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Best excercises for premature ejaculation...

Best excercises for premature ejaculation...

Can members who have had success with correcting premature ej. comment on which specific excercises worked the best? I have been trying to do kegels everyday randomly throughout my day but have not noticed too much improvement in the distance dept.



hey jk,

i had the same problem a while ago…

prem. ej. is a very complex thing and i can´t give you a final solution. i only can give you two hints which i found useful to get rid of the problem…

1. i realized that my head is very sensible, so i just touched it with my hands in different way. by doing this the nerve endings will become more used to “the touch”.

2. and another thing: i distract myself from sex itself by trying to move my toes each seperately….

hope this helps….

perhaps anybody else has a more scientific solution…. i am also interested…

tried the jelqing excercize

now going for hypnosis, will let you know the result

Best excercises for premature ejaculation...

JK, I have the same issue as Jaco does with the issue of a fairly sensitive head(on my penis). How long have you actually be doing Kegels. I have being doing Kegs with my routines, to and from work and heck even at work..basically whenever I think about it. It does help but just like any other muscle in you boday the PCs will have to build up to it.

Keep at it and good luck!

I like to say something about kegals exercises that I have noticed. Watch out for over training. I think its very common for most people to think that if a little is good, a lot more must be better. I recommend making a schedule and sticking to it. I used to do my kegals on the drive in to work and then when going home. Now I just stick to the drive into work. I do 4 sets of 100 and that is all I need. The last set I try to put some speed which really seems to put the stress to the muscle. I also get a dual benifit from doing my kegals when jelq’n.

Another thing I like to point out about kegals is that like all muscles, there are muscles for pushing and pulling. When I do my kegals I push and pull. When I added the push with the push in the kegal, I had an almost immediate impact on my erections. Much stronger for sure.

I have not had Pre ej but I will tell you what I know about extending the time during sex. When I feel an orgasim coming up, I stop immediately. Also, when I was young, I noticed when I masterbated a number of hours before having sex, I would last a long time too. My wife heard a sex therapy show and masterbating was recommended to the person asking about how to resolve Pre ej.

Hope something I have said will be of some help and correctly answered your question.



Hypnosis does work,

it had an effect on me, i could orgasm but not ejaculate last night, and my orgasms are getting so much better, that i did it 4 times a day, last time i pulled that shit was when i was in high school.

What Manzwa says makes sense. (And as Baccart suggests, hypnosis can be a powerful tool.)

A lot of us establish patterns for ejaculation through masturbation; studies have shown that men who have privacy problems at home and need to be speedy at it and furtive also tend to ejaculate more quickly during intercourse, even when privacy is no longer the issue. Ditto for guys who do not prolong masturbation sessions but just habitually go for the gold.

Control has a whole lot to do with learning very thoroughly and intimately your own erectile process, with attention to the feelings and physiological events that lead up to ejaculation. It might make a lot of difference in your staying power to learn “brinking” during masturbation. This (and Kegels) can help you avoid crossing that line of inevitibility.

Manzwa, stopping does work. But the problem with just stopping everything is that your partner has to know what you’re doing and when so that she stops, too. Or the couple have to have real good sexual messaging as to timing. How many of us have been at that “Oh God, Don’t Stop!” crisis? :-)



Thanks for the replies. I will keep doing the kegels and work on my prem. ej.


What happened during the hypnosis and how many sessions did you go to? Cost? Any info you would like to add.



well, i cant afford sessions, so i bought a cd set, serach for hypnosis you will find good stuff.

remember the time when it used to take a long ass time to cum in the beginning? how was that possible?

Try this.....

Do an internet search for the “Masters and Johnson” squeeze technique. It’s fairly detailed as to how to do etc., and seems fairly concise.


the masters and johnson and squeeze techniques are some what related to edging, which I find useful for fun, for endurance exercise (sexual), and for finishing off a jelq session to keep the “pump” as long as possible. nb after a good jelq/edging session he will be very tired so give yourself a little time before taking on the wife or gf.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

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