Back to the future
It’s time to PE a little again, but I need to rethink what worked for me and made me able to stick with a program without losing interest. I remember I used to get into the zone, pop the music on, gets some attractive women on my screen with a slide screen show and sort of get myself in a trance and just go to my own little dick growing place. This music always helped and I like this station http://www.di.f … /progressivepsy . I’m going to do some jelqing for a while since I haven’t done much of anything for a long time and while my cock doesn’t seem any smaller it does seem less veined and muscular which I’m not happy about. Well it will be good to get my dick super healthy again like jelging always did. I will post some updates, hopefully I will be able to maintain some interest ;)
I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)