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Cable Clamp Exercises


Cable Clamp Exercises

What do you do when you clamp? Here’s some of my techniques. All these are done with the clamp on as tight as possible and as far down the shaft towards the base as possible. I use a baby sock for wrap. I’m just making up names here for reference.

clamp assisted pulse compressions: with about a 3/4 erection, cup the head of the dick with one hand and steady the clamp and base with the other. “Bounce” the head up and down in one second intervals. Kegal on the “up” to push more blood into the penis. Continue for 30 to 60 seconds. Rest. Repeat 3 to 10 times.

Clamp jelqs: with a 1/2 to 3/4 erection, cup head of dick as above with one hand as you jelq the clamp up the shaft with the other. Tilt the clamp forward, backward, right and left to tweak different parts of the shaft. Do 50 to 100 strokes then rest.

Clamped horses: with 1/2 to 7/8 erection, grab glans in a claw grip as you press the clamp down the shaft towards the abdomen with the other hand. Compress and hold for 30 to 60 seconds. Rinse. Repeat 4 to 10 times.

Clamp assisted Ulis: with a 1/2 to 7/8 erection, grab penis with an overhand OK grip above the clamp and far down the shaft as possible. Grip very tightly and close as much of your hand as possible around the shaft. Hold for 30 to 60 seconds. Extra credit: take “free” hand and squeeze the shaft between your thumb and index finger just under the glans. Behold the fat shiny head.

Clamp assisted two hand ulis: similar to clamp horses, but this time, instead of grabbing the glans, grip the shaft very tightly just under the glans, around the circ scar for those who have one. Hold everything as tightly as possible for 30 to 60 seconds.

Clamp assisted bends: With one hand steadying the clamped base, grab the shaft just under the glans and bend left, right, forward and backward for 15 to 30 seconds in each direction. Rest and gauge effect at each interval. Stop immediately if you feel pain or see or feel excessively distended veins.

Please note: all these exercises are potentially dangerous. Don’t do them until your dick is very well conditioned, and monitor your dick closely while you do them. Don’t do them while drunk. You need all your sensory powers available to discern pain or trouble spots.

Foam pipe insulation works great as a clamping “wrap”. Buy a 6 ft length of it and cut it into 1” rings. Leave them a solid ring. You gotta be flaccid to get it on by tugging your soft dick through the ring, then start getting hard and apply your clamp of choice. It’s super comfortable. Works like a charm, but now I think I already need a bigger size inner diameter!!

Clamping works. It would give me a lot of discoloration and a little bruising, though. I definitely got results, but after 4 to 5 months of doing that and hanging and nothing else, I went back to manual stretching and jelqing. Now it seems as if I’m getting results from that as well…. something I’ve never experienced before. So I’m gonna roll with it and when I get bored or hit a plateau, I’ll go back to my clamps.

Large condoms fit me now. Pretty wierd, man. I guess I should be happy, but I’m still not impressed.

Thanks for the foam pipe insulation idea. I’ll try it. I’ve never been able to clamp tight enough with any device without pinching, etc. Always had to do ulis by hand.

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Thanks Ike, I’m just getting into clamping, I’ll try these out.


Originally Posted by Ike

Clamp assisted Ulis: with a 1/2 to 7/8 erection, grab penis with an overhand OK grip above the clamp and far down the shaft as possible. Grip very tightly and close as much of your hand as possible around the shaft. Hold for 30 to 60 seconds. Extra credit: take “free” hand and squeeze the shaft between your thumb and index finger just under the glans. Behold the fat shiny head.

Clamp assisted two hand ulis: similar to clamp horses, but this time, instead of grabbing the glans, grip the shaft very tightly just under the glans, around the circ scar for those who have one. Hold everything as tightly as possible for 30 to 60 seconds.

I’ve found ultis really work for me. I’ve had a few minor injuries caused by too much pressure forming in my glans (drops of blood, skin peeling off) however by effectively using my hand to clamp just below my glans I’m able to target my shaft without putting undue pressure on the head.

I’ve only been doing them for a week now, but I have to say I feel a lot larger.

Hey, Ike;

What exactly is a “7/8ths” erection? :)



Originally Posted by avocet8
Hey, Ike;

What exactly is a “7/8ths” erection? :)

Im hoping he meant 5/8. :) 7/8 is hard, but not rock hard. :)

All information here is from my cow Bessy. The opinions and posts are hers and not mine. I just do the typing for her because we all know cows cant type. Fieldmouse :iws:

Hey man,download REDZULUs constrictor guide from MOS,and that should be all youde need.

I got .2 inches EG in 2 months,and i was not rich in experience before.PEd for couple of months.

That constrictor guide is very very nice, a must to read.

But when reading Ike’s post with words like :” as tightly as possible”, I start to feel my tendonitis again.

Please don’t do that, take care of your hands. I was clamping for a while and my dick was still healthy, no injuries but my hands and forearms were F’ed.

I posted something about using 2 clamps, nobody replied I think. It’s better using 2 clamps, better for your hands.

Girth gains for better sex, length gains for a worthless ego boost.


I agree with LS about being careful not to injure other parts of your body while clamping.

I do something similar to the “clamp assisted Uli” I do everything the same except that instead of squeezing with my hand I use the PJ device and secure it using a Jumbo cable clamp.

I just took some pics showing this method but can’t figure out how to get them up :(


Originally Posted by LurkMeat
Foam pipe insulation works great as a clamping “wrap”. Buy a 6 ft length of it and cut it into 1” rings. Leave them a solid ring. You gotta be flaccid to get it on by tugging your soft dick through the ring, then start getting hard and apply your clamp of choice. It’s super comfortable. Works like a charm, but now I think I already need a bigger size inner diameter!!

Clamping works. It would give me a lot of discoloration and a little bruising, though. I definitely got results, but after 4 to 5 months of doing that and hanging and nothing else, I went back to manual stretching and jelqing. Now it seems as if I’m getting results from that as well…. something I’ve never experienced before. So I’m gonna roll with it and when I get bored or hit a plateau, I’ll go back to my clamps.

Large condoms fit me now. Pretty wierd, man. I guess I should be happy, but I’m still not impressed.

I wonder where you got the idea for the pipe insulation! :)

Yes The constrictor guide is a must read for those of you who want to get into clamping and doing it effectivly and safley. Clamping can be very grueling on your penis. It is one of the most intense things you can do with PE!

Originally Posted by avocet8
Hey, Ike;

What exactly is a “7/8ths” erection? :)

I should probably use percentages… I need at least a 50% erection to put the the baby sock on and put the clamp on loosely. Then I look at porn and get it up to about 75%. Then I slide the clamp as far down the shaft as possible and ratchet it down tight. I start my squeezing and jelqing from there. But I continue stroking and looking at porn as I go, so that my dick is often as engorged as Brianrex’s is here: clamp_package2.jpg (although not as big, yet.) Most of the time it is just shy of complete diamond cutter hardness so that I can get some squeeze when I grip, particularly for the two hand Ulis. But, I am sometimes doing Ulis, two hand ulis and horse squeezes with an 80% to 100% erection.

Again, I can’t stress enough how dangerous these exercises can potentially be. The virtue of the cable clamp is it can be loosened quickly. Don’t hesitate to relax the pressure if you feel undue pain or see or feel any excessive distention of your veins.

I’ll try two clamps soon, but I’ve never felt anything close to tendonitis, yet.

Ike that guy brianrex has his balls clamped off too. Never did that and looks dangerous to me. Do you clamp’em off too?

Girth gains for better sex, length gains for a worthless ego boost.


Originally Posted by LameSize
Ike that guy brianrex has his balls clamped off too. Never did that and looks dangerous to me. Do you clamp’em off too?

No I don’t. Although I’ve done it once just to see if I could. Amazing that all the suspensory ligaments, fascia and whatever else behind the penis and testicles can get cinched down to such a small oval.

But I was talking about the way that B-rex’s dick looks there. Mine gets similarly tumescent and veiny. When I clamp I do it as far down the dick shaft as possible. I try not to get scrotal skin pinched in under the clamp, but on the underside of a boner it’s hard to tell where dick stops and scrotum starts.

How long do you clamp for?

Can it be bad for circulation if you clamp too long?

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