Thunder's Place

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Building The Ultimate Length Routine: A Brainstorming Approach

I have never seen anyone giving unquestionated proofs of having gained 3” in length. The biggest unquestionated length gains were achieved by bennett8 with a manual only routine, with plenty of fulcrum stretches; he gained about 2.5”, if my memory serves.

Originally Posted by tomray
On c) I really can’t understand how one can achieve 2-3” long term goals and not reach a plateau and not resort to hanging somewhere along the way.

Hanging was my first method after 6 months of newbie routine. Gained in as much with hanging as I did with stretching 1.5 years later. Granted, I didn’t note down how long the respective periods were. I do 60 minute sets with stretching and it’s a lot more comfortable than hanging.

To add to the discussion; deconditioning breaks have been crucial in my gains. I gained similar amounts through hanging, stretching and manual routines but reached a plateau with all of them. At this point I do my routine, measure at regular intervals and once I’ve established that I stopped gaining for that cycle I will continue for one more month to cement those gains. Then I take 1-2 months off and start again, so far with different methods every time.

We will have to speak about decon breaks too, actually.

Originally Posted by Titleist
I think with any length routine exceeding BPEL is crucial. This requires a minimum of 45-60 minutes in my experience. The problem is this isn’t something someone starting out should try to achieve.

Agreed. We are discussing something for experienced PEers. It seems we agree on the length span required to achieve optimal stretched length. I seem to remember gprent also wrote that he reach is best length expansion in the tube after about 60 minutes, although couldn’t find the post.

Anyone else has something to add about this? I mean, the minimal time under tension required to have the best gains?

Originally Posted by marinera
I seem to remember gprent also wrote that he reach is best length expansion in the tube after about 60 minutes, although couldn’t find the post.

Maybe you’re looking to this kind of post:

Originally Posted by gprent

Yes very definitely, but for me the important ingredient for gaining length is staying in the tube for at least 30 minutes continuously.

Link: gprent - Incremental Pump Routine Results

Originally Posted by marinera
Ok, I see the enthusiasm has gone somewhat down.

About the threshold of force for expert users, I would fix it at about 8 lbs. Meaning that with less than this force, gains are unlikely to happen if not after an irrealistic time of time under tension. This will leave out most of commercial extenders I think.

I want to hear your opinions on this, if there isn’t any I will consider it agreed.

Only speak for myself but it’s been since I got to 8lb and above that I really started to feel things stretch.
Also in the 8weeks of building up to 8lb from 3lb I gained nothing which isn’t a suprise.

Originally Posted by marinera
I have never seen anyone giving unquestionated proofs of having gained 3” in length. The biggest unquestionated length gains were achieved by bennett8 with a manual only routine, with plenty of fulcrum stretches; he gained about 2.5”, if my memory serves.

I recall that Bib said he gained 4.5” in length in about 2 years by hanging, going from 6” to 10.5”. I don’t know, however, if the gains were unquestionated or not.

Live long and prosper.


Originally Posted by capernicus1

Only speak for myself but it’s been since I got to 8lb and above that I really started to feel things stretch.

Also in the 8weeks of building up to 8lb from 3lb I gained nothing which isn’t a suprise.

Thanks. It looks like 8 lbs was a good guess. Anyone else?

Very interesting topic right here and I think there’s not much to add (unless you try and sum up progress reports from big gainers and find the common denominator).
However one unspoken yet important part here that I didn’t spot yet is Technique. Comparing this to bodybuilding, a bad technique does result in gains initially, but in the end it causes injuries. Therefore, there might be a correlation between total gains and times injured. (I know this is a bit off topic)

Did you guys consider split routines yet? (e.g. 2+ shorter sessions a day)

As for myself, I’ve gained around 0.5-1in in length using only manual stretches following J123’s Linear routine.

I’ll be following the thread closely!

What about the use of an ads?

In my opinion it is difficult to know how effective it is, however some have had good success combining both PE sessions and Ads, and I don’t see it being nothing but positive or neutral.

It could be an optional choice .

Ehmm… I thought there was a growing consensus that less than 8 lbs is unlikely to give gains to an experienced user. How much force pull an ADS?

I meant using an ads after a session pulling with enough force (> 8 lbs).

E.g. Pe weights if standing, phallosan like extenders, cock coil etc…

Well, why not, but I don’t think it would be an essential component of an advanced routine. Let’s hear what other fellows have to say about.


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