Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Building The Ultimate Length Routine: A Brainstorming Approach

In my opinion manual stretching is the superior method. Even average pull force is MUCH greater than anything that can be produced via hanging and any decently in shape guy can maintain a good pull for 10 min easy. I’ve built several different hangers and they’ve all disappointed me due to the inevitable loss of blood to the head. With an OK grip using the thumb, forefinger and middle finger it’s very easy to pull at 20 lbs average with a peak of 40 lbs (I test it via a simulated pulley setup) with almost zero loss of blood to the head. I’ve tried to come up with a hanger that grips my dick in the same way as I can with my hand and I just can’t for some reason. I think it’s because with my hand I can instantly adjust it if my grip is too tight and hurting my dick (even adjust while maintaining a pull) while with a hanger you have no choice but to take it off and readjust. Also with the guy marinera referenced you can generate a lot of force with fulcrum. I typically do a reverse grip and use my thumb as a fulcrum which is very easy to do. I also have a 3 ft long dowel rod that’s 3/4 of an inch thick which I wrapped the center in paper towels to provide a cushion (I pull very hard so only wood hurts and I taped the edge of the towels to the rod). Depending on what I’m doing I go for 10 minute sets of pulling with 5 minute rests between and I alternate hands between sets to give my arms a rest. I then go for a good two to three hours every other day. I then alternate those with girth work where I force myself to get an erection with a “cock ring” (well I tried that “ring of power” thing with the copper and zinc + medical tubing and it was the most useless thing I’ve ever made (I have low testosterone so I tried it a year ago) but I kept the tubing and zinc rod so I can make cock rings from it). Anyways so I have my cock ring and erection where I just edge myself to allow for maximum expansion. I leave the cock ring on all day some nights (DO NOT try this because I have made the perfect size cock ring for myself where I can lose my erection with the cock ring on in around 5 mins). I find the internal pain is the same with my cock ring and edging as clamping (I used to clamp a lot but it’s more trouble than it’s worth and the cock ring produces the same feeling and *better* (by far) expansion). I used to do a lot of PE a couple years ago (I’m 21 now) but I think I’ll start again soon. Gained a ton of length ~2 in but I’ve shrunk a bit so I’m down to 8.25 in now. My girth is kind of small by comparison (5.25) but I’d like gain what I lost back then gain another inch as well as gain an 1.25 in of girth. I just want to look good naked right now I have 16.25 in arms, 45 in chest with a 30.5 in waist at 6’ 2” (did it with a 300 to 400 ng/dL testosterone level) and I’d like to get a quite a bit bigger physically to probably 18.5 in arms, 50 in chest and a 29 in waist (I’m still kind of fat (fat is 15% bodyfat) so I think I can shrink my waist (also I have 17.25 inch calves so I don’t neglect my legs). So I think I need to get a longer dick to look more proportioned. Anyways stick to manual stuff. It’s better and safer. Just make sure to use heat (I forgot to add that at first).

Originally Posted by TungstenMan
In my opinion manual stretching is the superior method. Even average pull force is MUCH greater than anything that can be produced via hanging and any decently in shape guy can maintain a good pull for 10 min easy. I’ve built several different hangers and they’ve all disappointed me due to the inevitable loss of blood to the head. With an OK grip using the thumb, forefinger and middle finger it’s very easy to pull at 20 lbs average with a peak of 40 lbs (I test it via a simulated pulley setup) with almost zero loss of blood to the head. I’ve tried to come up with a hanger that grips my dick in the same way as I can with my hand and I just can’t for some reason. I think it’s because with my hand I can instantly adjust it if my grip is too tight and hurting my dick (even adjust while maintaining a pull) while with a hanger you have no choice but to take it off and readjust. Also with the guy marinera referenced you can generate a lot of force with fulcrum. I typically do a reverse grip and use my thumb as a fulcrum which is very easy to do. I also have a 3 ft long dowel rod that’s 3/4 of an inch thick which I wrapped the center in paper towels to provide a cushion (I pull very hard so only wood hurts and I taped the edge of the towels to the rod). Depending on what I’m doing I go for 10 minute sets of pulling with 5 minute rests between and I alternate hands between sets to give my arms a rest. I then go for a good two to three hours every other day. I then alternate those with girth work where I force myself to get an erection with a “cock ring” (well I tried that “ring of power” thing with the copper and zinc + medical tubing and it was the most useless thing I’ve ever made (I have low testosterone so I tried it a year ago) but I kept the tubing and zinc rod so I can make cock rings from it). Anyways so I have my cock ring and erection where I just edge myself to allow for maximum expansion. I leave the cock ring on all day some nights (DO NOT try this because I have made the perfect size cock ring for myself where I can lose my erection with the cock ring on in around 5 mins). I find the internal pain is the same with my cock ring and edging as clamping (I used to clamp a lot but it’s more trouble than it’s worth and the cock ring produces the same feeling and *better* (by far) expansion). I used to do a lot of PE a couple years ago (I’m 21 now) but I think I’ll start again soon. Gained a ton of length ~2 in but I’ve shrunk a bit so I’m down to 8.25 in now. My girth is kind of small by comparison (5.25) but I’d like gain what I lost back then gain another inch as well as gain an 1.25 in of girth. I just want to look good naked right now I have 16.25 in arms, 45 in chest with a 30.5 in waist at 6’ 2” (did it with a 300 to 400 ng/dL testosterone level) and I’d like to get a quite a bit bigger physically to probably 18.5 in arms, 50 in chest and a 29 in waist (I’m still kind of fat (fat is 15% bodyfat) so I think I can shrink my waist (also I have 17.25 inch calves so I don’t neglect my legs). So I think I need to get a longer dick to look more proportioned. Anyways stick to manual stuff. It’s better and safer. Just make sure to use heat (I forgot to add that at first).

I feel y’all on the manuals. I’ve been hearing y’all say manuals since I’ve been on here. (I guess for a year now). I’ve been trying to incorporate manuals since then, and I always get semi erect. When this happens, I’ll stop, and restart. However, a post manual stretch w/ heat, seems to really do the trick. I’m also trying to practice kegeling. Do I stop and go on these, or do I squeeze hard enough where it makes me stop. Or is it a combination of both? I’ve asked several times since I’ve been on here, and I’ve researched it. I just want to make sure I’m doing it right to make gains. A lot of y’all are great motivators, through visuals and instructions. This thread targets my main goal. Girth is great, but I want to hit that cul de sac.

Won’t stop, til’ the washing machine splish splosh.

Although I do reccomend manual stretching over hanging, it can’t be denied that there are some advantages in the latter. A) Hanging leaves your hands free. So theoretically you can do some job while hanging. Theoretically is the keyword here though. B) Manual stretching is tiring for some people; think to a guy who suffer of arthritis, or just hasn’t much stamina in his hand grips.

If you want to have an analytic approach to the problem, we should avoid black and white statements; truth is often grey.

Manuals were not superior to hanging because your hands will eventually get tired, plus with hanging you can do something else while hanging.

Here is my length gain experience which I’m trying to make sense of:

Before I had internet (circa 1997) I bought a penis pump from a sex shop, it was one with a built in plunger pump which didn’t work well. I cut off the plunger rod and sealed the end then drilled a hole in the side and fitted a flexible pipe connector, the pipe I connected to it was a PVC outer cover of an electric cable.
My lungs became my vacuum pump with my tongue becoming the valve.
My routine was getting as hard as I could then pushing my dick into the cylinder then sucking the air out until my erection subsided at which point i’d repeat the above usually for 20-30 minutes.
I’d usually masterbate afterwards because I enjoyed the temporary size increase.
I didn’t warm up or stretch, the only force I’d apply was the amount of vacuum my lungs could provide. When there was a good seal, I estimate that I could create a vacuum pressure of 6-7 Hg judging by the blood spotting and donut that would sometimes occur.
Anyway I’d do this consistently every other day and after one year, I had gained 1 inch in erect length, I didn’t measure my girth before I started pumping but I did towards the end, I think that I gained about 1/2” EG.
I would measure and notice length gains every few weeks, it was great, I miss that!

So during the early 2000s I wanted to gain a bit more, especially since more information was available thanks to the internet. So I tried, the classic stretching/jelquing routine, extender wearing, ADS, erect jelqing, vacuum hanging etc. Usually I’d try a technique for a minimum of 3 months to see if they work. I wore my extender consistently for around a year without much growth. I suspect that I must have toughened up my tunica somewhat because all that effort only gained a few millimetres in penis length.

Anyway during the last few years, I’ve been pumping again with proper equipment this time. I started gaining again but extremely slowly in length. My girth really started to grow which was encouraging. I managed to grow 5-6mm in BPEL after 6 months of pumping regularly but discolouration made me stop. *
So I started manual stretching only for a few months before adding jelquing (with a jelq device) to my routine which seemed to work well and I finally got past the 8” x 6” threshold after adding hydropumping with the Bathmate.

I suspect that I benefitted from newbie gains during my early pumping year so it seemed fast. The high risk technique might have also been the reason for gaining length so quickly. I remember that successful routines would be the result of staying at high vacuum levels for a few minutes until I felt “stretch pains”.
However when I tried this high pressure pulsing recently, I burst a blood vessel.

Hydropumping with a Bathmate reminds me of those successful early pumping sessions but with greater safety, I do get a small amount of blood spotting sometimes.

So for the last month or so I have been doiing mem’s 20 minute fulcrum (manual) stretching technique which leaves my cock hanging low afterwards, it’s maybe a bit early to see results from that but it feels promising.

I had an idea recently about the slowing down of gains. What if I am growing just as quickly as before or in other words, my body is adding the same amount of cells after PE sessions but the same amount of cells in a larger volume of penis makes length gains take longer to manifest.
It would be nice to grow as quickly as I used to but I’m happy that I’ve overcome my several year growth plateau so if it takes it bit longer to reach my 9” x 7” goal, I don’t mind.

Have you guys watched this video? Sex ed for adults | TED Talks

Starting Size 26/04/2011 -- Length 13 cm Girth 14.5 cm --

--Short-term goal Length 17 cm Girth 15 cm--

--Long-term goal Length 19 cm Girth 16 cm--

I’m gonna do a lot of manual stretches then and some wet Jelqs still. My wet jelqs are so inconsistent though since some days I’m exhausted to the point I can’t even get it up.

Starting 4/15/15 7.3 BPEL and 4.9 MEG

Super lazy and inconsistent :(

Gracious thanks, marinera

Works in progress. Although at very slow pace for the moment.

I was reading up on how to stretch ligaments in general, with the right of applying that to the penis ligs. I found this on a yoga site (without any source or citation). It seems to suggest that longer periods of stretching or hanging would be beneficial. Any thoughts?

"The natural therapeutic for ligament contracture is long, sustained traction. Ligaments are formed of overlapping slender filaments of collagen. In sustained traction ligaments respond by sliding their filaments past one another which results in a longer ligament. The matrix of cells around these filaments also becomes healthier and this results in stronger ligaments as well. This allows for greater range of motion and less chance of injury.

Whenever a ligament is being stressed the force must be gentle and sustained. If too much force is used the ligament will be strained or torn. If the stress is too brief the ligament will remain unaffected. The analogy is that of stretching taffy versus stretching a rubber band. Muscles are like rubber bands, they can be stretched easily. Ligaments are like taffy, if they are pulled too hard they tear. But if a modest stress is placed upon them and sustained then they gently elongate without tearing. Although these elongations are minute they are necessary to balance against contracture"

From: http://www.paul … a-yogis-apology

Looks pretty much correct to me dancerdc.

Still no consensus on an Ultimate Length Routine?

06/15: 7.5" x 5.5"

06/17: 8.5" x 5.6"

Goal: 9" x 5.75"

Work in progress.

I am just a newbie but I think you should approach it the same way some people approach working out. Progressive over loading. Starting out low and slowly progressing to more and more resistance or weight then take a break and start again but let’s say you went 8 pounds on the final month of hanging try and go 20% more than that. And over time you progressively get to heavier and heavier weight to allow for more stretch without fatiging yourself to bad. It can apply to stretches and jelqs through number of jelqs and time under tension while manual stretching.

Is this thread now cold? Did you guys figure out the secret routine for 4” gains and you’re holding out?

I appreciate Dongalong’s last post - I am considering a bath mate or ADS device of some kind, although I’m a semi-newbie.

After 2 months of sticking closely to the newbie routine, I’m seeing girth gains and veins and such, but length gains are slower to start. This concerns me since I got into PE specifically for length, and I’ve read that girth gains can slow length gains. That’s why I’ve arrived on this thread - looking for length. Also - my cock is taking on a baseball bat shape, with mid shaft girth now exceeding base girth. Could this be an indicator that length is coming, or should it be a red flag that my technique(s) need work?



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