Thunder's Place

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Bundled Stretches? Your thoughts, please...

Bundled Stretches? Your thoughts, please...

I know there have been quite a few posts in the past about bundled stretches, but I can’t seem to find where anybody has given a specific routine for them. For those of you who use these as a major part of your PE routine (especially for girth), will you please let me know what your routine looks like? For instance, how long do you hold each stretch and how many reps do you do per session? How far do you twist? Do you pull straight out, or do you pull in different directions? Etc, etc… Any info you care to share would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, everyone.

I haven’t really used them yet so I can’t give personal accounts, sorry that this wont really help with your question……
I have tried them and I do see them as benefitial to loosen up the tunica but length is my focus right now.

I do plan to use them later when I focus on girth. The way I experimented with them is the way I plan to use them later.
1-2 half twist sets (your glans are upside down) both directions of 20 sec with little tension; then entire twist sets both directions 20sec
I will then pump.

I think it is best to pump or clamp after to recieve the most out of them. I don’t see Bundled twists by themselves as all that great.

Bpel: 7.625

Mseg: 5.125

FSL: 8.125

I have incorporated these into my routine but haven’t explained how I do it very much. If you want to see what my actual routine is I have a thread posted in the members pica section entitled “My pics, just getting started again” I generally do these in the shower after a lot of hot water. I rotate my Dick between 360 and 600 degrees in both directions and pull with moderate tension straight out and slightly downwards for a breath count between forty and sixty. A total of two stretches in the shower.

I then proceed onto my routine and afterwards I keep my Dick as warm as possible and repeat in the same manner as stated before again. So another two stretched once rotated in each direction. Then I do my cold water cool down and that is where I end for the day. It feels really good for me and hopefully it is working. I will see in a few months.

Good luck! I think bundled stretches can be very beneficial.

I do boundled stretches when I use my power assist sometimes. And I do them when I do fulcrum and A-stretches..

I didn’t now that boundled stretches was for girth.. maby I should try them before I pump at my evening routine when I do some girth.

Starting size: 7.48" X 5.51" Currently: 10.1" X 6.4"

Heat is the key!

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