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can't jelq anymore


can't jelq anymore

It’s strange but for the past month every time I get into a good jelq workout I start getting a little blood coming from my urethra. Even if I don’t do them for a while. Does anyone else have this problem? However, I can do squeezes and bends and stretches and don’t have a problem. Do you think I can be successful in PE without including jelqing in my routine? Lately I’ve been wrapping the base and getting erect. Then I do squeezes and bends. Afterwards I keep it wrapped for a while. My idea is keeping it engorged for periods of time through out the day. When I wrap, my girth is up to 1/2 an inch more than usual erection. What do you guys think?

i suggest that if you are bleeding from your urethra you take about 10 days off. if you carry on thats up to you, but is it worth the risk?


Shooting for 9"


I would like to direct you to the injury/treatment forum, there is a thread on just this topic. Please go check it out.

Anytime there is blood coming from the uretha, it could be, but not necessarily , a sign of something serious. You stated that this has been occuring for a month, I would lay off the jelqing and make an appointment with your doctor.

Take care.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

Hmm, if you are not already doing so, you may want to work more slowly into the jelqing. Maybe do lighter jelqing for a few minutes or squeezes for a few minutes first. I have experienced what you describe as have many others in the past….but, in my personal experience, the cause was ALWAYS getting too intense too soon in my workouts. Just a thought, otherwise…follow the advise of the others.


I agree with SunShineKid.

Here’s the link: I strongly suggest you Read This Thread before continuing any PE activities.

Hi jaij!!

I have the same injury.

I have stopped PEing for about 1 week then tried some easy jelqs and again blood came out.
I stopped now for about 2 weeks more.
My problem is not the resting but rather:

When can I make sure that I’m totally healed so I can start again without beeing afraid that the injury comes back??

I posted a thread in the injuries forum a while ago but no replies so far.
you can read the thread here:

How to know that injury healed???

I haven’t found a clear answer to this question in the forum.
The only thing I found was hoe LONG to rest, but i think this is different for everyone.
So there must be a way to determine that the penis has healed, and when you get to that state you can start again, be it after a week, two , or what ever.

So if someone could help both of us it would be great..

If it’s not what Thunder’s thread implies, that if it’s really coming out of the urethra, you need to address it properly.

Did you read that other thread? (here)
BoardLurker put some excellent links there.

I’ve have read where the most common cause is that the little veins in the urethra rupture due to vigorous sex or masturbation, and this tends to go away quickly. Obviously PE puts high stress loads on your anatomy, so hopefully that is it.

The safe and obvious thing to do if you’re not recovering is to see your MD about it, to determine it’s severity and rule out other things that I’d rather not mention. I’d submit no one here is going to diagnose your condition for you, and/or determine your recovery time. Play it safe, go get a clear conscious from your MD.

I have had little drops occur, but have never had to take more than a few days off. If you have taken weeks off and it comes right back you may need to consider another form of pe (hanging maybe, perhaps along with pumping for girth) and get checked out to make sure you don’t have some ulcerations or strictures in the urethra.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

Hi, This is my first post! Although a ‘newbie’ to thunder’s, I have been pe’ing (and studying this forum) on and off for just over a year and have had to take a few long breaks due to a few tiny drops of blood from my urethra during jelqing. I have found the best thing to do is make sure you give yourself a real good warm up, 10 mins or so of hot wrap/water e.t.c, and then start with gentle jelqing, slowly increasing in force. Now when I see any blood I just stop and resume my routine the next day making sure I warm up as well as possible. I hope this helps because I know it’s scary as fuck when you see that drop of blood-instant bona killer!

I have had the same problem. Listen to BigBush, very good advice!

Sounds like your jelqing grip might be constricting your CS much more than the CC. Maybe you should try an overhand pinch grip to really target the CC, this way you won’t add too much pressure on the CS.

- Lee Beast

Is this long term damage by this. This has happened 5 times.

Happened to me too many times to count way back when.

Just take a full month off, more than you need for good measure with lots of warm ups and fewer erections, so no masturbation until it’s healed.

When you decide to come back cut your intensity in half, and STOP it with the clamping and squeezes. You’re still a newbie, and newbies have no business messing around with clamping and squeezes until they’ve mastered jelqing properly and developed their penises for more advanced exercises first.

If you’re having trouble with repeated injuries from PE I suggest you go back to the drawing board first, and work out the kinks yourself sooner before you injure yourself even worse in the future.

Bpel: 8", Bpeg: 6", Mbeg: 5.75", Meg: 5.5", Aheg: 5.25", Heg: 4.5" - 11/18/11

Bpel: 8", Bpeg: 6", Mbeg: 5.875", Meg: 5.63", Aheg: 5.38", Heg: 4.75" - 5/18/12

Bpel:+1/4", Bpeg:6", Mbeg: 5.875", Meg:+1/16", Aheg: +1/16", Heg: +1/16" - 6/18/12

Do not wait. Do not look for the advice on this forum. Make an appointment with your doctor immediately. Blood coming from the urinary tract is one of the most alarming “small” symptoms you can have. Good luck and I hope you can get fixed up and back on the grind.

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