and 7”.
- Penis size *reported* to be average: most of them chose 6”x4.5”. Many also chose 5.5”x5” and 5”x4”. A small number of them chose other sizes.
- Size chosen for one-time partners: 6.4”x5.0” (this is where an average preference for very big would appear).
- Size chosen for long-term partners: 6.3”x4.8” (as expected from previous studies).
- Interesting fact 1: very small standard deviations (.1, .2, I think), which show concentration around the average.
- Interesting fact 2: in the case of 3D models women showed very good recall accuracy.

I would like to see this study done a second time with more women (hundreds) and selecting those with 15 or more different sexual partners.

(09/2017): 7.3" BPEL x 6.0" MSEG (start)

(09/2021): 7.8" BPEL x 6.9" MSEG

Given the small SD a larger sample would only decrease this interval, so I don’t think having more participants matters a lot.

Originally Posted by batman_kX8V4Sk
I like that study with the 3D models: “Women’s Preferences for Penis Size” from Prause et al., 2015

Some information:

- N = 75 women (white, asian, hispanic, black); average age = 25; average number of penis touched (lifetime) = 7; number of 3D models = 33; length between 4” and 8.5”; girth between 2.5” and 7”.
- Penis size *reported* to be average: most of them chose 6”x4.5”. Many also chose 5.5”x5” and 5”x4”. A small number of them chose other sizes.
- Size chosen for one-time partners: 6.4”x5.0” (this is where an average preference for very big would appear).
- Size chosen for long-term partners: 6.3”x4.8” (as expected from previous studies).
- Interesting fact 1: very small standard deviations (.1, .2, I think), which show concentration around the average.
- Interesting fact 2: in the case of 3D models women showed very good recall accuracy.

I would like to see this study done a second time with more women (hundreds) and selecting those with 15 or more different sexual partners.

Seems to be a lot of agreement between the women? I wonder if they talked to each other much during the study, or if they had more than one woman together when they examined the 3D dildoes (which would totally ruin it).

It’s also interesting that with NBP dildo length the women seemed quite good at identifying the average size around 5.5 in, but then they seemed to prefer a statistically rare length of 6.3-6.4 NBP. In other words, women know what average is but want big ones?

Originally Posted by RomeoPlus
Seems to be a lot of agreement between the women? I wonder if they talked to each other much during the study, or if they had more than one woman together when they examined the 3D dildoes (which would totally ruin it).

It’s also interesting that with NBP dildo length the women seemed quite good at identifying the average size around 5.5 in, but then they seemed to prefer a statistically rare length of 6.3-6.4 NBP. In other words, women know what average is but want big ones?

Yes I agree with this, both in my own experiences and just based on human nature in general. I think all of us as guys enjoy hooking up with better than average looking women so why can’t women enjoy hooking up with bigger than average men? I think anyone that denies this is just tricking themselves, and kind of a hypocrite, honestly. :)

This isn’t to say Bigger = Better, because that would be an over simplification. This is saying the “preferred size” for women is bigger than average. So if you are average, increasing in size would be better on average. Obviously there are points on this scale where going bigger would be worse, and for every women that point is different.

I think topics like this are dangerous in general because even though the above is true, I think its detracting from the fact that women can still be happiest with the average guy (just as a guy can be happiest with the average women), because sex, love, or whatever depends on so many other things than superficial measures. To me being consumed with finding the EXACT average penis size is neurotic and literally just a dick measuring contest with every guy in the world. Its pointless. The only thing that maters is what you think, and how good the sex is for the girl.. Period.

Last edited by AeroT : 05-06-2018 at .

Well said.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Originally Posted by RomeoPlus
No I do believe the facts. The fact that condom manufacturers make different sized condoms for different world markets (ie different races).

If there was no race difference they would just sell the same optimal sized condoms everywhere.

There is a “politcally ccorrect” tendency these days to never ever say anything that might offend people of a particular race. So people doing penis size tests might survey 100 black men and 100 white men of similar height and conclude “there was no difference in penis size based on race.” Fair enough, makes everyone feel good.

Now survey 100 big Dutch guys and 100 tiny Thai guys, and see what tthe results are. The penis size researchers in this study don’t tell you that race comparison, but the condom manufacturers have to know that stuff and size their condoms according to country and race or they just don’t fit and customers stop buying them.

And to reply to a-unit; yes I am sure and I have seen condom manufacturer white research papers, on this forum if I remember right.

30 years ago I had a Hooker friend and we used to get drunk together and talk about stuff. She worked the dock area where the ship guys came in, and she always talked about the Asian boats and she preferred the asian guys because they had little ones and she didn’t get sore. She called them “cigarette lighters” and she would hold up a plastic lighter and say “they’re just like that!”. She would see 5+ dicks a day when she was working, so got to see lots of dicks from lots of different countries (and see them in action, not just BPFL). You probably won’t call that a scientific study but it’s still proof. All the girls would rush to get the Asian boat guys so they didn’t get stuck with the European boat guys and larger dicks.

(edit; I have nothing against Asian guys, I was just amazed that there are smart people on this forum that were unaware of race differences in penis size).

Your first post mentioned height and big feet. Did you read the study?

”Height and flaccid length

One study 7 found flaccid length to be moderately significantly correlated with height (r = 0.32) and three studies 10, 21, 22 found weak correlations (r = 0.19–0.2). However, two studies 8, 21 reported no significant correlation between flaccid length and height”

Very little or no correlation between penis size and height.

Originally Posted by Johngalt987
She says the 3 big guys were between these two dildos in size. So if this study is right did she just happen upon three huge outliers or is this just bullshit and there are alot more big dicks out there then we see.

Or what she said is bullshit? Do you believe her size estimation skills more then the study. Women are terrible at guessing size. Women have guessed my size to be 12, 13 and even 14 inch. It’s ridiculous how bad they are at guessing.

Originally Posted by keybord
Your first post mentioned height and big feet. Did you read the study?

”Height and flaccid length

One study 7 found flaccid length to be moderately significantly correlated with height (r = 0.32) and three studies 10, 21, 22 found weak correlations (r = 0.19–0.2). However, two studies 8, 21 reported no significant correlation between flaccid length and height”

Very little or no correlation between penis size and height.

1. I was never talking about flaccid length, that’s one of the least reliable ways to measure due to massive bodyfat variations between men. Erect size (ie condom size) is what I was talking about.

2. As for “very little correlation between height and penis size”, sorry I’m not buying that. Maybe if your sample group were all similar heights, ie small height differences, there would be statistically little difference. But if you got a sample group A of guys 5’ tall and sample group B of guys 6’5 tall there would be a lot of statistical difference in penis size. Same with other bodyparts like hands and feet. But if you got a heap of guys close to average height there probably wouldn’t be much difference with (say) hand size.

I like women, especially bad girls. Chicks who have had lots of guys, and yes we talk and one of the important reasons bad girls like taller men is because generally they have a much better chance of finding a larger penis on a taller guy.

Originally Posted by keybord
Women are terrible at guessing size.

So true. I’m sure there are exceptions (women who sew a lot, i.e. do a lot of measuring). I’m pretty good at estimating length because I remodel homes. Plus, since I intimately know my dick length, I sometimes use it to measure out a board or something house-related (mentally only!).


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