Thunder's Place

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Anyone gained length from doing exercises with cable clamp?


Anyone gained length from doing exercises with cable clamp?

I know the cable clamp is great for girth, but how about length? Your stretching the cc at a 100% erect state…it should create some kind of length gain.

mike, you should know that erect stretching/hanging is bad for you. Seriously.

"Be aware that there are several schools of thought here as well. Some seem to go with the hard and heavy approach. The sessions are brutal. You can hear them talking to their dick: You better grow mofo or I will punish you even harder tomorrow! Others seem to favor a more tender approach. Always listening to what their member is saying while massaging it gently and singing to it with a soft voice. If it is moody and not happy with new behavior, they always listen and are very understanding."


You might gain a little length from it but I wouldn’t count on much. Let’s say you’re expanding your CC’s to 110, 105, 110 or even 150 percent capacity. If your limiting factor for length is the septum, the tunica or the ligs then no length is going to come of the engorgement. Does this make sense?

Originally Posted by mike2002
I know the cable clamp is great for girth, but how about length? Your stretching the cc at a 100% erect state…it should create some kind of length gain.

I have done a whole lot of Uli thing/clamp type work and although I have gained a lot of girth from it, I don’t gain length unless I am hanging or using an ads.


Originally Posted by Antistar

You might gain a little length from it but I wouldn’t count on much. Let’s say you’re expanding your CC’s to 110, 105, 110 or even 150 percent capacity. If your limiting factor for length is the septum, the tunica or the ligs then no length is going to come of the engorgement. Does this make sense?

There is no tunica stretching with regards to erect bending and other extreme uli exercises?

Originally Posted by mike2002

There is no tunica stretching with regards to erect bending and other extreme uli exercises?

Good Question

Yes, extreme girth exercises will stretch the tunica. But, the majority of the stress will be latitudinal rather than longitudal. Think about it. When you grab the end of your penis and pull that sucker upwards, the stress is going to be pulling the tunica out from end to end(longitudinal). An Uli is going to trap blood in the tunica and force the whole thing to expand outward (latitudinal).

I suppose you could milk some length gains out of it, but I don’t think much.

Ok, now erect bends will definitely stretch the septum. If your septum is your limiting factor, and you can do erect bends carefully and safely then by all means go ahead with them.

I’m pretty beat as I post this, so just let me know if it’s not making any sense.

The penis is expanding in the clamp in all directions, so yeah, you would stand to gain a little length from it. Not as much as if you were hanging or stretching or whatever, but the penis would expand foward as well as outward.

Bib reported no length gains while he did Uli girth work. But I wonder if he just gave up would he have shrunk a bit, i.e. was the girth work cementing the lenght gains. I would have thought girth work would add a little to length. If you have a blown up sausage balloon and squeeze it, it gets fatter and a little longer too.

The "average size" is usually over-estimated. Small guys don't take part in surveys and big guys jump at the chance.

Girl claims she had a huge ex? Stick a spider in the bathroom or a mouse in the kitchen and when she comes out screaming ask her how big the spider/mouse was...

The best chance you have of getting lengthgains from cableclamps is from enlarging your glans.

I believe I have cemented some length gains from clamping. I have a pretty good upward bend to my erection, and while clamping, I will kegel and slightly bend the erection downward making my erection point straight. It puts an incredible amount of pressure over the entire base, shaft and glans. Veins popping out everywhere and the glans has those small goosebumps during the entire 15 minutes. Maximum engorgement. I think this stretches out the ligs, tunica and CC, so length and girth are maximized.


Hughjorgan9: I find 10 mins. max to be about all I can stand for extreme Ulis. Bib also suggests 10 min. If you are staying clamped and engorged for fifteen minutes you must have a pretty tough dick. Once the glands begins to sting that means the oxygen in the blood trapped inside the head is depleted and should be released. But I agree, doing bends while engorged really fattens things up down there. This routine is not for newbes.


2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Now then,

I bought a few of those soft wrist weights from Wal Mart last year. They weigh 1.5 lbs each and I have 4 of them. When I wake up in the morning I put two of them on and hang for about an hour or two with breaks for circulation. The point is, I use the larger of the cable clamps to hold them on.

—-> Place two doughnut weights on your shaft, use the clamp on the one towards your shaft head and you have an easy 1.5 to 6 lb ads that is quite comfortable to wear while getting ready for work, sitting reading Thunders, and walking around the house while nobody is home :)

The ravings of a madman...

BG, I can go as long as 30 minutes now. I may not have mine as tight as you, I don’t know. It’s funny saying my dick is “tough,” but I guess it is. I have been jelqing for many years, so it has toughened up quite a bit, I’m sure.

My glans has never stung or burned, and it never gets cold, because I’m usually in a hot shower keeping it fully expanded with Lubriderm and the 5 finger shuffle. I am always able to get a little more engorgement with a kegel, so I know it’s not 100% cutting off circulation.

I notice I am getting a little “growth ring” around the base. I’m not sure if it’s from the Clamp or the BallZapper I put on right after clamping to increase circulation.

Anyone else noticing this effect?


I stopped working length when I started cable clamps. I can’t say I have seen any real length gain yet, but I believe it helped me cement the length I had gained from hanging/stretching since I didn’t lose any length.

I gained length,the part of the penis where it goes in then out to make the mushroom shape has lengthened and cemented.

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