Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Bib's history

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>I’m not sure if you’re understanding the question or not. My question is about the area that was getting Ulied. The part between the U thing, along the shaft, to the head. Did this part stay hard during the ten minutes session? Or did it slowly become flaccid but still engorged?<

This is one of those things that takes some experience. Let me give it a shot. I can tell you that at the beginning of the day, the area above the U thing would usually stay very hard for the ten minutes. But then, during each set, the tunica seemed to become more and more pliable. So that in the later sets, the shaft would appear to lose some turgidity during the ten minutes. I do not think any blood was escaping. I think the tunica simply was expanding under the pressure.

Oh, also, when using heat you will notice this to a much greater extent. It will become obvious that the heat helps in loosening the tunica.

The drop in turgidity was never enough to even make me think of adding more blood. I do not think that would be needed.

>Did you worry to make your unit hard just before your put the U thing on, so it will be tightened when your shaft is hard?<

No, I never got my shaft completely hard when applying the U thing. Not needed. Also, it would make it very difficult to tighten sufficiently against that much pressure. IOW, it would be hard to get the Uli thing closed.

>Also forgot to ask: Would you do this every day of PEing? Five days a week?<

Yes. I did not sneak many, if any sets on the weekend. I really needed the rest by the end of the week.

>And - did you get any discoloration as a result of the U thing? <

No, I think the extreme Ulis helped eliminate discoloration.


Bib, you have always been a huge inspiration to me. We think so much alike sometimes it scares me. You have made PE a large part of your life and have taken so much pride it that. I admire this about you. You were the ONLY reason I made it past the 9.5” mark…THE ONLY REASON. After reading so much about you I finally believed it was possible…For that I owe you so much. If I can do anything for you ever just say the word.

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

Last edited by doublelongdaddy : 02-11-2003 at .


>But then, during each set, the tunica seemed to become more and more pliable. So that in the later sets, the shaft would appear to lose some turgidity during the ten minutes. I do not think any blood was escaping. I think the tunica simply was expanding under the pressure.<

So, IOW, you are saying that it is the goal of the exercize to get the shaft to this looser, tunica-expanding state.

You believe the real growth happens only in this state?

This sounds a lot like what RB described:

>After a few twists, it was like someone had blown my veins up with air. It was really easy to see and feel them. Next, my shaft inflated like a balloon. Really really pumped, but soft, not hard. I wasn’t able to leave it on long (privacy), but believe me it was long enough to see the light.<

And he says:

>In the past, I’ve reached this magic stage mannualy occaisonally, where my dick is super swollen and pliable, not hard as steel like when erect. In this condition, I can really feel the tunica stretching and expanding when doing sqeezes and bends. In fact, my best girth work and all day pump comes from these pumped “flaccid” states.<

I’m not sure if I’ve ever reached that state. Not in general PEing and not in the extreme Uli’s. Maybe it’s because I worried to keep myself erect. I’ll check it again tonight.

>No, I never got my shaft completely hard when applying the U thing. Not needed. Also, it would make it very difficult to tighten sufficiently against that much pressure. IOW, it would be hard to get the Uli thing closed.<

Yet, you said the amount of blood in the shaft when you put the U thing on is importnat, so you get it something like 70% erect?

I’m trying to understand exactly what is happening here: You aim to complteley block any back-flow of blood out of the shaft, but you want to still get in-flow of blood into your shaft, because that is what creates the expansion, right? However, the U thing must block some of the in-flow veins as well, because if you put it on a flaccid dick it won’t get as big and hard as if you put it on a 70% erect dick.

Also, obviously, it’s impossible to urinate when you have the U thing on. Now I say it’s abvious, but I had a real creepy experience with this the other day: I went to the shower with the ring on, and suddenly wanted to urinate. I didn’t think about it much and went for it. I felt the whole load flowing down, trying to get out, but nothing did! It was a really strange feeling, and I strugled to get the ring off (it takes a while with those rings), so the urine will finally flow out.

Braker, the blood vessels that provide the inflow are located centrally in the penis shaft, while the outflow veins are located on the outside of the shaft, making outflow much easier to cut off.

Try this. Get a raging boner. Kegel or reverse kegel (whichever works best for you) as much blood in as possible. Clamp off at the base with a very firm grip. As you feel you erection subside, let up your grip just a bit and kegel/rk more blood in, then quickly re-clamp. Repeat this over and over, and eventually you will be left with a fully inflated flaccid dick.

I my post, I was not using a uli thing, and the pressure I was able to put on the veins was limited, but adequate to pump my prick up. I have at times gotten much more pumped (those magical times) where it felt like my dick was gonna pop, like Bib is referencing, and in those cases, my shaft was hard, but not hard as steel like in a normal erection. In my opinion, reaching and maintaining this state places exponential lateral stress on the tunica, causing it to stretch. Once stretched a bit, it softens up, because, well, it stretched.

Hopefully this weekend I’ll get the chance to modify my previously failed attempt at a uli thing.


>Bib, you have always been a huge inspiration to me. We think so much alike sometimes it scares me. <

Me too.

>You have made PE a large part of your life and have taken so much pride it that. I admire this about you. You were the ONLY reason I made it past the 9.5” mark…THE ONLY REASON.<

That’s a good thing, right?

>After reading so much about you I finally believed it was possible…For that I owe you so much. If I can do anything for you ever just say the word.<

Just get well and try out your hanger. I am still interested to know what you think. If you ever get the ‘hanger’ of it, I might get you to take some pictures. I think SWM has the only pic with a hanger in use.

I appreciate your kind words.


>So, IOW, you are saying that it is the goal of the exercize to get the shaft to this looser, tunica-expanding state.<

Er, yes. The tunica expanded.

>You believe the real growth happens only in this state?<

Real growth can only occur if the penis is past the marginal stretch for some period of time. Either with length or girth.

This sounds a lot like what RB described:

>I’m not sure if I’ve ever reached that state. Not in general PEing and not in the extreme Uli’s. Maybe it’s because I worried to keep myself erect. I’ll check it again tonight.<

It has nothing to do with being erect. It has to do with internal tunica pressure. That may sound strange, but it is true. You cannot tighten down sufficiently to really increase the pressure if you are erect.

>Yet, you said the amount of blood in the shaft when you put the U thing on is importnat, so you get it something like 70% erect?<

Yes, there are stages. When you wrap, just the wrap will help with cutting off return blood, and you may naturally swell. If you get the wrap too tight, you might not be able to fill with blood. Then, when you massage and start to become erect, the wrap and/or U thing will make it go much faster. So you may need to put the U thing on loosely in the beginning so that you are ready. Then, when there is a good amount of blood in, you can begin tightening.

This is where it gets tricky. Quickly the return blood will be cut off. It should really swell. If you tighten down too fast, the inflow blood will be cut off too fast and you will not get great pressure. If you tighten down too slow, you will become too erect and not be able to tighten enough. It really only takes a little experience, and success once or twice till you get it down. Sabe?

>I’m trying to understand exactly what is happening here: You aim to complteley block any back-flow of blood out of the shaft, but you want to still get in-flow of blood into your shaft, because that is what creates the expansion, right?<

No. At the xenith, you wish for inflow to be cut off also. The ultimate pressure comes from the Uli thing being tightened the last bit.

>However, the U thing must block some of the in-flow veins as well, because if you put it on a flaccid dick it won’t get as big and hard as if you put it on a 70% erect dick.<

Ultimately, the in-flow is blocked.

>Also, obviously, it’s impossible to urinate when you have the U thing on. Now I say it’s abvious, but I had a real creepy experience with this the other day: I went to the shower with the ring on, and suddenly wanted to urinate. I didn’t think about it much and went for it. I felt the whole load flowing down, trying to get out, but nothing did! It was a really strange feeling, and I strugled to get the ring off (it takes a while with those rings), so the urine will finally flow out. <

Piss before you start this. Obviously, it is much easier to cut off urine than blood.


By jove, I believe you’ve got it.


RB and Bib,

Thanks a lot guys, all this is pretty fascinating. I am going to experiment with this some more. What a great way to change a routine!

Congrats Bib,

excellent post. Very informative.

Make it huge....!

Uncut4Big / Mike


Of all you have said in this thread, two things have stood out for me.

First, the women who sat around you in class. Trivia, I suppose, but all part of motivation.

Secondly, the fact that you got to 45lbs hanging. I have read most of your posts on this subject, and I recall a comment (yours?) that most gains came after reaching the 20lbs mark. Perhaps I would have had faster gains with more weight. As such, I shall be upping the weight load gradually.

As far as pics go, Stillwantmore has been the forerunner in my book, for several reasons. I’ll try to get a pic this arvo and post it.



I appreciate your kind words.


I made most of my gains, hanging between 17.5 and 20 lbs. I stayed in that range for a long time. When the fatigue ended at 20, I went to 22.5 and so on, up to 45 lbs at the end. Safe to say, the gains I made after the 17,5-20 lb range were tougher, slower. I also made gains at under 17.5, but I moved up in weight, between 7.5 lbs and 17.5 lbs rather quickly. Say within six months.



I’m curious about the effects of long layoffs. How quickly did your weight tolerence go down, presuming it has? Did it taper down gradually, or stay relatively high for a period of time and then fall off rapidly? If you were to resume hanging today, what would be your max working weight?


How quickly did your weight tolerence go down, presuming it has? Did it taper down gradually, or stay relatively high for a period of time and then fall off rapidly? If you were to resume hanging today, what would be your max working weight? <

I can tell you it fell off fairly rapidly. I pretty much quit cold turkey with the heavy weight, when I stopped hanging for more length. I simply reduced time and weight over the course of several months. The few times I tried really heavy weights after that, it was a no-go, except for more than a few minutes.

In the recent past, I have hung from time to time to try out something, or check something someone had a problem with. The most I have used is 25 lbs, and that was too much. Twenty is plenty. In fact, many times I could only use fifteen. So in my case, my penis became much weaker.

Good question.


Questions for Bib on the Uli Thing


I recently made myself a Uli Thing and even with all this build up, the effect it had still blew mind :D . I have a few related questions for you when you have a minute. Thanks!

Originally posted by Bib
The manual Uli's took too much time for me. Much easier to get the pressure up with an Uli thing, tighten it down, and do other things for ten minutes or so. Then, rest and repeat.

Were the other things you did other girth exercises or did your girth routine consist only of the light jelqing and leaving the Uli Thing on?

Originally posted by Bib
>What you usually did is place the thing as closer to the base as possible, or did you alternate it's position along the shaft?<

I alternated. Always at least below the circ scar though. It has to be a certain distance from the head to get full expansion. Trig.

Can you clarify this a little? I’m not sure if you mean trigonometry of a triangle.

Originally posted by Bib
Yes, you have to build up the pressure rather slowly. It might take a couple minutes to get full expansion and tightened.

When I first put it on, I stop tightening the clamp just shy of what I perceive to be excess discomfort. I then check every minute or so and I find myself being able to tighten at least a half a turn right to the very end of the 10 minute set. Do you think I’m still experiencing back flow or are my tissues just getting more tolerant of discomfort as they expand?

Originally posted by Bib
I always did these with a heated rice sock, at least for the first half of my sets. This will loosen the collagenous tissues a bunch, and allow for greater expansion. Be sure to cool down while staying wrapped and at least slightly engorged.

Is this cooling down using something (e.g. an ice pack) to cool down or just lowering the pressure gradually?


>Were the other things you did other girth exercises or did your girth routine consist only of the light jelqing and leaving the Uli Thing on?<

The other things I was talking about was working. You know, career stuff.

>Can you clarify this a little? I’m not sure if you mean trigonometry of a triangle<

No, the trig refers to the minimum distance from the glans to place the Uli thing and still allow for super-expansion of the head. For instance, you cannot place the Uli thing immediately behind the glans and get any significant expansion.

>When I first put it on, I stop tightening the clamp just shy of what I perceive to be excess discomfort. I then check every minute or so and I find myself being able to tighten at least a half a turn right to the very end of the 10 minute set. Do you think I’m still experiencing back flow or are my tissues just getting more tolerant of discomfort as they expand? <

I really cannot tell from this distance, but I would say probably some of both. Most however is probably from backflow.

>Is this cooling down using something (e.g. an ice pack) to cool down or just lowering the pressure gradually?<

No, just allow it to return to normal temp in the expanded state.



Sounds like I need to figure out how to cut off that back flow. Hopefully progressive conditioning of the tissues will let me tighten down more initially. The other thing that could be flawed is my wrapping.

Thanks for the quick response!


So all this time I’m thinking that the Uli-thing is PVC pipe but its not right??? It’s made out of that clear bendable piping with the the threading in it?? or what is the best material for it?

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."

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