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Big Girth - The Downside

I agree with the observations made by the original post; above-average girth can pose problems for both the guy and his partner. I chose the word “can” and not “will” because there are other variables at play (e.g. foreplay, lube, the recipient’s anatomy, etc).

I have the unusual perspective of someone who’s sampled sex at notably under-average and notably above-average girths (as in, I’ve never really had many sexual experiences in the average range). While my length has always been modest & average at best, my girth started as one in which “snugger fit” condoms would barely stay on, to a girth that suffers from indentations left by Magnum XL rubbers (nearly 3 inches in circumference gained).

The experiences outlined by the original post is something I’ve come to see happen more often than not. I find that younger ladies (e.g. in their 20’s, no-children) tend to require more patience and/or lube, whereas older women (especially those who’ve birthed 2+ children) can (and love to) take it all day. Anal definitely requires more preparation.

From my readings and personal experiences, I feel like the 5.5”-ish area is where you become certifiably thick, and every fraction of an inch thicker begins the road of diminishing returns. It also depends on the individual, some guys don’t mind the inconvenience if it means it bolsters their confidence and/or ego.

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Originally Posted by TheGr8Leviathan
I’m not convinced at all. I am still gonna go for 6” girth. I already dislike blowjobs because all the girls I have slept with (a very large number) have not been able to deepthroat me even pre-PE. I don’t care about anal, its not a turn on for me. I seriously like foreplay, so it taking longer really is not a problem. Even with my current 5.6” girth I havent caused ANY girl discomfort. Also some guys’ girth tapers off as you aproach the glans so for them it can’t be such a bad thing.

Is 5.6 girth really considered thick? I’m around that before pumping and it just looks thin

Originally Posted by Cinnamon Popcor
Is 5.6 girth really considered thick? I’m around that before pumping and it just looks thin

I mean its all circumstantial really. But, IIRC 5.5 is above the average girth but I dont think anyone would argue its beyond massive or anything. Ive finally hit 6 in two areas and to compare as i was curious i did a few things.

Measure right around your wrist, find round objects and measure em up as well, It will give you a good idea of what different girths look like from an outside prospective.

If you find something around 5.6…. well this will sound wierd but…. try to put it in your mouth lol. I mean im being serious, the point is you”ll realize pretty quick what any partner has to deal with, and trying to fit 5.5 in your mouth makes it looks a lot bigger than 5.5 from a top down view 3 or so feet away.

"Pain is temporary, pride is forever."

Sound post man.

I’m still going to shoot for the magic 8 x 6 but I’m happy you shared the pros and cons to this.


Before pumping, I was 8.5” length and 6” around. Since pumping I hit 9” max but thickness I can hit 8” around the middle and 9” around the base and the tip/foreskin 7” around. It is pretty thick and scary for the ladies when you go to go inside them but after plenty of foreplay once the tip is in, they all start to enjoy it and are bouncing up and down like they are on a trampoline.

Originally Posted by leeninepluss
Before pumping, I was 8.5” length and 6” around. Since pumping I hit 9” max but thickness I can hit 8” around the middle and 9” around the base and the tip/foreskin 7” around. It is pretty thick and scary for the ladies when you go to go inside them but after plenty of foreplay once the tip is in, they all start to enjoy it and are bouncing up and down like they are on a trampoline.

Do you have a picture of your unit? :)

(06-2017):NBPEL: 6.3 MSEG: 4.8

Now: NBPEL: 6.7 MSEG: 5.9

Big cocks look good and alpha in porn, especially if a female is sucking them and her mouth is getting stuffed. There is some primal display of power in that. Because of this many people think, including me that it would be great to have it. But obviously it’s not exactly how it works. But also a lot of people know that regarding female/male encounters it’s not only about getting that six pack abs - but still they pursue it for many reasons. Nice conclusions, at the end - everybody will do whatever he wants to do to feel better about himself.


On another thread I shared a lunchtime epiphany while eating Ritz crackers…and said to my self the length and girth of the one column of crackers seemed about perfect for what I was seeking. So, of course I measured! The girth is right about at 6”, and length varies somewhat from package to package, but was well under 7”. But, hold it and stand it up and it seems substantial! And, picture your woman putting her mouth around that stack! To me it was a very helpful reality check.

7.5 BPEL And 5.5" EG

Know your primary audience. Not all of the issues below apply to all.

If your primary audience are slim girls who hasn’t gave birth vaginally at least once than you will have most of the following problems from 70%+ females in that target audience:

- Biggest downside is that your partner has to be in the mood to take it, otherwise it’s painful for them if they are not aroused.

- One night stand is a light harder and less enjoyable if they even agree to keep fucking you after they try it.

- FWB is harder to find who will continue having sex with you.

- Forget about quickies = 100% true. I only had 5 quickies in my life (less than 15-20 minutes sex).

- Most of the time it takes 100% more effort for sex, after foreplay and going slow the first couple minutes you can even loose interest by how slow you have to go the first couple minutes.

- UTIs are a regular thing for most of your partners. They almost always have to go pee after sex to prevent it and switch to drinking Cranberry Juice. 6+" girth can create a suction for their urinary tract and can get infected with all the pussy juices and pussy pH bacteria getting sucked in. Some positions have to be avoided (specially legs over her head positions where you hit her g-spot the most).

I’ve had 6+" girth pretty much my entire life since I was a teen (now 6.5", added unwanted extra .5"). And I had a good amount of girls walk away just cause of how thick it is.

Best advice for straight SINGLE guys is to aim for 7.5" BPEL and 5.5" EG. You will have the best of all world (well hung, able to do most of the things, anal is not out of question, etc). Even 7.5 can cause problems with hitting uterus in some positions. When you committing to 7.5+" length and 5.5+" girth you start to limit yourself with who you can sleep, how you can sleep with them, and so on.

If you reach 8" length and 6" as most people prefer that’s a good size for married couple who know each other’s limitations and can stop PE once one of the limitations is reached. You can always communicate and obviously see it in your partner.

Bottom line, you might be loosing out on a lot more fun and if return all you get is just a reputation of "Huge Dick". I’d rather have a reputation of best sex or great lay than horse dick 🤣.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s fun but I wouldn’t want to trade that fun for all the issues mentioned above.


If your primary audience are females that already popped out a kid vaginally and they are chubby than you are perfect for them (2+ kids and you might be able to start doing quickies)!

Also, CHUBBY GIRLS, 95%+ of them can handle 6+ girth with no problem.

But 90%+ of all woman can handle 7.5" BPEL and 5.5" EG and you are still huge for them and anal is not out of question.

Originally Posted by leeninepluss
Before pumping, I was 8.5" length and 6" around. Since pumping I hit 9" max but thickness I can hit 8" around the middle and 9" around the base and the tip/foreskin 7" around. It is pretty thick and scary for the ladies when you go to go inside them but after plenty of foreplay once the tip is in, they all start to enjoy it and are bouncing up and down like they are on a trampoline.

I don’t know if I buy that. My wife has a way bigger size preference than any other girl I ever knew. She seems to be able to take about 8x6.5 inches any time in any position without a whole lot of effort. At the right time of the month, and with a bunch of foreplay, she can take a pounding from about 8.5x7 inches in most positions, and sometimes any position at all. But bigger than that would be too much, even for her. And most women struggled more at 5.5 inches of girth than she does at like 6.5 (not that there was much struggle, but a bit). I can’t imagine most women would even want to attempt 9 inches of girth, much less "bouncing up and down like they are on a trampoline" lol

I notice me going for another .5 inch in girth.

I’m 7 1/2” girth no pumping. On trimix I go 8 “ girth. My wife does not like 8” girth and wishes I was 7 “ max.

At 7.8x6.2 without PE I really agree with op, pain when starting is universal for me, only time I got it in pretty easily (20 seconds of easing in) was with an extremely horny deviant woman who’d had 2 kids already and I had eaten her out a tiny bit. Otherwise it’s a lot of foreplay and easing it in for 2 minutes at least with my long term gf, was maybe 5 full minutes first few times, on top of foreplay.



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