Thunder's Place

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Average size - Lifestyles vs. Definitive Penis Survey


Average size - Lifestyles vs. Definitive Penis Survey

I’m looking at these two studies.

Average girth - 5.0”
Average length - 5.9”
50th percentile girth - 4.8”
5th percentile length - 5.75”

Definitive Penis Size Survey
Average girth - 5.0”
Average length (I think it’s bone pressed) - 6.4”
50th percentile length - 6.3”
50th percentile girth - 5.1”

Which one is more accurate? I’m mostly starting this thread to see where I measure up compared to average. I’m NBPL 5.75”, BPL 6.6”, EG 4.6”, but I wasn’t completely hard when measuring. I don’t know if I could’ve measured more if I was.

I’ve always thought that I was pretty small (maybe from watching too much porn?) but I’m pleasantly surprised that my length is pretty much right at the median. My girth, however, is slightly below the Lifestyles quoted median and much below the DPSS quoted median.

Does anyone know which one is more accurate? I think that with DPSS, the values are not measured, but self reported. I don’t want any sugar coating either; just tell me like it is.


The so called Definitive penis size survey was just an online survey, right ? Then it`s not worth shit.

The Lifestyles is really more accurate. The length on the lifestyle was bonepressed as well ( I´m pretty sure, at least it says so on various sites)

April 2008 : BPEL = 13.6 cm NBPEL = 12.7 cm ( measured girth wrong I think, so I won´t put it up here before next time I measure)

May 2008 : BPEL = 14.2 cm NBPEL = 12.8 cm

June 2008 : BPEL = 14.7 cm NBEL = 13 cm MSEG = 10.9 cm

The issue of average sized has been quoted here countless ocasions.

Well, no matter what you guys like to think about it. The average size it’s pretty much or even a bit less that the ones stated in most surveys.

The average penis usually is a small thing. Simple as that. But most guys NEED to believe it is a big thing, because they haven’t seen real erect penises apart from theirs or porn stuff.

I still don’t think the average girth is 5 inches.

More like 4.75.

Originally Posted by SirFoggy
I still don’t think the average girth is 5 inches.
More like 4.75.

Even less. And the median is smaller still. This is my guess.

:monty: Don\'t forget your KEGELS! :monty:

This thread is a good read.

Those sample sizes seem really small, though. Have there been studies with small sample sizes with larger averages to counteract those, or no?

By those studies, I’m above average length and just below average girth, but… just doesn’t seem possible!

But yeah, I’ve never seen another guy hard except in porn (much of which is amateur porn, however…). And on other forums, whenever the question of penis size is asked it seems like everyone’s packing 6.5”x5.5”+… I realize that people will lie (or stretch the truth) and the smaller one’s won’t respond as often, but it’s kind of unnerving seeing that.

And especially so when you read studies about big average sizes, even if they are self reported.

Does anyone know what the most credible performed study is? Is there a clear cut #1 or no?

Originally Posted by Ztalin
Those sample sizes seem really small, though. Have there been studies with small sample sizes with larger averages to counteract those, or no?

I had a very interesting discussion on a drunken night out with a guy who had been studying statistics at the university. Apparently, as soon as you’re dealing with a group larger than 30 subjects you could draw pretty accurate statistical conclusions.

Originally Posted by Ztalin
By those studies, I’m above average length and just below average girth, but… just doesn’t seem possible!

I reacted the same way when I started reading up on the subject. Now I know that I never was small. Too bad it took almost 40 years to reach that insight.

But , on the other hand, if I hadn’t been concerned with my penis size i wouldn’t have found this place, and I wouldn’t have a statistically large penis, which I have today.

Originally Posted by Ztalin
By those studies, I’m above average length and just below average girth, but… just doesn’t seem possible!

I don’t see anywhere in those studies where they even talk about average girth, except the one done in Israel (4.29”) and Study 2 (4.97”), which is the Lifestyles one which everybody knows is bigger than the true average.

To which study were you referring to? Oddly enough, the Israel study sounds closer to the true average, though it does seem a little low. But I know what you mean, it is relieving to know that I’m more normal than the penis propaganda sites would have you believe.

:monty: Don\'t forget your KEGELS! :monty:

Originally Posted by Vurpollon
I had a very interesting discussion on a drunken night out with a guy who had been studying statistics at the university. Apparently, as soon as you’re dealing with a group larger than 30 subjects you could draw pretty accurate statistical conclusions.

I reacted the same way when I started reading up on the subject. Now I know that I never was small. Too bad it took almost 40 years to reach that insight.

But , on the other hand, if I hadn’t been concerned with my penis size i wouldn’t have found this place, and I wouldn’t have a statistically large penis, which I have today.

Wow, this is good to know… at least now I can just enjoy my PE gains instead of obsessing/worrying about them. Like I asked before, though, were there any small sample studies that yielded high averages, or no?

Glad I didn’t spend 40 years stressing over it. Thanks mate.

Hey was your starting size NBP or BP? If NBP we started with pretty similar size. How long did it take to get where you are?

Originally Posted by Cernunnos
I don’t see anywhere in those studies where they even talk about average girth, except the one done in Israel (4.29”) and Study 2 (4.97”), which is the Lifestyles one which everybody knows is bigger than the true average.

To which study were you referring to? Oddly enough, the Israel study sounds closer to the true average, though it does seem a little low. But I know what you mean, it is relieving to know that I’m more normal than the penis propaganda sites would have you believe.

Yeah, I was thinking about the Lifestyles median at the time and forgot that it wasn’t on that page. I didn’t word what I said very well, sorry.

Originally Posted by Ztalin
Yeah, I was thinking about the Lifestyles median at the time and forgot that it wasn’t on that page. I didn’t word what I said very well, sorry.

That’s cool, bro! No reason to apologize. I was just curious. :)

:monty: Don\'t forget your KEGELS! :monty:

Originally Posted by Ztalin
Like I asked before, though, were there any small sample studies that yielded high averages, or no?

As far as I know, Para-Goomba’s list of studies is pretty exhaustive.

Originally Posted by Ztalin
Hey was your starting size NBP or BP? If NBP we started with pretty similar size. How long did it take to get where you are?

About a year and a half. In retrospect my gains seem almost extreme, they’ve surpassed my initial goals by far, so I guess I’m fortunate to have a penis that has responded unusually well to the exercises.

My starting length was sort of bone-pressed, but it took a few weeks for me to reach the point where I couldn’t push the ruler further back, so I think some of my initial gains were due yo sloppy measuring.

I don’t see anywhere in those studies where they even talk about average girth

Yeah, it’s weird how very few studies have anything to say about erect girth, which is more important to overall penis size than length and is more important for things like condom sizing. That the Lifestyles average is a tad under 5” — and that this study yielded one of the highest (or maybe the highest? I don’t remember) average length — suggests that the average erect girth is definitely no more than 5”. I think that “starting size” polls at Thunder’s also place the average girth somewhere slightly under 5”.

Originally Posted by Para-Goomba
I think that "starting size" polls at Thunder’s also place the average girth somewhere slightly under 5".

You are correct, sir.

Starting girths graph:
from this thread:
Size’s PE data analysis

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

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