Check out this Routine I've been doing
With all the excercises for length/girth, I’ve always wondered what would be the best order to do them in. Maybe one will wear down my penis before getting to the other one and doubts like that.
So I came up with a routine to incorporate most of it:
1.Warm UP
—-Regular Stretches
3.Jelq Time w/ Kegeling Blood Between Jelqs
—25 Jelqs (total 25)
——5 Uli’s
—25 Jelqs (total 50)
——10 Jelq Squeezes (Jelq Squeeze Video)
—25 Jelqs (total 75)
——5 Uli’s
—25 Jelqs (total 100)
——10 Jelq Squeezes
4.Ill repeat that until I get to 300 jelqs
5.I don’t have any cool down techniques