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Clamped Jelqs are working OK for me

Clamped Jelqs are working OK for me

My first post here. I’ve been doing jelqs and stretches off-and-on since at least the 90’s and I’ve been lurking here for a number of years too.

Almost about 2 months ago I started hand clamping (“OK” sign with my hand) at the base to force in more blood for girth. Not long after I very carefully started doing jelqs with this. I use coconut oil. I’ll usually do about 10 mins of this in the morning and 10 more in the evening for a daily total of about 20 mins. (I do some warm up exercises and stretches too) Just about everyday.

I’ve gotten more results doing this than all the previous years of regular jelqing. The girth increase is obvious, my flaccid hang is bigger (getting closer to being a “shower” than a “grower”) and my erect BPEL has gone from about 7” to 7 1/4”. I was very gingerly when I started, but now I can squeeze hard and jelq thru like it’s nothing now.

I’ll mix it up when I’m doing this; maybe a few minutes semi-hard, a few minutes hard, sometimes jelqing downward, sometimes jelqing outward. I’ll clamp with the left hand as close as possible to the base and jelq with the right hand, then switch hands about every 15-20 jelqs.

Any comments on what I could be doing better are welcome.

It seems you are doing everything right, these are called girthblasters over here, gprent posted a thread about them a decade ago.

Thanks Walter5169. I searched and found that thread here; (as well as a few other threads mentioning girthblasters)

Girth Blasters New Jelq Technique

I noticed what I’m doing differently is that my bone-pressed squeezing hand is palm-up while my jelqing hand is palms down. The girthblaster is both palms down to be able to alternate hands after each jelq. What I’m doing seems to be closer to what’s called a "jelq-squeeze" where the hands don’t alternate so much (although the video for that is also both palms down)

I tried it, and I’m not quite comfortable with both palms down, but I’ll persist to see if it works better for me. But for now I’ll mainly do one palm up, the other down, and switch hands about every 15-20 jelqs as I’ve been doing. As gprent’s post also mentions, keep it very slick - very important. If only had had known about this 20 years ago.

Gprent also mentioned he’s doing a 30min session, 2 days on, 1 day off. I’m doing 10min morning, 10min evening, for a total of 20 mins everyday (though maybe an occasional missed session here and there due to being busy) Am I doing enough? Should I spend more time at this?

If you are gaining and there is not negative IF I don’t see why you should change your routine adding more time.

Creciendo día a día... en todos los sentidos :D

Any experts want to chime in on doing this with a cable clamp instead of the hand? I would presume it would not be wise to fully clamp and do this.

Serious starting point: Nov. 2, 2009/BPEL 5.75 x 4.75 inches.

Current BPEL 7 1/2 x 5.5 inches.

Goal: BPEL 8 x 6 inches. Hell, if I hit 8, I'm going for 9!

Some have done jelqs while clamped with success but it may not be worth the risk.

As gne said, please don’t fall in the trap of doing more to gain more when you are already gaining, you could stop the gains altogether, there are no shortcuts .

Originally Posted by Walter5169

Some have done jelqs while clamped with success but it may not be worth the risk.

As gne said, please don’t fall in the trap of doing more to gain more when you are already gaining, you could stop the gains altogether, there are no shortcuts .

I just wonder how much is too much. My junk already feels like it’s going to explode when I’m fully clamped.

Serious starting point: Nov. 2, 2009/BPEL 5.75 x 4.75 inches.

Current BPEL 7 1/2 x 5.5 inches.

Goal: BPEL 8 x 6 inches. Hell, if I hit 8, I'm going for 9!

When it explodes you’ll know it was too much .

Members do not agree on wether girth work should be done in a pliable state or not, I think the idea has some merits, but then some guys triple clamped (or more) and made great gains.

Update - I’ve tried doing both hands palms down, and it’s just not working out for me - I still prefer squeeze hand up + jelq hand down, then switch hands about every minute or so. Also when I do these I’m not doing it straight out but rather somewhat to angle, but both sides (so I’m not orienting it more to one side)

The issue of being in a pliable state or not is something I’ve never quite gotten as to which is right. Some say jelqing while hard is bad, other say it’s alright. What’s a good authority on this?

Thirdly, do you guys continue the jelq stroke over and past the head? I do, but I lighten the grip as I pass over it. But here in the jelq squeeze video he stops just short of the head, what’s anyone opinion on this?

Jelq Squeeze Video

One more question - as I said above I’m doing two 10min sessions, one morning and one nite, for a total of 20mins daily (plus a few extra mins for warmup)

I don’t really know if that’s sufficient or too little. What would anyone suggest as far as frequency?

A. Everyday
B. 2 days on, 1 day off

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