Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Clamp me up, Buttercup Baby

After practicing for a few days and going a little tighter on the clamp I am able to get up to 5.25” from 5” and at the base I can get up to about 5.4 almost to 5.5”. I’ve found it works better for me if I do edging while clamped. I’m careful so I’m not worried about edging while clamping, but I hear it can really hurt if you’re not careful. Are there any types Jelqing in specific that work well with clamping?

Originally Posted by spaghettidick
….This is a learning experience for me and one thing I have learned is the penis can be pushed a lot further than I thought without damaging it. Granted you must be conditioned….

My thoughts exactly about the way I jelq. I think that’s how people can PE forever and see no gains as well. Some people need to learn that you can push it further than you think you can the body is an amazing thing. (general caution though… I have also read the stories of people pushing it too far and having erection problems).

I agree with your approach 100% Spaghettidick and I am glad that you are still going strong! Try not to clamp for too long without releasing the pressure for a little breather.. thrombosed veins do happen, I have one that developed out of clamping and wrapping and it keeps coming back and it isn’t fun!

But yeah, keep this up man, I’m rooting for you!

Start (Aug.05): 6.6 BPEL x 4.375" EG

Now (Feb.2011): 8.6" BPEL x 6.0" EG...

Gains: 2.0" EL x 1.625" EG Way more than doubled my erect volume! PE for life. Anything is possible!

Originally Posted by spaghettidick

It hangs around 4.75 MS right now pre session. Post session 5 to 5.5 depending on how many sessions I do. My main goal with these sessions is just to make sure I expand at least .25 inches past my permanent girth each session.

I have been doing the same thing with making sure I expand .25 inches in EG per session, and I am gaining. I am 5.4EG all day like OJ right know.

Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg

Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg

5.5” beg; 4.5” geg

I hate to admit it, but when I was abusing my penis with clamping sessions, I gained quite a bit of girth. I believe I started clamping at around 5.25” of girth, and within a year I was getting non-PE day measurements of up to 6 1/8” mseg. Stupidly I was doing a routine that was either 3 x 30 of clamping or 2 x 45 minutes of clamping. It was hardcore as well, clamped as far down as I could tolerate. My penis became quite discolored throughout the process, but I ended up gaining quite a bit. Sadly, about 1/4” of those gains were not permanent, but still quite impressive compared to other methods. While I don’t want to go that hardcore again, I have recently started doing clamping sets at 10 minutes again. Erection quality has gone up, no discoloration, and I am slightly bigger in girth. In over four years of PE, clamping has done by far the most for the girth compared to any other method. Be careful, though. The thing that is amazing about clamping is that the temporary gains can last for a month or longer with no exercise. Pumping can’t even get close to touching that.

I’ve begun to hold on to the gains after I stop clamping. By that I am referring to hours after I clamp. I’ve gained a 1/8”. Clamping is pretty amazing. I also started using cocoa butter lotion with vitamin E. I read that it helps skin regeneration. Not sure if anyone else has tried this, but even if it doesn’t help gains, it does make the skin nice and soft.

Sorry if this has been asked but I skimmed this thread and did not see it. Many have talked about the benefits of applying heat during their stretch/hanging routines and the positive results that came from it. Can the same be applied to clamping? Would it be more beneficial to apply heat during each of my clamping sets?

Yes it would skeebo.

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

The search NO longer continues. :)

Hmm I just put my air clamp away cause I’m having a hard time using it. The air leaks out if I try to pump it up as hard at I want. Its like there’s a cap. Any of you having this issue?

I’m thinking of using it instead of a tornique grip and then perform Horse 440’s - anyone tried that?
I really don’t want to give up on girth gains, surgery is so expensive!

Start: 6.3 BPEL x 4.5 MSEG & 4.5 BSEG

Now: 7.7 x 4.7 x 5.5 BSEG

Goal: 8 x 6

Teninchgoal, if you have the privacy to clamp, I would highly suggest doing it. If you are using the air clamp correctly and it is still leaking, then no it is not working correctly. The air clamp does not leak whatsoever. What would be the point of it if it leaked right?

I have been back to jelqing with ulis every single day, no days skipped, and I am getting bigger just like braindrain by the day. It took me this damn long to realize all one needs to gain is consistency. I don’t have the privacy to clamp which is why my routine is just dry jelqing. I will have the privacy in about a month when this semester ends. I plan on clamping daily in cooperation with my jelqing routine. My dick will be much bigger by the end of winter break, I cannot wait!

If you want to figure out if you have a leak (I encountered the same problem) in the bladder then take the fabric part off of the bladder, pump it up, then place it under water. You can put a little pressure on it to see if there are any bubbles coming out of the bladder. That’s how I found my leak. If you find there is no leak in the bladder, then your problem is with the valve. Monty told me there is rarely valve problems.

From now on I would suggest to not keep pumping when you are at the max bladder limit because the air has to go somewhere if you keep pumping. You’ll know you’re succeeding with this when you get hard, pump it up to max, then you are able to kegel constantly and with each kegel, your dick will literally get bigger right in front of your eyes and you will not lose any expansion.

Hope I helped.

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

The search NO longer continues. :)

Originally Posted by sparkyx
Why do you need cialis? If I remember correctly, you are a young guy.

I’ve just always thrown in a few drops here and there, just because it will make me 110-120% erect, lol.

Originally Posted by spaghettidick
From now on I would suggest to not keep pumping when you are at the max bladder limit because the air has to go somewhere if you keep pumping. You’ll know you’re succeeding with this when you get hard, pump it up to max, then you are able to kegel constantly and with each kegel, your dick will literally get bigger right in front of your eyes and you will not lose any expansion.

Hope I helped.

Yeah thanks, its when I got it pumped at max but I feel that I need to pump a little more to get 100% expansion, and the air kinda shoots back like you puncture a tire.
So its suppose to be like that huh?

Ah well, I will try some high erection jelqs for a couple of months for a change. I might also try these horse440’s, they seem extreme, but some people have made very nice speed gains!

Start: 6.3 BPEL x 4.5 MSEG & 4.5 BSEG

Now: 7.7 x 4.7 x 5.5 BSEG

Goal: 8 x 6

Horse give me extreme discoloration so I stick to jelqs and ulis.

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

The search NO longer continues. :)

Hi sorry that I burst into this topic but I can’t open a new topic, I’m not allowed.

So maybe some of you that have allowed can copy and paste my topic in new thread.

I found in the Internet a formula to make big dick but my English is so bad so I don’t understood nothing

Maybe someone here check the link and explain what is mean?

Thank you

Post in the newbie section. :)

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

The search NO longer continues. :)

Do you jelq/ heat after you clamp? Everytime I get a good clamp session in, afterwards it is engorged and plump. The thing is, I read that if you don’t jelq afterwords, you’ll get fluid build up and false gains.

Originally Posted by W.B.H.
Let me say that this thread is 100% accurate! I absolutely LOVE clamping and I can’t even IMAGINE my life without it. I used to clamp way too intensely, and it would ruin my EQ. Now, after reading a ton of posts by Drilla, I clamp about 2-3 clicks away from the tightest the clamp will go. And this is PERFECT for getting a nice plump unit, and I also wrap my balls just above them to prevent turkey neck, lol. But this combo is absolutely amazing for giving me a huge thick unit and I do 2 sets of 10 minutes Monday-Friday and take the weekends off. Absolutely AMAZING results, thus far. My girth is absolutely tremendous with cialis. ;)


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