Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

CaptnHook Hits His Goal


CaptnHook Hits His Goal

Five months in and I have arrived. I will get around to posting the good news in my personal journal, but I couldn’t help letting out a victory cheer (plus my poor journal is so over-run with parrot jokes……)

Measured over the course of several days and easily came in at my goal size of 7” nbp. It was obvious for some time that something good was happening but I resisted the temptation until I completed my “schedule”.

I want to thank anyone and everyone who contributed to this dream of mine coming true.

7 7/8” – BPEL
8 1/4” - BPFSL
5 ¼” – EG mid shaft / 5 ½” EG base

(three week break late nov. early dec.)

6 ¾” – NBPEL
7 5/8” – BPEL
5 ¼” – EG mid shaft / 5 ½” EG base

9/15/03 – Begin hanging
6 1/4” – NBPEL
7 1/8” – BPEL
5 1/8” – EG mid shaft

8/13/03- Begin Newbie Routine
5 7/8”- NBPEL
6 ¾” – BPEL
4 ¾” – EG mid shaft[/size]

Outstanding Captn!! Congratulations on the gains. Couldn’t have happened to a more outrageous character. It’s always fun to read your posts and an honor to be in your company.

I'm hung like Einstein and smart as a horse.


Congrats on the gains! You have been totally committed to your goal and it shows. When are we going to see the pictures of the new monster? Maybe tonite you can celebrate with Mrs Hook and allow her to do a Victory Lap!

All kidding aside. you put your mind to a goal and you have achieved it. I would say you are a lucky man but this had nothing to do with luck it was all commitment. It is not very often that I wish I was somebody else, but today I wish I was you (and of course tonite with Mrs Hook also).

Keep it up buddy you are an inspiration to all of us!


You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

Re: CaptnHook Hits His Goal

Originally posted by CaptnHook

7 7/8” - BPEL

8 1/4” - BPFSL

And look, even more to come! Congrats of hitting your goal, Cappy. The PE Dick Fairy must have really liked your contribution of the wench. You have enabled not only yourself, but countless others to reach their goals in a safe, inexpensive and efficient way. Bravo! :thumbs:

CONGRATS Captn!!!!!

1/8th inch away from 8” BP. I can only dream.

When you get to 8” we will have to get you a “8 inch club card”


1999: 6" EBPL X 5.25" EG ~ 2001: 7" EBPL X 5.75" EG ~ 2003: 7.25" EBPL X 6" EG

Current (Jan 2013): 7.125 EBPL X 6"EG ~ GOAL = 7+" (anything more is fine) EBPL X 6.5" EG


Excellent gains; are you setting another goal?


What I never knew, I never will forget!

Well done!

Are you gonna keep going to ‘cement’ your gains or are you calling it a day?

PS: This is what part of the alphabet would look like if Q and R were eliminated - Mitch Hedburg

Excellent Captn,

I can only imagine this is not the end, but just a new beginning! Let’s run up the pirate flag on that new pole! Break out a keg of whiskey and let’s keelhaul a landlubber.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Congratulations matey!

My next big goal is in the post right above yours. Sean is the girth king (have you checked out his amazing journal?). If I can realize 6” girth I will never ask the dick fairy for another thing - in fact, I’ll wash the dick fairy’s car once a week. I seriously crave girth. There is an interesting look to 7”x 5 1/4” - it comes off as “skinny” to my eye. My unit now looks like a longer version of the same old thing. It’s bizarre.

For the short-term I’m going to keep hanging and doing my manual stretches in an effort to cement, like HGP noted. Part of me thinks I should just keep going; see how far I can take my length before committing to a serious girth routine. But I don’t know…honestly. I should probably stick to the plan.

If you had told me six months ago that I would soon be having a serious inner squabble about whether or not to make my dick even longer I would have washed your Aunt Martha’s car.

My heartfelt thanks to you guys, one and all (ya bunch of sick bastards). Mrs Hook thanks you too ;)


This is not the end.

It’s not even the beginning of the end.

It’s only the end of the beginning (Winston Churchill).


Good going Cap!!

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

So Capitan, is it a combo of hanging for a long period of time per day plus ADS or what?

Congrats Captn !!!
You’re the *ucking owner!!
I’m too jelous about your gainings…. :)

What was your LOT when you starting PE?
Actually i think i have a lot of 7:30 and i’m starting hanging… 45min (3x15min) around 6 KG.

What was your routine? I need some advice for become big.

Your Wench did me a lot of imagination and help me also on building mi own penimaster.

I’m working on a article for the spanish forum of “How to make a Vacuum Pump”(I will release 2 versions: Standard and a Profesional with a freezer vacuum-bomb). When I have it i let you know.

Spanish regards

CURRENT 7.1" x 5" (8" stretched) ----> GOAL 8" x 6" NBP

Semen retentum venenum est

>So Capitan, is it a combo of hanging for a long period of time per day plus ADS or what?<

I use a nifty three in one PE device (name unmentioned) That allows me hang, manual stretch and ADS. I put in a lot of hang time at what is a considerably light amount of weight. I’ll go into the manual stretching I have been doing in an upcoming post, and the ADS I’m sure you’re aware of.
I guess the answer is yes, my gains are from combining these methods and essentially always doing PE - not when sleeping of course, but you never know. :)

I have developed my approach to focus on time more than any other factor. Low tension everything/All the time something. This has not only led to gains it has made PE pleasant. No serious stress and never any pain. And one of the greatest results of this approach has been no injury, internal or external.
I have what can only be described as a beautiful penis - not a mark on it, no discoloration, no bruises, no red spots, no sloppy skin, and no “tree roots”.

Whether my penile pulchritude can survive a serious girth routine is yet to be seen. But I will find a way….Damn your eyes I will find a way!!

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