Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Circumcised guys have larger FLACCID glans

I am cut and unfortunately have a small glans

I am cut but not a lot off the top. My glans are a little smaller than the shaft. My mid shaft eg is a little above 5.5 but my glans only measure 5. I don’t think there is any correlation between cut and uncut guys. Ive seen uncut guys with large glans and cut guys with large glans.

Past:5.2bpel X 4.25eg (2010):7.6bpel X 5.75eg After a 12 year hiatus, starting back in 2020 current stats 7.25 bpel 4.5-5.0eg

Not much length lost these 12 years but lost about 50% of my girth gains

Originally Posted by MAxxx
I am cut but not a lot off the top. My glans are a little smaller than the shaft. My mid shaft eg is a little above 5.5 but my glans only measure 5. I don’t think there is any correlation between cut and uncut guys. Ive seen uncut guys with large glans and cut guys with large glans.

I agree with this. I am uncut and my proportions are similar to yours, except MSEG is around 5 and the glans is around 4.7 EG. I’m hoping I can make it more uniform throughout my entire shaft once I start doing girth work.

Short Term Goal - 7.75 BPEL

I heard that when you are circumcised, the glans does grow larger due to friction and whatnot. There is even a member of this forum who had an adult circumcision and said his glans was getting larger. I don’t remember his name, but I am sure you could search it.

Man I wish Bart would read this thread and reply to it, that or I wish I could send him a PM.

Another thing to consider is that the foreskin, especially depending on tightness may slightly compress the glans. Its said that the glans is like a sponge - so if you envelope it, you would think it will conform to that shape. Allow it freedom, and theoretically it may expand.

Ofcourse everyone genetically has different sized glans, there is no disputing that- Uncut guys can have larger glans than cut guys. I just think whatever size you are given, if you are cut the glans expands that little bit more.

Originally Posted by Yataghan50
I’ve been wanting to try this myself. How long did it take until the foreskin started to remain back on its own? How did you keep the skin back initially?

W742, Yataghan, and The Exception - I apologize for the delayed reply. Personally for me it didn’t take very long to train the foreskin to stay back on its on. It took about 1 to 2 weeks. At first, I just pulled the foreskin back and left it like that since I couldn’t think of anything to use. Each and every single time I noticed the foreskin sliding forward I would pull it back again. It was very annoying and tedious, especially if you’re wearing cloth. It’s a lot easier if you can be naked most of the day, so the cloth doesn’t cause it to slide forward. I was lucky enough at that time of my life to have a lot of private time, so I could do this. As each day went by it got easier and less frequent with it sliding forwards. Eventually, it stayed back on its on and sometimes even if I pulled it forward it would pull itself back.

The glans of my head did get drier as a result of this, but at the same time it did get bigger. I think that’s a result of having no foreskin constantly giving it a gentle squeeze that gives it that deflated head look. I see the dryness as a benefit because it prevents bacteria from starting to grow and is cleaner as a result of that. Also, since the head is exposed constantly it has an opportunity to rub in your pants more, which can keep it slightly cleaner as well.

As far as loss of sensitivity goes, when I first started doing this my penis head was very sensitive because it was exposed and had a lot of contact with the underwear in my pants. It was so sensitive that it was quite uncomfortable, kind of like after you shoot a load and you don’t want anything to touch your dick head cause it’s too sensitive. As it got drier, this issue went away and I got used to it. Personally, I think the loss of sensitivity isn’t that bad since it actually makes it bearable to wear cloth or loose underwear (boxers or commando). Plus if I want it to be that sensitive again, I could always just undo all this and start pulling the foreskin forward again.

A couple years after I did this myself I discovered a Yahoo group that actually centers around this particular topic. You can find more about it here. Yahoo | Mail, Weather, Search, Politics, News, Finance, Sports & Videos

Being a part of this Yahoo group I learned that there are guys out there that have their own tips for achieve the same results. One of the best ones I’ve heard is using a tiny hair scrunchy at the base of your head. It’s very small, so it’s not obtrusive and it’s not very tight so circulation is not affected (even if you get an erection). Very helpful when you’re wearing cloth.

There are occasions throughout the year where the foreskin keeps sliding forward even though you’ve trained it, but it just needs retraining again. I think it happens during the change in seasons (not sure).

I started doing this before PE, so as I got more length from PE. The extra length has decreased the amount of foreskin I have when I’m erect and at time it makes me look like I’m circumcised when I’m actually not or just a loose circumcision with a little foreskin remaining depending on my erection quality. The extra length I have even when flaccid has also help with keeping it retracted.

I hope this information helps you guys or anyone. I don’t mind answering questions if you have any, so feel free to ask. :-)

Originally Posted by Bart
W742, Yataghan, and The Exception - I apologize for the delayed reply. Personally for me it didn’t take very long to train the foreskin to stay back on its on. It took about 1 to 2 weeks. At first, I just pulled the foreskin back and left it like that since I couldn’t think of anything to use. Each and every single time I noticed the foreskin sliding forward I would pull it back again. It was very annoying and tedious, especially if you’re wearing cloth. It’s a lot easier if you can be naked most of the day, so the cloth doesn’t cause it to slide forward. I was lucky enough at that time of my life to have a lot of private time, so I could do this. As each day went by it got easier and less frequent with it sliding forwards. Eventually, it stayed back on its on and sometimes even if I pulled it forward it would pull itself back.

The glans of my head did get drier as a result of this, but at the same time it did get bigger. I think that’s a result of having no foreskin constantly giving it a gentle squeeze that gives it that deflated head look. I see the dryness as a benefit because it prevents bacteria from starting to grow and is cleaner as a result of that. Also, since the head is exposed constantly it has an opportunity to rub in your pants more, which can keep it slightly cleaner as well.

As far as loss of sensitivity goes, when I first started doing this my penis head was very sensitive because it was exposed and had a lot of contact with the underwear in my pants. It was so sensitive that it was quite uncomfortable, kind of like after you shoot a load and you don’t want anything to touch your dick head cause it’s too sensitive. As it got drier, this issue went away and I got used to it. Personally, I think the loss of sensitivity isn’t that bad since it actually makes it bearable to wear cloth or loose underwear (boxers or commando). Plus if I want it to be that sensitive again, I could always just undo all this and start pulling the foreskin forward again.

A couple years after I did this myself I discovered a Yahoo group that actually centers around this particular topic. You can find more about it here. Yahoo | Mail, Weather, Search, Politics, News, Finance, Sports & Videos

Being a part of this Yahoo group I learned that there are guys out there that have their own tips for achieve the same results. One of the best ones I’ve heard is using a tiny hair scrunchy at the base of your head. It’s very small, so it’s not obtrusive and it’s not very tight so circulation is not affected (even if you get an erection). Very helpful when you’re wearing cloth.

There are occasions throughout the year where the foreskin keeps sliding forward even though you’ve trained it, but it just needs retraining again. I think it happens during the change in seasons (not sure).

I started doing this before PE, so as I got more length from PE. The extra length has decreased the amount of foreskin I have when I’m erect and at time it makes me look like I’m circumcised when I’m actually not or just a loose circumcision with a little foreskin remaining depending on my erection quality. The extra length I have even when flaccid has also help with keeping it retracted.

I hope this information helps you guys or anyone. I don’t mind answering questions if you have any, so feel free to ask. :-)

Crazy, I just discovered that the term for wearing the skin back was autocircumcision earlier today, and actually joined the group you mentioned a few hours before your post.

I’m wearing the skin back with the hair ties mentioned in the HTV - Its a wrap thread. They stretch out with erections, so it works well. I am though thinking about purchasing a Japanese product which was mentioned in the yahoo group, which is designed specifically to keep the foreskin back.

I’m pretty intrigued about all this, apparently keeping the foreskin rolled back permanently is customary in Japan. So much so that in onsens/other public nudity situations it’s pretty shameful to be seen with covered glans. I also found a fairly long discussion on it on a British site, seems a few are doing it over there too.

Lastly this is a long but interesting read regarding circumcision, autocircumcision and uncut traditions all over the world.

Felix Bryk circumcision traditions and taboos. Routine circumcision phimosis and male initiation

I actually believe cut guys got bigger average glans. I’m uncut and my head is freaking tiny (4.33) while my mid is 4.7 and base 5.9. Almost looks cone-shaped :( .

Start: 6.3 BPEL x 4.5 MSEG & 4.5 BSEG

Now: 7.7 x 4.7 x 5.5 BSEG

Goal: 8 x 6

I am cut and disproportionately I have larger glans than the rest of my unit. It almost seems like my shaft stopped growing in girth, but the glans didn’t. But it kind of looks cool.

I wonder if those individuals who gained alot of shaft-girth also gained girth with the glans? Just curious.

Yes, I’ve gained about 1.5” in girth in 7 years PE, and the glans has grown proportionally. Growing a larger glans, actually, makes it easier to keep it uncovered 24/7, even with lots of foreskin like me.

Thank you Bart! That was extremely informative. I am looking forward to giving this a try, perhaps when I am living on my own in the near future. I have a good amount of foreskin so I hope I can have the same results as you, with the bigger glans and all.

Current: BPEL[7.5"] - MSEG[5.65"] - BPFSL[just about 8"]

Short Term Goal: Just another 8X6er

Ultimate Goal: NBPEL[8"] - EG[>=6"]

Originally Posted by Yataghan50

I am though thinking about purchasing a Japanese product which was mentioned in the yahoo group, which is designed specifically to keep the foreskin back.

Could you provide the link for that product? I joined the group a few days back and couldn’t find it.

Hey Bart, while we are on the subject of training to keep the foreskin pulled back, do you know of a website that can help me cure my phimosis ( I don’t want to go to the doctor).

Originally Posted by shrubbery
Could you provide the link for that product? I joined the group a few days back and couldn’t find it.

Sure, in the yahoo group ‘autocircumcision’ the details are under the post "foreskin retraction tools".

Here is a link to the items site, (It’s all Japanese so you’ll need to use babelfish or something)
And this is where you purchase it from http://www.e-nl … pict2-2666-9999

In depth instructions on how to get around the language barrier and buy it are included in the guys original post in the group.

I’ve gotta say wearing the skin back is great, having the glans always slightly rub on clothing is a nice sensation. I’m popping more random boners than ever, and the glans seem to have expanded a little - and more blood staying in the glans = more sensitivity = more pleasure.


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