Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Benefits of Heat in PE

I wonder.

Are there any known statistics of heating the pubic area while hanging?

Do the die hards on this forum know anyone who has applied this structurally and benefited from it?

Starting Stats (2023-06): FL - 13 cm | FG - 12 cm | BPFLS - 16.2 cm | BPEL - 15.5 cm | EG - 13.5 cm

Stats (2023-08): FL - 12.5 cm | FG - 11.6 cm | BPFLS - 17.6 cm | BPEL - 16.6 cm | EG - 13.9 cm

After my early newbie progress had ended and I was into harder gaining mode, I made my best progress from hanging after soaking in as hot of a bath as I could stand before each daily hanging session. The hot bath warmed up everything. I then used a heated rice sock, heating pad or whatever for continued warmth during the hanging sessions.

Most here will agree that heat at least helps, and many will say it is vital.

Saw this the other day and wanted to het Tutt’s opinion on this device:

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I remember Tutt talking about using RF to heat the penis and saying such a device would be too expensive. It appears that a reasonable price point device now exists (albeit not available in the United States yet) and wondered if this device might work for our purposes.

Originally Posted by busdriver
Saw this the other day and wanted to het Tutt’s opinion on this device:

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I remember Tutt talking about using RF to heat the penis and saying such a device would be too expensive. It appears that a reasonable price point device now exists (albeit not available in the United States yet) and wondered if this device might work for our purposes.

I used it right before interval pumping with vibration at 13.5hg in a tight cylinder. About 30% more strain

Shoot 1800 bucks:(


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