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efficiency comparison of length exercises

efficiency comparison of length exercises

People swear by stretching for length gains. How about some feedback on which of the 2 is more effective in your opinion for length gains -
stretching (ligs or tunica) versus Jelqing or Uli squeezes.

If someone concentrated mainly on stretching during a certain timeframe or mainly jelqing during a particular phase of PE & found more gains during that period, do share your opinion guys. If jelqing or Ulis are as effective as stretching then why not eliminate stretching & add that time into jelqing itself?

Although I’m no expert, I would venture to say that the majority will agree on stretching and hanging for optimal length gains.

"Look what your brother did to the door!"

Ideally the two should be used together. Think about it like this, you can stretch the shit of a balloon, but what the point if theres barely any air in it? Stretching gives you the potential for length, while jelqing gives you the blood capacity to meet your potential.

Agreed that stretching is far more effective on the ligs as compared to jelqing, which I guess hardly affects ligs. But is there a big difference in tunica stretched during V stretch & jelqing/Ulis?

In that case once the lot becomes low, we really need to find out which stretches the tunica more - jelqing or V stretch. Any ideas???

Uli’s are girth exercises.
Jelqing with an 60+% erection is for girth.
Jelqing with a 40 to 60% erection is for length.
Stretching is for length.

There are quite a few people who have gained length and done little manual stretching. It does seem the stretchers and hangers are getting better length gains though.

Your choice really.

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somehow I was not in the mood for stretching. Guess stretching works well for tunica also. Thanks for the info Thunder. I get the feeling that a Uli variation with left hand clamp at the base & an inverted hand grip with gradual closing of fingers aids length too, coz I can see the head stretching outwards.

that analogy with baloon was good. So you loosen things up with stretching & then jelq to stretch it further!


You see the head being pushed out by the pressure building up.

If you don’t want to stretch for length, then jelq or do this exercise variation that you are describing. Keep us informed on how it is going for you please.

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