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My **uncut** Hanging attack plan with the Redi-Stretcher

My **uncut** Hanging attack plan with the Redi-Stretcher

A couple of things first off, to clear up.

1) I marked **uncut** in the thread title, as I know a lot of uncut guys have had major problems hanging, so hopefully the word “uncut” in the title will single it out :)

2) I haven’t PE’ed for 3 weeks due to working nights and being unable to sleep (10 hours sleep in 10 days turns you into a zombie)

Right, with that out of the way, onwards with the thread.

I purchased a Redi-Stretcher about a month ago and spent a few days experimenting with wraps and the positioning of the device.

Now, I know the common advice is to pull the foreskin back, otherwise the skin will take most of the weight. However, during my “fun” practice/experimenting 3-dayer, I found the best way to

1) Keep it on
2) Avoid dead head
3) Stay relatively comfortable

was to NOT pull the foreskin back. Well, not pull it ALL back anyway. I pull maybe half the foreskin back, then apply the Theraband about 0.5-1” behind the head, making the first “wrap” of Therband quite tight, then wrap the rest snuggly. Then, using the Hard ends of the RS, attach and I’m done.

My plan for the next month is to dedicate 45-60 mins a day to hanging, hopefully in the morning, followed by the AutoADS for pretty much the rest of the day. (I haven’t reviewed the AutoADS as I haven’t recieved it yet)

Anyone have any uncut hanging tips for the RS feel free to add, or any coments apprecieated.

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

How to use the search button for best results. If you actually USE the search button, this is worth a read

I think the plan of 45-60 minutes of daily hanging combined with an ADS is excellent. The best PE plan is one that you can stick to, and typically a hanging routine like that is easy to adhere to, since you can read or do other things while hanging. (The ADS, of course, is effortless!)

Hey Slack how’s this routine go for you, I’m planning on getting both these products, so I’m interested in your results. I notice you didn’t make any gains to December.

I love my Redi-Stretcher. It’s so easy to put on and saves me a ton of time. Just put the wrap on, clamp on the Redi-Stretcher and attach weights. Plus it only puts pressure on the sides.

Bpel 7" Eg 5.5" - Start Aug 25 2005 Bpel 7 3/8" Eg 5.5" - Nov 4 2005 Bpel 7 1/2" Eg 5.5" - Dec 26 2005 AKA italguy.

Originally Posted by Slack

1) I marked **uncut** in the thread title, as I know a lot of uncut guys have had major problems hanging, so hopefully the word “uncut” in the title will single it out :)

The first asterisks makes it dodge a title search for “uncut[*]” though…

Originally Posted by Slack
My plan for the next month is to dedicate 45-60 mins a day to hanging, hopefully in the morning, followed by the AutoADS for pretty much the rest of the day. (I haven’t reviewed the AutoADS as I haven’t recieved it yet)

The only thing I’ve found about the AutoADS, is don’t get too cavalier about bending the bars. They are soft, they need to be, and they will break if you bend them a lot. (Monkeybar does sell replacement bars.)

I’ve been wearing the AutoADS 12 hours daily for 3-1/2 months now. It is my primary PE. I use the AutoExtender about 1 or 2 hours daily as well, along with 200 jelqs. I am definetly getting results. I stated a month ago I could barely BPFSL to 8, today I can BPFSL just over 8.

Since breaking a couple bars, I’ve learned to take it easy on them and bend them minimally. I found this mostly applies to removal of the device — a tendency to bend them out farther than really necessary. Also, I now make every effort to not bend them significantly in the same place over and over.

I wear the device upside-down from their examples and I don’t cross the bars. I wear it with all four bars wrapped around my unit. I found the increase in surface area contact helps to make long wearing days a breeze.

I think it’s also important to be sure the bars are formed into circles around your unit, that is, be sure there are no straight portions as they tend to fatigue the skin. Get as much surface contact as you can.


Any updates? I’m also uncut and am about to start hanging. Since I’m uncut, I worried just how much of a problem this was going to cause for me.

"Al, over the years we\\'ve taken roles from one another. People have tried to compare us to one another, to pit us against each other and to tear us apart personally. I\\'ve never seen the comparison frankly. I\\'m clearly much taller, more the leading-man type. Honestly, you just may be the finest actor of our generation - with the possible exception of me." (talking about Al Pacino)

- Robert De Niro

No updates as I lasted about 3 days hanging then gave up, due to massive lack of sleep (caused by working nights and not being able to sleep during the day), so I didnt do any PE for several months.

I now have the Auto-Vac though, and if/when I do restart hanging, I’ll more than likely use this (for the light weights at least) as its that much easier/quicker to get on with.

Uncut hanging is generally difficult with a “regular” type hanger, but there is a thread with a bunch of helpful links in somewhere…

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

How to use the search button for best results. If you actually USE the search button, this is worth a read

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