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Simulated hanging??

Simulated hanging??

Hi all. I was supposed to start hanging last week. Well, it turns out that my mom got a new job with an erratic work schedule, and she sometimes has to wake up during my PE routine. Before her new job, I did my PE while she was sleeping. I don’t feel comfortable with her walking around the house while I have weights hanging off of myself, so after one week of rest and pondering what to do, I decided to do what I have coined “simulated hanging”. It’s basically manual stretching, but the stretches last 15 or 20 minutes, and I have a rest period between stretching, where I do a few dry jelqs to restore circulation.

I plan on hanging when I move into my new apartment, on August 1, but until then, this is was I plan on doing. What do you guys thing? Pros? Cons? Has anybody done this before?

Just find out her exact schedule and work around it. I have a mother who works four days a week as a hospital phone operator for the past five years. So I just work around that. Try and get some time in before moving to your apartment. Is this a single apt or are you sharing? Use your time constructively. If that means designing an under-desk hanging device for your apartment, do so.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

My apartment will be my own 1bed apartment, so as soon as Aug 1 comes around, I’ll be hanging like a pro in my own study room/PE lair.:D

The problem with my mom’s schedule and my schedule is that her schedule is as erratic as it possibly could be, and my schedule is as full as it could be. She often works first shifts, second shifts, and third shifts in a single week, and each week is different. I hate her job more than she does. I go to school full-time and work two 20hr/week part-time jobs and the only time that I could possibly is when I get home from my evening job, at 3AM.

The reason that I don’t want to do my routine at different times of the day when my mom isn’t home is because there would be days where I would have to PE at night, then wake up early in the morning and PE. I like to do my PE 24 hrs apart for five days straight so that I can achieve a regulated/optimal fatigue and rest schedule.

So, has anybody done anything similar to “simulated hanging”?


My suggestion is get or use a Penimaster, I also have a girlfriend walking around me 24hrs a day with the penimaster there is noway she’ll notice especialy your mom , or do golf hanging so you can leave your pants up you can even walk in shorts if you like………….:-)


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