Thunder's Place

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Braker, any chance you can find a link to a pic of the leather adjustable cock ring you just described? I’d love to take a look at it.

I tried to make a uli thing using a banded hose clamp and a section of leather belt. So far, no good. I’m currently experimenting with another contraption, I’m optimistic it will work.

Bib, I used leather because I was never quite sure what type of pipe or hose you used. What was it, if I may ask?

Originally posted by RB
Braker, any chance you can find a link to a pic of the leather adjustable cock ring you just described? I'd love to take a look at it.

I tried to look for it but couldn’t find anything yet. I don’t even know how it’s called because I didn’t keep the box. It’s pretty hard to explain exactly how it works. The inner plastic band is what you use to tighten it, and the outer part is some kind of sheath made of a material, actually it’s not exactly leather, some kind of cloth, this protects your skin.

Hope this helps a little.

I’m sure making the Uli thing is not that hard, I have some friends which are great at building things, but it’s kind of embarrassing to ask their help for this.. :o

Off topic---Attn RB...

Sorry for going off topic on this thread but I finally spotted you (RB) in a recent thread.

RB I just wanted to tell you that I sent you a private message last week regarding an issue on another forum…but I guess you don’t check your private messages much on here.

Oh well.

Adjustable Cock Ring

Braker said: "I don’t even know how it’s called because I didn’t keep the box. It’s pretty hard to explain exactly how it works. The inner plastic band is what you use to tighten it, and the outer part is some kind of sheath made of a material, actually it’s not exactly leather, some kind of cloth, this protects your skin."

Could it be something like the Bona Constrictor adjustable cock ring?


Re-reading this thread, I have to make a correction. I did not ever get injured doing these. I became very very sore, but no injuries.

>After tightening more and more, my dick got very pumped, red and hard. I would estimate the hardness as about 90%. It seems I cut all back flow, there was only one time during these 3 sessions which I felt I got a bit softer, but I think it was just because the strap got a bit loose for a second. Apart from this one time, it seems I can walk around and it stays as hard and pumped.<

Actually, the hardness is irrelevant, since you are going for the marginal stretch. After a while, you should notice that the engorement becomes softer. Bigger but softer as the tunica expands within the ten minutes. Of course, getting softer can be because of back flow also.

>Regarding the stages of lateral stretch: I seem to have got to the second stage of darkening with some bumps on the head. However I haven’t noticed the head become shiny yet. Maybe I need to tighten even more?<

Slow down there tiger. I did not mean to say that you would acheive all three stages in the beginning. That is too much pressure to begin with. Take it slow. Also, I failed to mention heat. I always did these with a heated rice sock, at least for the first half of my sets. This will loosen the collagenous tissues a bunch, and allow for greater expansion. Be sure to cool down while staying wrapped and at least slightly engorged.

>How sore, if at all, did you feel during the exercise?<

Damn sore.

>Haven’t used any wrapping yet, so maybe this prevented me from doing the extra needed tightening, though it did feel very tight. I’ll find something to wrap and try it again.<

Aside from the tightening, the amount of blood you capture makes a big difference.

>Anyhow, does it sound like I’m in the right direction?<

Pretty much so.


>Bib, I used leather because I was never quite sure what type of pipe or hose you used. What was it, if I may ask? <

Didn’t you get my reply PM?


>Bib, I am finally going to get around to building a uli thing. Are you using flexible pvc for this? If not, what specifically are you using?<

Yes, it is flexible. Most hardware stores have a good selection. Try to get a 1/4” wall thickness. I can’t remember the inside diameter, but if you get it large enough, you can just cut out what you do not need. Try to get the clear tubing with nylon mesh imbedded.

>Also, when placing the thing on your shaft, do you put the gap in the pvc at the top, bottom or sides of your penis? From my understanding the main return vein runs along the top of the shaft, so I’m guessing the gap should go on one of the sides that allows easy access to tighten the screw so as to place compression on the top of the shaft.<

I always had the gap on top. Remember, you will be wrapped. The band clamp ‘bridges’ the gap. So the wrap will push against the band clamp when tightened. It should not make a difference where the gap is.

Good luck,


j384 and Bib- I didn’t get any pm’s to my knowledge. I have my profile set to notify me of pm’s, no notices, I don’t check. I’ll check now, to see if I screwed something up.

Bib, so it’s not really “pvc” pipe, but some type of clear flexible web mesh imbedded hose. I bought a section of that, but it took the guy forever to cut it with a hacksaw, so I haven’t tried it yet. They did have smaller id hose that was much more flexible, but this was the only hose with a 1.5” id, and it’s not very flexible. Sound’s like I need a different section of hose. In pvc, the only flexible pipe they had wasn’t very flexible, and had a very thin wall.

Westla, that looks very interesting. I wonder if one could modify a wire tie to work as a uli thing? I’ll have to get one and play with it. $60 seems kind steep for a wire tie covered in fabric… But, I could see this working very well for extreme uli’s.


>Aside from the tightening, the amount of blood you capture makes a big difference<

Do you mean the amount of blood in the penis when you first begin to tighten, or the amount of blood you pump into the penis during the exercise? I did some kegels during my sets, which made the engorgement even bigger.

BTW - have you ever tried to use a second Uli thing, or a second cock ring on the top of the penis? This sounds pretty crazy, doesn’t it? Probably way too much pressure, like the most extreme form of a horse squeeze.

Anyhow thanks for all the input. I have to say I’m really excited with this new exercise, after you’ve been at the same routine for a few months your mind and your dick just scream for a change, and this feels like just what I needed.

westla90069 and RB,

Yes! That’s exactly it! I’m sorry, I do have a memory of a goldfish! :o The one I got from the sex shop is a completely different one (yes I have a little collection ;) ), this one I got from this guy at this site, the Bona Constrictor. It is pretty expensive, but the guy was really nice, he actually sent me two for the price of one, because the first one was too stiff. I should have another one around somewhere.

I never tried it on the shaft, because it’s pretty thick and would be too massive for sex when used like that. But for the extreme Uli it seems to work pretty good!


>Bib, so it’s not really “pvc” pipe, but some type of clear flexible web mesh imbedded hose. <

That sounds correct.

>I bought a section of that, but it took the guy forever to cut it with a hacksaw, so I haven’t tried it yet. <

It is tough but flexible.

>They did have smaller id hose that was much more flexible, but this was the only hose with a 1.5” id, and it’s not very flexible. <

It doesn’t have to be really flexible. Just enough that it can close after the appropriate amount is cut out.

>Sound’s like I need a different section of hose. In pvc, the only flexible pipe they had wasn’t very flexible, and had a very thin wall.<

No, you want the 1/4 inch thick stuff. Then bevel the edges. The thin stuff will tend to be to sharp on the edges.

Referring to your PM, I don’t know anything about the wire ties. I do not see how they could work.


>Do you mean the amount of blood in the penis when you first begin to tighten, or the amount of blood you pump into the penis during the exercise? I did some kegels during my sets, which made the engorgement even bigger.<

Well, I mean the amount of blood in the penis when you get the Uli thing positioned and the outer veins cut off.

>BTW - have you ever tried to use a second Uli thing, or a second cock ring on the top of the penis? This sounds pretty crazy, doesn’t it? Probably way too much pressure, like the most extreme form of a horse squeeze.<

Hell no. All you have to do is push out a little on the one Uli thing. The pressure is tremendous. I tried hanging five or ten lbs for an Uli thing one time, but it was simply too intense and not worth the risk.


I tried my uli thing again at lunch to no avail, and now I know why it won’t work. I fucked up…

I’ve probably looked at Bib’s diagram a million times, except when I was actually building the thing. Dumbass…

Anyway, I had the adjustment screw hanging over the edge of the clamp material (I used a section of leather belt) instead of having it laying on the belt material. No way to tighten it enough to close the gap…

Back to the drawing board, this time armed with some useful knowledge… :)

Bib, I also atarted Pe in 98 but I didnt know the pe forums were around back then. All I found was some VERRY basic things like jelqing and the simplist of stretching. I didnt even become aware of the concept of hanging before I became a member of this forum in late 2000. Your a true inspiration to all PE’ers new and old.


Just to let you in on my progress:

It feels *great*!

I’ve been doing the extreme Uli’s with the Bona cock ring for a few days now, three x 10 minutes sets a day. I’m planning to add a few sets soon.

I get a pretty huge pump after each set. The pump is even bigger than a 7 minutes pumping session, and it feels better because it doesn’t have the extra fluid you get when pumping.

In fact, it’s been a while that I’ve been alternating sessions of pumping and jelquing in the same PE session, but because of the huge pump I get with this new exercise I think I’m going to split the pumping and the jelq + Uli to two separate sessions in different times of the day.

A couple of more questions Bib:

I’ve been wrapping with a piece of cloth. I feel really sore where the ring is pressing, though less sore in the rest of the shaft, is that what you felt, Bib?

What I do is I masturbate during the ten minutes session, first because it keeps more blood flowing in, and also because it just feels good, and finally it’s another practice in holding off ejaculation. What do you think about this Bib?

Also - when you were working on your girth doing these, did you do any other exercises for girth as well? Did you jelq in between sessions or squeezed? I’m finding I jelq less when I’m doing the Uli’s because they feel so effective on their own.

Since I’ve started doing these, I’ve been hanging much fuller during the day.

Braker, are you putting the constrictor in front of or behind your balls? If behind, do you get any wierd feelings in your nuts? Do you feel it’s safe?

I was about to set my ass in front of the tv last night, and noticed one of my daughter’s cloth covered elastic hair rings laying around. I grabbed it, got half hard, and slipped it over my shaft. I rolled it down as close to my nuts as possible, but still in front of them. I then worked up an erection, but didn’t get much of a constricted feel from the ring. As my erection was subsiding, I grabbed the elastic, and twisted it to make it smaller around my shaft. After a few twists, it was like someone had blown my veins up with air. It was really easy to see and feel them. Next, my shaft inflated like a balloon. Really really pumped, but soft, not hard. I wasn’t able to leave it on long (privacy), but believe me it was long enough to see the light.

In the past, I’ve reached this magic stage mannualy occaisonally, where my dick is super swollen and pliable, not hard as steel like when erect. In this condition, I can really feel the tunica stretching and expanding when doing sqeezes and bends. In fact, my best girth work and all day pump comes from these pumped “flaccid” states. However, I rarely am able to duplicate this condition. I can see now the constriction of a ring or uli thing will bring it on, at will.

I have high hopes…


I too have high hopes, though I’m still not sure if the ring I’m using is indeed as good as the Uli thing. It feels good though.

I’m using it on my shaft, not behind the balls, but as close to the balls as possible. The pump is much bigger this way. I still haven’t tried to use it further up along the shaft. I’m not sure how essential it is to alternate the position along the shaft, is it mainly for make the girth even, Bib?

Funny you should mention your daughter’s hair ring, I also happened to use a piece of clothing of my son yesterday. I didn’t mention it cause it sounds kinda sick, but since you brought it up - I was looking for a good cloth for wrapping and the thinnest thing I found was one of his underwears, I cut a stripe with scissors and wrapped it on my shaft before putting the ring on (those underwear were kinda girly anyhow, so I thought he won’t miss them too much.. :) ).

I have to admit I did feel a bit weird doing that, but it worked ok.

So you think of using a hair ring for the Uli’s? Did you twist it with one hand and kept grabbing the thing with that hand so the pressure will be maintained?

Did you feel any soreness and where?

And Bib - what do you think about the issue of being hard or soft during the Uli’s?


Thank you for your kind words.


>I’ve been wrapping with a piece of cloth. I feel really sore where the ring is pressing, though less sore in the rest of the shaft, is that what you felt, Bib?<

I really do not remember the area of constriction getting very sore. I do remember how sore the upper shaft became both during and after the work.

>What I do is I masturbate during the ten minutes session, first because it keeps more blood flowing in, and also because it just feels good, and finally it’s another practice in holding off ejaculation. What do you think about this Bib?<

Hmmm. I have to give out the old warnings here. You have not reached critical mass yet. But take it slowly. Get your unit used to the pressure. Lower pressure on a unit that is not used to it is fine and will yield results. Over time you can increase the constriction.

There. The fact is, if tightened enough, and with the proper engorgement, you do not have to masturbate while the ULI thing is on. I could get engorged, slowly tighten down, and ten minutes later, the shaft on the ‘base side’ of the Uli thing would be flaccid, while the shaft on the ‘head side’ of the Uli thing would still be totally engorged. If tightened down, there is no reason to “keep the blood flowing in”. When tightened down enough to prevent backflow, this also causes a greatly increased pressure on the head side.

>Also - when you were working on your girth doing these, did you do any other exercises for girth as well? Did you jelq in between sessions or squeezed? I’m finding I jelq less when I’m doing the Uli’s because they feel so effective on their own.<

I just did my normal light jelqing.

>I’m using it on my shaft, not behind the balls, but as close to the balls as possible. The pump is much bigger this way. I still haven’t tried to use it further up along the shaft. I’m not sure how essential it is to alternate the position along the shaft, is it mainly for make the girth even, Bib?<

Yes, that is one reason, but also it seems to help if you are sore only in one area. Sometimes I would really get sore on the bottom of my shaft at the head. Just under the head. I also made great gains there. When really sore in this area, if I moved closer to the base, it helped to be able to continue.

>And Bib - what do you think about the issue of being hard or soft during the Uli’s <

Well, I would be hard at the beginning of the set until the Uli thing was tightened down. Then below the U thing, become soft during the ten minutes. Or am I not understanding the question?


>Well, I would be hard at the beginning of the set until the Uli thing was tightened down. Then below the U thing, become soft during the ten minutes. Or am I not understanding the question?<

I’m not sure if you’re understanding the question or not. My question is about the area that was getting Ulied. The part between the U thing, along the shaft, to the head. Did this part stay hard during the ten minutes session? Or did it slowly become flaccid but still engorged?

Did you worry to make your unit hard just before your put the U thing on, so it will be tightened when your shaft is hard?

Also forgot to ask: Would you do this every day of PEing? Five days a week?

And - did you get any discoloration as a result of the U thing?

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