Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Clamp and BallZinger results

It sounds like you guys are applying the clamp and then doing your regular work out, is this correct? Or do you adjust your work out to accomidate the pressure of the clamp?

You dont have to do anything more than keep that stretched engorged state if you don’t want. You will feel an internal stretch if you clamp to a 120% erection. It is forcing more blood in than jelqing, and its non stop.

You can do some erect bends while clamped, or even jelq, but these are more advanced moves. Just staying constricted with the clamp is enough for me now. My dick gets so huge even after just 1 ten minute clamp session!

try these:

Clamp and BallZinger results

As you can see, there are quite a few who have tired this. I want to know what other’s results have been.


I use the red cable clamp. I took some of my thera band and wrapped around the arms of the clamp. Then I take a wrist sweat band and put it on the shaft, get about 80-90% erect and clamp. The thera band wrapping around the cable clamp arms cuts down on pinching, etc. The sweat band around the shaft makes it even more comfortable.

I’ve gone from 5” to 5.5” EG. I jelq and clamp. But lately I have begun a thorough girth program with the clamp. I, too, blow up the girth to 5.75 with the clamp. That’s .25 larger than none clamped pecker.

I tried the clamp several months ago and knew it would be the key to girth. However, at the time I was working on length alone. Now that my length is better I am focusing more effort on girth. The clamp is the way to go.

Also, I sometimes place a “Uli Thing” (Bib’s idea) around the base and then clamp on up the shaft to provide even more pressure to the glan.



"I have strong feelings about gun control. If there\'s a gun around, I want to be controlling it." Clint Eastwood

Whats a good starting routine with the clamp for someone that wants to start off easy? ex: 2 - 5 minute clamps twice a day for the first month, 2 - 10 minutes clamps for the second month and 2 -15 clamps for every remaining month after that?

Thanks again

Originally Posted by crashdummie
Whats a good starting routine with the clamp for someone that wants to start off easy? ex: 2 - 5 minute clamps twice a day for the first month, 2 - 10 minutes clamps for the second month and 2 -15 clamps for every remaining month after that?

Thanks again

I think you could move up faster than than. Make sure to hot wrap before, and also do 5 minutes of regular jelqing to be safe.

Try 5 minutes x 2 the first week,
then 10 minutes the second and so on.

I was doing longer sessions, like 2 20 minutes sessions, but I cut down and I think maybe doing more 10 minute sessions could be better.

Be safe.

I’ve been debating whether to post this or not, here goes:

What I’ve done is work an erection to 100%, do a reverse kegel then clamp. I gently pull him up for an upward bend (the wife said once, if she had a dick she could forge, she’s an apprentice jeweler, she’d like it to have an upward curve).

Once I feel a bit of soreness underneath, I grab my PJ and do a few slow (and gentle) jelqs.

I’ve been doing this for about two weeks now and it feels a lot “heavier”. I don’t notice any dimensional gains yet (too early anyway).

I’d like to stress over and over - be very gentle, this one’s dangerous. The first time I did it, I had some spots that lasted about two days.

Originally Posted by muttley
I’ve been debating whether to post this or not, here goes:

What I’ve done is work an erection to 100%, do a reverse kegel then clamp. I gently pull him up for an upward bend (the wife said once, if she had a dick she could forge, she’s an apprentice jeweler, she’d like it to have an upward curve).

Once I feel a bit of soreness underneath, I grab my PJ and do a few slow (and gentle) jelqs.

I’ve been doing this for about two weeks now and it feels a lot “heavier”. I don’t notice any dimensional gains yet (too early anyway).

I’d like to stress over and over - be very gentle, this one’s dangerous. The first time I did it, I had some spots that lasted about two days.

Sounds like that would have to work. I have heard of rolling your dick with a rolling pin while clamped, and that is pretty similar. Sounds a little too advanced for me yet.

Doesn’t this promote a baseball bat effect? What do you guys do to increase base girth?

Originally Posted by Mugwomp
Doesn’t this promote a baseball bat effect? What do you guys do to increase base girth?

That’s the beauty of this thing. It expands the entire penis, from base to head, because there is no pressure in any one direction. I get 6 3/4 midshaft, 7 1/4+ base during the clamp. No baseball, turkey neck, donut, whatever…and it really expands the base like a mofo.

IMHO, everyone should try this.


Originally Posted by Hughjorgan9
That’s the beauty of this thing. It expands the entire penis, from base to head, because there is no pressure in any one direction. I get 6 3/4 midshaft, 7 1/4+ base during the clamp. No baseball, turkey neck, donut, whatever…and it really expands the base like a mofo.

IMHO, everyone should try this.


I don’t really know how it expands the base. For me, I put the clamp as far down to the base as possible. And it is clamped so it can’t really expand. Could you elaborate on this Hugh?

Here is a step by step.

Warm up in shower.

I manually stretch for 10 minutes.

I put the top part of the sock as far down on the base as possible.

I manually get an erection using lotion.

I put the clamp on loosely as far down the base as possible.

Kegel, get a good pump and clamp.

Manually stimulate for 15-20 minutes. This keeps me at 100%+ erection, a constant state of maximum engorgement.

By the end of the session, I am veiny, swollen and huge from the head to the base.

Does this answer your question?


Originally Posted by Hughjorgan9
Here is a step by step.

Warm up in shower.

I manually stretch for 10 minutes.

I put the top part of the sock as far down on the base as possible.

I manually get an erection using lotion.

I put the clamp on loosely as far down the base as possible.

Kegel, get a good pump and clamp.

Manually stimulate for 15-20 minutes. This keeps me at 100%+ erection, a constant state of maximum engorgement.

By the end of the session, I am veiny, swollen and huge from the head to the base.

Does this answer your question?


Yeah thats almost exactly what I do. I just don’t feel it expands the base that much. I am not sure what kind of gains at the base I could expect from this.

Not sure. I know my base expands like crazy and I am seeing permanent gains from head to base. It could be the shape or structure of my jimmy that is giving me different results than you. Each person has different results from each exercise. That’s why I am very interested in know the results of more guys who are trying this.


Well I have not been keeping track of my base girth, only midshaft. So from now on I will keep track. I could be gaining at the base, I just don’t know it.


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