Thunder's Place

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Bundled fulcrum hanging to attack the steel cord issue and for length and girth


Bundled fulcrum hanging to attack the steel cord issue and for length and girth

Before I start I just want to warn yall that this hanging method is not for beginners. For newbie hangers I recommend yall hang the traditional way for a good month or two and see if you make gains that way first.

Hey fellas. For those of you that have the steel cord issue I think hanging with a bundled penis may be the answer to wearing that strong connective tissue down. For those of you that don’t know what bundling is, it’s basically when you twist your flaccid penis and stretch it like a wet wash cloth being rung out. Now imagine this being applied while hanging to really hit the tunica and connective tissues.

I Just started this method yesterday but the fatigue I felt was rediculous and the flaccid engorgement after my bundled sets were amazing. It’s like doing a total shaft girth workout while hanging. My normal hanging weight is 17.2 pounds but with bundled fulcrum tunica hanging I had to lower the weight to 10 pounds from the increased intensity.

What I do is I have a pulley attached to a chair that is right next to my bed. I lay flat on my back with my legs bent like I’m about to do situps. I’ve have my hanger applied 1 inch behind the glans, then I bundle up the penile shaft behind the hanger and then apply a thick lotion bottle under my dick resting on my lower abdomen as a fulcrum then attach my hanging weight.

I think bundled fulcrum tunica hanging may be the key to gaining length and total shaft girth because when you bundle your penis and stretch it, you are stretching the tunica to deform laterially, horizontally, width wise and length wise to a greater elasticity and tissue mass which will hold more blood upon erection. The flaccid tuncia’s laterial bonds are being stretched with this method to deform to a greater tissue mass.

You can think of bundled tunica fulcrum hanging as a non erect girth excersize that aslo targets length as well. It’s basically a length and girth excersize, all in one.

I just started doing the bundled fulcrum tunica hanging method yesterday so no gains to report with this new method as of yet but I definitely for see gains in length and total shaft girth with this method with in weeks to months from now.

Later on today I’ll post some detailed pics of my bundled fulcrum tunica hanging later this evening after my evening PE session is done.

(Starting size) (NBPEL: 8 Inches), (BPEL: 8.5 Inches) (BPFSL: Didn't measure then), (Midshaft Girth: 5.2 Inches), (Base Girth: 5.5 Inches)
(Current size) (NBPEL: 9.3 Inches), (BPEL: 9.7 Inches), (BPFSL: 10.3 Inches), (Midshaft Girth: 5.8 Inches), (Base Girth: 6.35 Inches)
(Final Goal) To be the next Mandingo LOL.


Last edited by saiyan22 : 01-25-2011 at . Reason: grammer

This sounds like one to keep an eye on. As always you are an inspiration/ innovation.

"If you're not first, you're last!"

5/09/09 currently sat at 5.5bp" bp x 4.25 eg. Long term goal would be 7.5nbp x 6 eg

Defiantly keep us updated, sounds promising.

Hey Saiyan, anything to report on how this method is treating you the past couple weeks?

I'm a disciple of science.

I don’t understand?

May 2010 el 6.5 eg 5.9

Jan 2011 el 7.2 eg 6 GOAL:JUN 2011 8x6.5 LONG TERM GOAL:9X7.5

April 2012 el 7.5 eg 6 going to be huge ;) wish I had before and after pics.. Newbies do it for your own sake!

Hey fellas. So far with bundled hanging I’ve gained .1 in migirth and base girth combined with clamping. So far no new length gains with this method but it’s to early in the process.

Hopefully after a good 4-6 months of this reaching some heavy weight, my length will show some changes. I’m
now doing tunica bundled hanging, tuncia bundled fulcrum hanging, over the leg bundled hanging and straight outward angle bundled hanging.

I have explained the tunica upwards angle bundled hanging in my first post up above. Here is an explaination with the two new angles I’ve added, being straight outward angle bundled hanging and over the leg bundle hanging.

bundle hanging in the straight out to slighly upwards angle in the 10 oclock position. I can feel the suspensory ligaments and the shaft from the base rooted into the underside of scrotum area being stretched with this angle.

The other angle that I’ve been experimenting with is bundled side ways/over the leg hanging where I just simply bundle up my penis by 1 or 2 complete rotations then I just hanging the weight over my leg while sitting down. I’m hanging my bundled penis over my right leg for 10 minutes then I bundle my penis the other way and hang it over my left leg for 10 minutes and call that 1 twenty minute set.

I’m using 7.5 pounds in this position and I can really feel the tunica being pulverized with stretch force and the connective tissues achored to each side of the shaft are getting hit with tension. When hanging in this angle and position I’m normally on my laptop surfing the web since Im sitting comfortabley in my chair.

(Starting size) (NBPEL: 8 Inches), (BPEL: 8.5 Inches) (BPFSL: Didn't measure then), (Midshaft Girth: 5.2 Inches), (Base Girth: 5.5 Inches)
(Current size) (NBPEL: 9.3 Inches), (BPEL: 9.7 Inches), (BPFSL: 10.3 Inches), (Midshaft Girth: 5.8 Inches), (Base Girth: 6.35 Inches)
(Final Goal) To be the next Mandingo LOL.


There was a time when I did bundled stretching only for a long period of time. I can tell you that it is indeed very effective for girth. I gained 1 inch without focusing on girth. it just came “by accident”. The force you can achieve is incredible. There is nothing to compare with. However I think as far as length gains are concerned it is a little tricky because you don’t know it whether the longitudinal or the circ. tunica is affected first. Since you are new to bundled work I guess you will gain length from it. For me I reached a point where I did not gain anymore. Since you are hanging and not stretching it might be a different story. I guess the more you bundle the more the circ. tunica is affected and the less you bundle the more the long. tunica is affected compared to the circ. one. This is just my theory however. Another problem is that you will most likely only gain girth on these areas that are bundled indeed which is midshaft and this is only in your CC’s, not your CS. That’s that I experienced. I hope it helps to determine how to balance your bundled work.

Good luck and I am sure you will gain very well.

Sounds pretty dangerous, is this the only way to gain once your advanced?, isn’t it possible to gain once your advanced level using basic exercises?

Hey 1pz7djp. Bundled stretching and Bundled hanging is definately an advance exsercise but it is only dangerous if the person doing it doesn’t have any common sense on how much force his penis can take at the time.

I’m pretty sure it’s possible to gain with basic exercises if you are advanced or extremely conditioned but the thing is it will take a shit ton more time. Personally I’d rather hang with intensity then sit around doing manual stretches all day.

1 hour of hanigng, using constant force broken into 20 minute sets is more benificial in bring about creep deformation which will later on turn into plastic deformation.

In my opinion this is way more effective then doing manual stretches were the force is constantly changing and your arms get tired. Once your tunica and other connective penile tissues have strengthen and become conditioned to the current forces placed on it then something has to change to bring about more deformation. Either the load has to increase or the time under tension has to increase.

(Starting size) (NBPEL: 8 Inches), (BPEL: 8.5 Inches) (BPFSL: Didn't measure then), (Midshaft Girth: 5.2 Inches), (Base Girth: 5.5 Inches)
(Current size) (NBPEL: 9.3 Inches), (BPEL: 9.7 Inches), (BPFSL: 10.3 Inches), (Midshaft Girth: 5.8 Inches), (Base Girth: 6.35 Inches)
(Final Goal) To be the next Mandingo LOL.


I see, I guess you’re right, the main problem is that one doesn’t have too much free time to do it manually as you said, though I feel like a pro now doing manually exercises hehe, I have improved my technique ;) , that’s why I don’t wanna give up with manual exercises, also right now I’m working on fixing the curve with manual exercises, let see what happens, if I see no improvement I will try with hanging.


Patiently waiting for pictures. :)

Hey gapinga. We are not aloud to post pics in this section. Just check out the last 10 to 15 pages of my thread in the members pic section to see detailed information and detailed pictures of me hanging in different tunica bundled variations.

(Starting size) (NBPEL: 8 Inches), (BPEL: 8.5 Inches) (BPFSL: Didn't measure then), (Midshaft Girth: 5.2 Inches), (Base Girth: 5.5 Inches)
(Current size) (NBPEL: 9.3 Inches), (BPEL: 9.7 Inches), (BPFSL: 10.3 Inches), (Midshaft Girth: 5.8 Inches), (Base Girth: 6.35 Inches)
(Final Goal) To be the next Mandingo LOL.


saiyan, I like the way you think, outside of the box!

well done.

12/10, Bpel-7", Mseg-6", Beg-6.3"

07/11, Bpel-7.85, Mseg-6.5", Beg-6.9" My routine and pics here

Thanks for the support ivorytower.

(Starting size) (NBPEL: 8 Inches), (BPEL: 8.5 Inches) (BPFSL: Didn't measure then), (Midshaft Girth: 5.2 Inches), (Base Girth: 5.5 Inches)
(Current size) (NBPEL: 9.3 Inches), (BPEL: 9.7 Inches), (BPFSL: 10.3 Inches), (Midshaft Girth: 5.8 Inches), (Base Girth: 6.35 Inches)
(Final Goal) To be the next Mandingo LOL.


Wow, this sounds incredibly intense Saiyan22.

I wonder if you already tried fulcrums like the RSDT? I hear its quite intense too… Bundled hanging is probably far more intense though. Maybe an RSDT wouldn’t feel like much of anything compared to what you’re doing now.

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