Teninchgoal, if you have the privacy to clamp, I would highly suggest doing it. If you are using the air clamp correctly and it is still leaking, then no it is not working correctly. The air clamp does not leak whatsoever. What would be the point of it if it leaked right?
I have been back to jelqing with ulis every single day, no days skipped, and I am getting bigger just like braindrain by the day. It took me this damn long to realize all one needs to gain is consistency. I don’t have the privacy to clamp which is why my routine is just dry jelqing. I will have the privacy in about a month when this semester ends. I plan on clamping daily in cooperation with my jelqing routine. My dick will be much bigger by the end of winter break, I cannot wait!
If you want to figure out if you have a leak (I encountered the same problem) in the bladder then take the fabric part off of the bladder, pump it up, then place it under water. You can put a little pressure on it to see if there are any bubbles coming out of the bladder. That’s how I found my leak. If you find there is no leak in the bladder, then your problem is with the valve. Monty told me there is rarely valve problems.
From now on I would suggest to not keep pumping when you are at the max bladder limit because the air has to go somewhere if you keep pumping. You’ll know you’re succeeding with this when you get hard, pump it up to max, then you are able to kegel constantly and with each kegel, your dick will literally get bigger right in front of your eyes and you will not lose any expansion.
Hope I helped.
In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.
The search NO longer continues. :)