Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Clamp me up, Buttercup Baby

Guys, I’m interested in clamping. What clamp is it that you guys use, or what is the most popular clamp? Also, where can I buy one?

Started 4/20/08 BPEL 7.0 EG 5.5

Current 9/08 7 3/8 BPEL X 5.75 MSEG

Aiming for a more realistic goal - 8 NBPEL 6.5 MSEG

I just want to know how you made those kind of length gains!

Stretching then ADS. (golf weights)

Guys if you don’t mind I’d love to stay on the thread topic here. Please everyone give your thoughts/experiences about my first post and clamping.

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

The search NO longer continues. :)

When I have reached length that is enough for me (7.5-8” BPEL). I will start heavy clamping.

Hanging through the year 2012. Check my log.

Same here.

Currently 6.5 NBP 5.5EG.

I started clamping seriously about a month ago and have gained about an eighth inch length and girth. My erections are a 10 as well, used to be a 7 or 8. My non-erect no longer turtles and now hangs much better. I think the length gain is because I subconciously pull on my glans while in the clamp. Stretched Clamping I guess you’d call it. Still haven’t tried using two clamps yet, my little rugrats took my other one that I had on my computer desk. Who the hell knows where the little bastards put the thing. Yesterday I put in 5x10 minute sessions which has been the most I have done in a day. Anyway, I agree with Spaghetti on everything except that I don’t think a workout is wasted unless you see it get bigger. I just noticed a month into it that my dick looks bigger, 25-30 workouts later.

Originally Posted by stripeswipe

Anyway, I agree with Spaghetti on everything except that I don’t think a workout is wasted unless you see it get bigger. I just noticed a month into it that my dick looks bigger, 25-30 workouts later.

Thanks so much for taking the time for posting your experience stripeswipe. This is a great observation and something I was definitely looking for. Keep it coming guys and please once again, could we stay on topic? Does anyone read the forum guidelines around here?

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

The search NO longer continues. :)

.25 inches gained so far. I am reaching 5.25 inches + during workouts.

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

The search NO longer continues. :)

I have considered clamping far off in the future, but I am so scared of discoloration. I just don’t think it is worth it if I can reach 6” without it. I wonder if people that get discoloration just don’t warm-up/warm-down properly and keep heat on it during the process?

If I remember correctly big girtha used to HANG then clamp then hang then clamp over and over. Which in my ears sound pretty effective for girth. Because the way I see it is you’re stretching it lengthwise then you engorge it to the max girthwise. Expanding the penis in every direction.

Ofcourse this is just a newb’s point of view.

Hi again bro! I also picked up an air clamp, shortly after you. So far no MSEG gains, only insignificant base gains. I’m currently experimenting with pumping+jelqing for a few weeks, before I go back to clamping again. You can say I’m on the theory “Keep the penis guessing” right now. I’m measuring very often to track my results, I hope you are too!
How big is your MSEG now before clamping sets?

I’m still 4.5-4.7 EG (depending on horniness).

Start: 6.3 BPEL x 4.5 MSEG & 4.5 BSEG

Now: 7.7 x 4.7 x 5.5 BSEG

Goal: 8 x 6

Originally Posted by James00

I have considered clamping far off in the future, but I am so scared of discoloration. I just don’t think it is worth it if I can reach 6” without it. I wonder if people that get discoloration just don’t warm-up/warm-down properly and keep heat on it during the process?

I was always worried about discoloration also. But then I thought about it and said who gives a fuck. I am single and I want to pound the shit out of girls with a big dick while I still can. Color doesn’t matter. I have found by limiting my sessions to 10 minutes, discoloration isn’t really an issue.

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

The search NO longer continues. :)


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